Horton hears a Who Quotes and Movie

by MuminBusiness

Horton hears a Who is an amazing story that can be read or watched. The movie has some very interesting and sometimes hilarious quotes in it. Enjoy!

Spent some of the evening watching the ‘Horton hears a Who’ movie again for about the millionth time and still it was amazing. Watching it through my girls’ eyes makes it all seem special and new again.

I never get tired of Horton the elephant. Again I was struck by some of the quotes from the movie. Though slightly different from the Horton hears a Who book, the movie is pretty meaningful and becomes even more so when watched and listened to again and again. Each time something new is gleaned from ‘Horton hears a Who’

So now I am going to share the Horton hears a Who quotes with you…

Horton hears a Who Quotes

From the Movie

"Then, humphing her nose
 Was sour Kangaroo.  
A type who's convinced
she knows better than you
She made every law
And then forced every rule
as self-proclaimed head
of the jungle of Nool."

We all know someone like this, right?  They are know-it-all’s who impose their will upon you.  Unfortunately sometimes they carry a whole lot of clout as people are too scared to offend them.  It is difficult to stand up to them but it MUST be done.

Horton, speaking to the Kangaroo: "No, the speck can't call out for help. Come on!. Get real! No. There's a tiny person on that speck and he needs my help."

Imagine saying that out loud!  How long before the Shrink is called?!

 Horton to the Mayor of Who-ville: "I don't exactly know how to tell you this. But...You're living on a speck."

Some More Horton hears a Who Quotes

The Mayor to Horton – "Listen Horton, I‘ve gotta go, Apparently there's a problem with a giant meatball."   Horton replies - You just take care of that meatball, Sir. And leave the freaking out to me. 

The Irony!

Horton approaches the canyon he must cross to reach a safe place for the clover and says

“I mean how hard can it be?  It's just a straight plummet to certain death.” O, well if that is all, lets get on with it! "

Couldn't we all do with that courage? Or maybe not...

 Horton is trying to cross a canyon on some decidedly flimsy looking bridge

“I just need to think light.  I'm light as a feather. I'm light as a feather."

 An actual feather drops on the bridge and proves too heavy for the bridge!  

"Heavy feather" Horton says. As the feather concept is not working, with great creativity he moves to the next idea. 

“I'm lighter than a feather.What's lighter than a feather?Ha-ah! Air!   There's nothing lighter. So, it stands to reason that the more air I have, the lighter I will be.” 

He proceeds to fill himself with huge gulps of air!

Without giving too much away, he did survive until the end of the movie so something must have worked! 

The Mayor’s wife to her husband

“Sweetheart.  I know you're under a lot of stress.  And if you’re seeing elephants and flowers, then fine.  Just don't tell anyone else that story.”  

A loving and supportive yet practical wife :-)

The mayor and Horton get to know each other

“You have family?” Horton says 

The mayor replies: “I do indeed. A beautiful wife, 96 daughters and one son.”  


A conversation between Morton (friend) and Horton the elephant.  Morton has just mentioned that the snooty Kangaroo has employed the services of Vlad to obtain the clover.  

Horton: Is it the bad Vlad or the bunny Vlad that makes the Cookies?  
Morton: Yeah, Horton.She's sending you a bunny with cookies...I think we can assume it's not that Vlad.   Horton: Yeah, that's a good call. 

Ha ha!

The best Horton hears a Who Quotes

And now for the best two quotes and the most meaningful, I feel - 

"I meant what I said. I said what I meant.  An elephant's faithful 100%."

  “A person’s a person, No matter how small” 


If you have not seen the Horton hears a Who movie, then you really should.  It is a spectacularly great, wholesome movie that the whole family will enjoy time and time again. We do!

Updated: 03/03/2012, MuminBusiness
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