Beetroot is a secretive vegetable, growing steadily under the earth, out of sight, storing up its sweetness and ruby glow for our later delight. Its luscious purple and green tops make wonderful additions to salads and are delicious gently steamed, like spinach.
It also makes wonderful pickles which will line your shelves with rose-tinted jewels to see you through the harsh winter months and well into the summer salad season.
And if you enjoy juicing your vegetables, beetroot is an essential addition to your health regime!
Hello Mira! Thanks so much for pinning my article! I appreicate that! :)
Pinned onto my Gardening board. (I'm going back to some articles I've read to pin them.)
Thank you cmoneyspinner! I haven't got my head round hash-tagging - so thanks for your help! :)
Shared to Pinterest. Hope the hashtags help.
Hi Frank - It's lovely having an allotment isn't it. I had one for a few years but unfortunately had to give it up due to health problems. So glad you are out there carrying on the good work and enjoying it!
Kathleen, you have hit the nail on the head. Just today I was on the allotment, refurbishing the soil in the raised beds and harvesting carrots, and the size of them gave me great pleasure.The joy of gardening! I am looking to Spring and am coming alive with the joy of it all.
Mira, beetroot can be white, as many vegetables can be varied in colour. I was on the shore on the isle of Anglesey over the weekend, and I saw its ancestor, Seabeet, growing wild on the beach. So innocuous, so powerful in its fertility, and to think that so much came from this innocent looking plant.
ologsinquito - Yes, you are right! That's the beauty of loving plants and gardening - you are always looking beyond the winter months to spring!
Mira - I boil the fresh beetroot whole, for about half an hour, leaving about 2 inches of the leaves on. You can also bake them in the oven for a couple of hours too - I haven't done this yet! I am not sure about white beetroot, not having tried them!
It's hard to believe, but now is the time to start thinking about gardening and what you'll need to grow your own vegetables.
I use beetroot in one of my favorite baked veggies dish. They add a lot a flavor and are wonderful baked, I think. I've also tasted them this Christmas with horseradish, vinegar, salt, and cumin. I didn't know beeroot can also be white! Just like carrots and tomatoes, I guess: it can take a surprising color -- and shape: I've only seen round beets.
I'd be curious to learn how you cook beetroot!