How to Add an Amazon Carousel Widget

by katiem2

Learn to add Amazon products to your sales pages in a catchy interactive format that looks great. Plus follow the ongoing study determining if it converts.

The Amazon carousel widget is great for sales pages highlighting products people are looking for, It's a great accent to a few Amazon gallery items used for the image benefit plus product debut. Here at Wizzleys you will be happy to find top notch writing tools. Settle in as I share with you one of the great tools at your disposal to create very impressive pages standing out among the rest.

With Amazon being a front runner in product sales we the creators of great wizzes or Internet pages take pride in creating beautiful user friendly pages that are now interactive. Yes interactive, with the attractive, impressive and interactive Amazon Carousel Widget. Writers commonly create amazon modules with the selected products placed just below or beside a text module. This is one great way often including the grey color option as a contrasting color to the module in hopes of making it pop, jump out to the reader.

1. The Amazon Widget

Here at Wizzley we take pride in building great wizzes for internet users.

We now have a very impressive option with a competitive edge.  The new carousel option makes wizzes or articles here at Wizzley look more high tech and skillful.  This makes the pages of writers using the carousel widget option stand out from those who don't have this option.  You may have seen pages with the moving products and wondered how they do it.  Today I will walk you through the steps of adding these impressive product displays to your pages making you stand out above the rest.  The Amazon carousel is great for those pages offering product directed at product searches.  They may not be as advantageous on information articles and yet they can work there as well by always mentioning the products offered in the carousel. 


2. An Example of The Old Way

The hot new interactive way of displaying your amazon products will have your pages popping plus renew your readers interest in Amazon products.

Once upon a time we added content to a text module, this is still the procedure by which we include our quality content.  It is the method of displaying our Amazon product choices that has changed and changed in a big way. Although it looks complicated it is very easy to include.  

First and foremost always provide the reader with quality content, this is the first and most impressive way to build a following of readers. These readers eventually build a sense of trust with you as your content proves to be useful and correct delivering the best information the reader can find. Once this relationship of trust is solid the reader will consider you to be their go to person for solutions and then trust your product recommendations.  It's not the one time sale your after, it's the following of trusted readers who come to you for product reviews and product purchases, this is how you make money.

As you look to the right of this text module you will note the old version of displaying Amazon products.  This is what you will do less and less finding yourself changing old formats as you get the hang of incorporating carousels to your wizzes, product sales and content pages. I'll include products any busy article writer cannot live without.

Does this look familiar? Below I'll show you the new method I use to dazzle my readers, you be the judge, which representation of Amazon products do you feel is best.  

Dell D620 Laptop Duo Core with Windows XP

Only $67.0
Dell Inspiron 14" i14RN-1364DBK Laptop with Inter Core i3-2330M 2.2Ghz, 4GB DDR3 Memory, 640GB ...

Introducing the new Inspiron 14R laptop. With a 14-inch display, 2nd Gen Intel Core processors and optional switchable lid designs, you get the look you want and the ...

HP TouchPad Wi-Fi 16 GB 9.7-Inch Tablet Computer

Get more done with the HP TouchPad Wi-Fi 16GB, a tablet designed to work like you do. Connect, play, surf and share more easily. Stay organized by grouping your related ...

Only $250.0
Toshiba Thrive 10.1-Inch 16 GB Android Tablet AT105-T1016

Introducing the Thrive™ Tablet by Toshiba, powered by Android™ 3.1, Honeycomb, offering a better way to browse the web, enjoy e-books and HD videos, play games, listen to ...

Only $270.0
Apple iPod touch 8GB (4th Generation) - Black - Current Version

The world's most popular portable gaming device is even more fun. Now available in black and white, iPod touch includes iOS 5 with over 200 new features, like iMessage, ...

Only $193.1
Sony Digital Flash Voice Recorder (ICD-PX312)

Record live music, lectures and notes with this digital voice recorder featuring a built-in 2GB flash memory, a memory card slot and an easy-to-read display. Press record and ...

$115.2  $69.77

3. Highlighting Amazon Products

As we learn better we do better, look at the two comparisons side by side, or top to bottom and see for yourself the difference presentation makes.

The tool highlighted today is called the carousel widget.  It's always been common practice to display amazon products like those I've left in the example above, and most optimally side by side.  

This option tends to look best top to bottom as you will see from the example I've created with the use of this text module and the display of products highlighted below.  Notice the carousel arrows, you can move the products, see the prices hovering over the products, this fun little gadget makes the products irresistible as the new look attracts the attention.  After you note the difference look for the step by step method I use to add the carousel options to my wizzes.


4. Do Amazon Carousel Convert?

What is a conversion rate?
  • A conversion rate is what happens when a reader or visitor clicks on your page, in other words to they stay or do they go.  
  • The conversion rate is the percentage of visits resulting in your goal which could be the amount of time a reader spends at your page, the interaction they engage in and or a purchase or click through to a Google ad.  
  • The conversion rate is the rate at which visitors do what you want them to do thus achieving your goal.  

5. Testing The Conversion Rate

I'm conducting a test to determine the conversion rate of the amazon widget.

A conversion concern has been brought to my attention, the question was asked will the carousels stop the reader from moving down the page and or will the carousels have an impact on the conversion rate?

A study of adding the amazon carousel widget is under way.  I will continue testing this option, delivering the results to you via this page. Today I share with you another method of using the carousel widget.  As you see I've added the carousel to the side of this text page.  What do you think?  Leave you input in the comments section of this page and together we'll discover the best and various methods of utilizing the tools in a manner receiving the best conversion rates.


6.The Steps to Add a Carousel

You may mix your product choices up adding a wider variety by going back and forth picking any amazon products you like from as many categories as you like by simply adding the product number.
  1. Move the Amazon module below the text module.  
  2. Open the Amazon module by clicking the edit button
  3. Select the carousel widget from the drop down box beside the layout option.
  4. Next select the category, this is important as you cannot save the module using carousel without selecting a category, but you do not have to adhere to that category, more on that later.
  5. Next select enter product numbers  (ASIN/ISBN) separated by commas; or one by one, I do one by one, as I like opening Amazon in another window and going back and forth from it to my wiz under construction adding the product codes I like, leaving the amazon module open all the while till I'm finished.  
  6. Simply find the product you want to add to your page, scroll down to the product details portion near the bottom of the page copy the asin or isbn product number.
  7. Head back to your article and paste the number in the enter products grey bar and click add, repeat up to six times.
  8. Before you save it you may move the products around in the order you like.  Once you get a feel for the best visual layout you will take advantage of this option, to do so simply hover over the product and slide it to wherever you want.
  9. Click save, the window will close leaving a blank screen, you won't see your product carousel till the article is in view mode or published.  
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Learn how to add a Wizzley referral banner to your pages. The easy steps to recruit new writers with all your Wizzley Articles.
Updated: 09/23/2012, katiem2
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katiem2 on 10/08/2012

Great, looking forward to seeing them in your upcoming articles. :)K

katiem2 on 09/23/2012

Thanks Dustytoes, great to be of help.

dustytoes on 09/21/2012

I am just beginning to add more Amazon modules and came here to learn about this widget. I always thought it looked nice on a page, but wasn't sure how many items to include - I see, up to six - thank you. The smaller one on the side looks good too.

sheilamarie on 06/08/2012

I've never used this Amazon option, but I'm going to have to give it a try.

Roohi on 06/08/2012

This is very useful. I had no idea about the Amazon carousel widget. I am surely going to give it a try for my next article. Thanks!

katiem2 on 06/07/2012

Sheri, Thanks glad you found this helpful the carousel is a nice option that works well for targeted audiences who come looking for a product.

redelf, So good to have you here, don't hesitate to ask questions, if I can't answer it I'm sure I can direct you as to who can. Great Wizzards here, as I like to refer to us...

Sheri_Oz on 06/07/2012

I like the way the carousel looks. I think I will give it a try.

redelf on 06/07/2012

Thanks so much, katie! I learned a lot from this, and will be busy reading up on Wizzley "how-to" for a while

katiem2 on 06/06/2012

lobobrandon, I will maintain the most positive thoughts of you excelling on your exams and look for your work when you return from your testing and visits. :)

lobobrandon on 06/06/2012

Katie, my exams are going to end by Monday and then I've got a whole 2 and a half months of holidays. I don't have any plans other than a few visits to my cousins place and stuff. So I'd have lots of spare time mid day to write when there's nothing else to do :)

I guess, I should write some holiday based wizzes as I've never written any before. I began writing online in Nov 11 - was too late for Christmas based articles by the time I learnt most of the basics.

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