Horton Hears a Who Book

by MuminBusiness

Horton Hears a Who has a wide number of character strengths you will want to talk over with your children as you read it countless times to them.

"A person’s a person, no matter how small."

I love this quote from ‘Horton hears a Who’, don’t you?

I remember reading this book as a little girl and now I read it to my children and I cannot wait for them to be able to read it themselves.

They have also found great pleasure in the movie starring the voice talents of Jim Carrey (great Comedian, although he does keep wondering off to do other genres) and Steve Carell. The movie was great in its own way as it gave even more substance to the story but the simplicity of the story is unparalleled sweetness.

Dr Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who Book

The original book written by Dr Seuss in 1954 is a story of an elephant, Horton.  He is a remarkable elephant whose life was changed by hearing tiny little voices yelp as a speck of dust wafted by his rather large ear.

It became his mission to save the little people he could not see but that he could hear.  This is a book full of various virtues to talk about with your little one as you read the story together.

  • First of all he has to drag himself out of his relaxation and choose to do something about the problem.  This immediately teaches a child about doing the right thing regardless of the cost.
  • Next, he is faced by a doubter – Someone who cannot hear what Horton does and so therefore is convinced it is unreal. There will always be someone to tell you or your child that whatever they are thinking of, is impossible.  Sometimes, they will need to ignore everyone and just do whatever is on their heart to do.
  • Next, he was laughed at – People will laugh at you sometimes but hey, the prize is worth the offense.

Horton Hears a Who - Hardback and Paperback

Horton Hears A Who!
$10.1  $10.0
Horton Hears a Who! (Dr. Seuss: Yellow Back Books)
Only $2.82
My town is called Who-ville, for I am a Who
And we Whos are all thankful and grateful to you

Horton the Elephant

A nice reminder of everything talked about

Some more Favorable Character Traits from 'Horton hears a Who'

  • There are rewards along the journey as long as one starts it.  It might seem tough to deal with the doubts at the beginning which may get louder and more persistent as ‘well-meaning’ people try to dissuade you from following your chosen path. This is how resolve and determination are improved; perseverance and a strong character are developed as one stands firm.  No one got stronger without adversity.  Children can learn this as they listen to the story.
  • Finally, people come round to Horton’s way of thinking as the truth becomes clear to everyone.  If we stand firm in what we believe then in some cases, the truth may become clear to those who originally doubted and we are exalted.

Yes, ‘Horton hears a Who’ gives you an opportunity to talk through a  range of virtues and concepts with your child or children.  You will probably come up with more as it is a story that was written to appeal to a whole nation, if the rumors are true of the reason Dr Seuss wrote the book. (To help rebuild relations between Germany, Japan and the US).  

 It is a charming book with an amazing message that can be shared again and again. 

Horton hears a Who Movie

Horton hears a Who is an amazing story that can be read or watched. The movie has some very interesting and sometimes hilarious quotes in it. Enjoy!
Updated: 03/04/2012, MuminBusiness
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MuminBusiness on 11/19/2012

Thanks Dr Seuss Fan.

Dr. Seuss fan on 11/19/2012

I am a Dr. Seuss freak, and have read the great doctor extensively. Still you brought up a lot of points I had not thought of - like: "If we stand firm in what we believe then in some cases, the truth may become clear to those who originally doubted and we are exalted." It seems your kids will be well served by being around you when you read these books!

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