Honey has been used since ancient times throughout many parts of the world.
In some countries honey was used in religious ceremonies and is even mentioned in religious sacred books such as the Holy Bible, Talmud and Koran.
Roman soldiers used honey on their wounds after coming back from battle.
The famous Julius Caesar is said to have accepted honey as payment for taxes from those who were unable to pay in gold.
Hippocrates (the Greek physician) and Dioscorides (the Greek philosopher and physician) from the past are credited for bringing to light the medicinal value in honey.
Honey is highly valued in many countries even to this day where it's used in medicine, cooking, cosmetics and to preserve food.
Thank you Cabmgmnt. I personally like the honey, olive oil and salt scrub which is ideal for exfoliating the skin :)
I like these recipes!
Thank you SallyTx. Pleased to know you found the information useful.
Great ideas and excellent recipes! ;D