How to Make a Tree Devil Mask for Halloween
Here is an easy guide to making a Tree Devil Halloween Mask. Your children will have great fun creating their own evil tree masks using these simple instructions.
I'm sure you've often noticed that trees appear to have faces, especially if lost in the middle of a dark wood. Some have twisted evil expressions while others look homely and lumpy, but ancient Briton ancestors believed in tree spirits and worshipped them in strange ceremonies in the forests.
You too can turn yourself into a tree-devil with one of these masks. The following easy guide will help you make a mask that will scare your friends and family, yet cost very little to produce, as well as being good fun in the process.
I hope you enjoy letting your imagination run riot as you create the most evil looking tree devil mask you can.
Happy Halloween
You Will Need
A large empty breakfast cereal packet.
Two cardboard cylinders from toilet rolls.
Two egg-holders cut from an empty egg-box.
Some green crepe paper.
A sheet of silver foil.
Two thin twigs for hands.
A short thick twig for the nose.
Some thick paint.
Gum or paste.
Paint and paste brushes.
Cut off the top and bottom end flaps of the cereal packet, then use your toilet roll cylinders to make the horns. Trace around the ends with a pencil on the sides of the packet, then cut out the circles and insert the cylinders, (see fig. 1).
Then cover them with silver foil, twisting them up into curved points, (see fig. 2).
Make the bulbous eyes with the egg holders; cut little slits about half a centimetre long all round the edges, then bend back to form tabs, (see fig. 3).
Use these tabs to glue or paste them onto the mask.
In the centre of the face make two slits in the form of a cross, then push a thick bit of wood for the nose into the centre of the cross. Then paint the mask all over - sides and back too - with thick brown paint.
Wait for it to dry, and paint on black irregular circles for eyes and mouth. Using black, or different shades of brown or yellow, paint irregular, "woody" rings all round these features and between.
Cut strips from the green crepe paper, then cut one edge of each strip into a fringe.
Gum or paste the unfringed edges inside the top of the mask and bend the strips over to form leafy fronds.
Then stick twigs for hands in the sides, below the horns.
Finally, try the mask on, find out where your eyes will come, then take it off and cut two tiny peepholes.
Now you are all set to be a devil and scare the family!
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