How to Make a Pom-Pom Bee

by Sylvestermouse

Step by Step instructions for making a pom pom bee with lots of photos.

Here you will find a detailed tutorial for creating your own pom pom bees. Easy instructions with lots of photos always makes crafting easier and these pom pom bees are one of the easiest crafts you will ever make.

I have also provided an extensive supply list so you can have everything needed to complete your pom pom bee before you start the project.

Pom-Pom Bumble Bees

The Story Behind Our Bees

Making Pom-Pom Bees is really very easy!  Most kids are fascinated by real bumble bees and when my son was a little lad, he loved to simply sit down next to our flowers and wait for the bees arrival.  HPom Pom Beee never touched the bees; he just studied them with captivated awe.  

Because of his love for these little creatures, I set out on a mission.  I wanted to give him a bumble bee that he could touch and hold until his heart was content. 

I have always had a large craft supply on hand for when such emergencies arose.  We gathered pom poms, chenille stems, wiggly eyes and our craft glue.  Together we made a pom pom bee that he could have and hold from that day forward.

The bee pictured here was his very first pom-pom bumble bee.  That bee is about 18 years old and he is still one of my son's treasures.  I had to sneak the little bee out of my son's bedroom while my son was sleeping to take his picture so you could see him.  Fear not!  The little bee is back where he belongs and my son is still asleep :)

Oh! You Want One Too!

Then Let's Get Busy. I'll Show You Step by Step How to Make Your Own Pom-Pom Bumble Bee

The Supply List


  1. Black Pom-Pom ~ 1"  
  2. Yellow Pom-Pom ~ 1 1/2" or 2"  
  3. 1 Black Chenille Stem
  4. 2 Wiggly Eyes ~ 5 mm
  5. Flower Stamen
  6. White Pantyhose & Floral Wire OR Silver Chenille Stem


Tools Needed

  1. Low Temp Glue Gun & Glue Sticks OR Craft Glue *
  2. Sissors
  3.  Wire Cutters  (Optional)
  4. Needlenose Pliers  (Optional)


*If an adult is assembling this bee, a glue gun should be used and allows a faster assembly.  However, glue guns can severely burn, therefore, if a child is making the bee, please use craft glue.  It will take approximately 1 hr. for craft glue to completely dry between steps.

Assemble The Pom-Pom Bee

  1. Cut Black Chenille Stem into 4 pieces for LegsPom Pom Bee
  2. Cut Flower Stamen in half for the Antennae
  3. Glue the 2 Pom-Poms together  (See assembly note below.)

For A Studier Assembly

When gluing the pom-pom together, push apart the fur and glue the center of each pom-pom to the center of the other pom-pom. 

Special Note for Craft Glue Users 


I use a hair claw to hold the pom-poms

together until the glue drys.


Prior to the discovery of hair claws, I used clothespins, but they were often not quite

large enough.


 Help for drying craft glue

Add Eyes, Legs and Antennae to Your Pom Pom Bee

  1. Glue on Eyes
  2. Using 3 of the 4 Chenille Stem pieces, fold each stem piece (leg section) in half and glue on body as shown below.  Again, be sure to separate the fur and glue stem to center of pom pom.  3 leg sections need to be added to create 6 legs :)

Add eyes to Pom pom beeAdd legs to Pom pom bee

         3.  Shape legs so bee will stand.




4.  Glue in Antennae

Pom-Pom Bee Wings

Until Today, How I Make These Lovely Wings, Has Been a Secret

I am sharing my wing making technique here, and exclusively, on Wizzley.

To assemble these fabulous wings, you will need to cut a small section from a pair of white pantyhose and floral wire.  While I am certain there are other fabrics that would work just as well, hose are my preferred and proven material. 

     Note:  I will also offer alternate wing ideas


Instructions for Wings

  1. Cut two 6 1/2" pieces of floral wire
  2. Cut two 2" pieces of floral wire
  3. Cut one 2 1/4" piece from one leg of the pantyhose.
  4. Cut open that pantyhose piece and lay flat.
  5. Cut pantyhose piece in half to create 2 square pieces

    Bee Wings  


         6.  Shape the long wire piece as shown and twist the base tightly to hold your circle. 

              The circle should measure approx. 1 3/4" diameter.









        7.  Fold and stretch one pantyhose piece over the wire form, catching all raw edges 

             between your fingers at the bottom. (See photo below)

        8.  Twist and tighten the short 2" piece of floral wire your previously cut around the bottom

              to hold the pantyhose tightly into place with needlenose pliers.  (See photos)

Pom Pom Bee wings


        9.  Trim excess hose fabric.

      10.  Set aside and make the second wing exactly the same way.

Finishing the Pom-Pom Bee

  1. Shape the wings to look like an uneven heart or earlobe. 

Pom Pom Bee wings

  1. Put a bead of glue around the bottom pantyhose edges for added security.
  2. Poke the wings between the head and body of the bee, tucking in the fabric edges. 
  3. Glue in place if desired.

Here He Is!

All Done!
Pom Pom Bumble Bee
Pom Pom Bumble Bee

Wing Alternatives

These are the more commonly used options

Silver Chenille Stem Wings

 These stems would be shaped the same way as the floral wire instructions above.

Pom Pom BeePom Pom Bee

On Stop Shopping for Supplies to Make Pom-Pom Bees

Chenille Stems, Yellow and Black Pom-Poms Are Available Separately, but I Usually Purchase the Assortments When Offered
Pom Poms 1-1/2" 15/Pkg: Yellow
Only $8.09
Pom Poms 1" 40/Pkg: Black
$1.59  $0.32
Craft Pom Poms 300/Pkg-Assorted Colors
Jo-Ann Stores
$10.56  $7.99
Chenille Stems 6mm 12-Inch, 100/Pkg, ...
Notions Marketing - Drop Ship
$8.15  $4.0
Charles Leonard Inc, Chenille Stems -...
Charles Leonard Inc.
Only $2.89
Glue-On Googly Eyes 5Mm-30Mm 120/Pkg ...
Fibre Craft
Flower Stamen Assortment
Wilton Products
Only $25.9
Paddle Wire 22 Gauge 110 Feet-Green
Only $6.99
Nylon Spandex Tights by Leg Avenue
Leg Avenue
Only $8.00

Bumble Bees Have Stripes and So Do The Pom-Pom Used for This Awesome Bee

Pom Pom Bumble Bee
Pom Pom Bumble Bee

The Tools

Having the Right Tools Always Makes Things Easier
Darice Chenille & Pom Pom Kit Striped...
Darice & Catan Floral
$22.52  $16.99
Clauss 33403 5.75" Floral Cutter, Pouch
Only $18.17
Stanley 84-096 5-Inch Needle Nose Plier
Stanley Hand Tools
Only $9.84
Adhesive Technologies 0440 Low Temp M...
Adhesive Technologies
Only $22.22

The Bees Were Only The Beginning!

They will also be "only the beginning" of my featured Pom-Pom Insects and Animals on Wizzley.


Pom Pom Bumble Bees

Pom Pom Bumble Bees
Pom Pom Bumble Bees

More Crafts by Sylvestermouse

I Will Be Adding Additional Pom-Pom Animals and Insects Soon Right Here on Wizzley, but for Now You can View More Crafts by Sylvestermouse Here:

Crafts in the House of Sylvestermouse
Because I understand the real desire to make original treasures, I am sharing some of my own personal ideas and instructions for making unique heirlooms.

Updated: 07/11/2022, Sylvestermouse
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This Article was Published in Honor of Chef and All of the Busy Bees on Wizzley!

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happynutritionist on 09/02/2014

That has got to be the cutest little bee I've ever seen:-) Love the detailed picture tutorials!

mbgphoto on 08/24/2014

What a clever idea. I bet my granddaughters would enjoy making these cute beed

Raintree on 08/24/2014

I Love this ! Bees are fascinating and these little pom pom bees are adorable :)

SusanZutautas on 08/24/2014

How cute!

RuthCox on 08/24/2014

I love your bumblebee pompom! Clever, cute, and crafty!

mandeesears on 06/02/2012

These are absolutely adorable! Your instructions are easy to follow too. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us!

ThePartyAnimal on 01/07/2012

Now those are beyond adorable !!!

Pinkchic18 on 10/27/2011

Wowza!! These are way too cute. And you are so creative! Great post :)

artsNink on 08/05/2011

This is adorable love it

ForestBear on 08/03/2011

These are so cute. Thank you for the tutorial, I'll bookmark this. Great article!

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