How To Draw A Ghost Rider Skull Step By Step

by onepagearticles

Drawing a Ghost Rider skull step by step in three long drawing tutorial art videos.

Draw a Ghost Rider skull which is in flames just like the comic book character. Watch each drawing video tutorial to see the pencil sketching process, the inking stage and the way of coloring in the skull drawing with Crayola color pencils.

Drawing Ghost Riders Skull

Draw Flaming Ghost Rider Skull

How to draw a Ghost Rider skull. Drawing a flaming skull is fun and that is what we are going to go through right now. Drawing the Ghost Riders skull on fire is the basic idea we want to achieve, so we always start off with a draft sketch to get the ball rolling on this design. For this drawing I have chosen to do a facing forward front view of Ghost Rider's Skull so you can see right into them eyes.

Drawing A Ghost Rider Skull

Ghost Rider Skull Drawing

Inking The Pencil Lines

Ghost Rider Skull Inking

One of the best ways of making your drawings stand out is to ink it. Now there are many great ink pens out there, but I always prefer to use the cheapest because I'm a budget Artist. Sometimes though this may not be an option for some as there are some right garbage cheap ink pen products on the market, so if you do your research then you can find some good, but very cheap ink pens. I never pay more than $2 -$4 for a pack of gel ink pens.

In the following video I tried as a whole to improve the drawing and correct any pencil drawing mistakes done in the sketching stage. You could trace what you have drawn if you have drawn it perfectly in pencil, but as I rarely draw in pencil perfectly then I like to improve the drawing whilst inking it.

The inking stage is your perfect opportunity to define certain areas of your drawing. In the case of this Ghost Rider Skull on fire you want the recesses of the drawing to be more darker such as the mouth and under the eyes and the rest will be fine line ink marks because when it comes to the coloring stage you want room to draw the highlighted flame colors on the skull.

Inking A Ghost Rider Skull

Inking Technique With Gel Ink Pen

Coloring A Ghost Rider Skull

Prismacolor Coloring Tutorial

Many Artists may tell you to start coloring with the darkest colors first and work your way up to the highlights or the lightest colors. This is a good idea however that's easier said than done if you are organized. I am not too bothered, but you might be. I was more interested in trying to convey the flame colors effectively at the coloring stage than anything. Some people might argue that not everything on the skull works realistically as a good highlighted colored skull drawing.

Prismacolor color pencils are always a good choice for coloring as they blend more smoothly than most other colored pencils. But don't worry if you don't have them as they are slightly more expensive than other pencils. Crayolas still are a good choice because they are available at a lesser price.


How To Color In Ghost Rider Skull

Coloring Ghost Rider Skull With Crayola Pencils
Ghost Rider Comics
Ghost Rider Omnibus

Superstar writer Jason Aaron's searing take on the Spirit of Vengeance finds Johnny Blaze facing off against the forces of heaven itself in an epic saga that sends Ghost Rider d...

Marvel  / $88.3  $262.8

View on Amazon

Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch Classic - Volume 1 (Ghost Rider (Marvel Comics))

1990: The debut of Danny Ketch as the Spirit of Vengeance - with menace, misfortune, and mystery waiting for him! After an origin whose full implications remain unrevealed to th...

Marvel  / $29.99  $28.99

View on Amazon

Updated: 07/18/2013, onepagearticles
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Draw Ghost Rider Flaming Skull

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DerdriuMarriner on 12/02/2023

It's quite dramatic the ghost rider flaming skull.

Some colors may get negative or positive, reassuring or scary associations attached to them by their subject matter's demeanor and physique.

Might your flaming choices represent 100 percent your interpretation or might some percentage acknowledge choices by previous masters?

Would the exact same intensity work for a righteous guardian or would you alter it somewhat to convey something more positive and reassuring?

MikeRobbers on 07/20/2013

Interesting post and the videos are quite useful. The step by step drawings would be even more interesting!

onepagearticles on 07/19/2013

cheers now....I'll be filling this out for sure with some detailed step by step drawings too.

Thamisgith on 07/19/2013

I can't draw for peanuts - but I'll send this link on to my teenage son who is a very keen (and skilled) draughtsman.

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