Love is a complex emotion running the gamut from friendship to the highly sought after passionate love. While it can be difficult to know if its love, like, or a caring relationship there are many ways to know without a doubt where you stand with the person of interest and really get into their head. Yes, you can figure out the honest intentions of another by learning the basic love types and what love means to each. You no longer need take on the fault of yet another near miss, once you learn the truth about love and how different people love uniquely you will begin to easily spot those who are both right and or wrong for you while going about weeding though the bad options with little time or emotional investment.

How to Find True Love - The Six Types of Love
by katiem2
Learn the six different love types or the ways in which different people are capable of loving another. find your true love match by knowing the love type and style you seek.
How to Find Real Love
How to Find My Perfect Match
Everyone has a unique and specific ability to love that can be categorized into one of a variety of types. There is no right or wrong way to love another (abuse excluded) but instead a manner in which certain individuals are capable of expressing love to others. Understanding and matching your type to your perfect match is a simple science. Once you learn your type and are able to identify others you will greatly improve your odds of finding your split apart or the love of your life. Yes you can enjoy a honest to goodness love life. While there is not just one perfect match for everyone anyone can find many to choose from. It is merely a matter of where you live, how you want to live and your expectations for life. The pool of people in your compatible group give you many to chose from. Everyone truly can live happily ever after.
How to Spot True Love
Do Not Settle in Love
This information will leave you with no doubt eliminating the guess work once and for all.
The fret and worry about finding true love becomes a thing of the past as you replace it with solid and sound principals for love.
You will enjoy success in all areas of love once you pair yourself with the right love type.
Understanding the degree to which someone is capable of loving you as well as the style in which they do narrows the risk of heart break and can eliminate if and when you closely adhere to these principles.
The Right Love for You
Finding your perfect match is simple, just be honest about what you want, who your are and it's then you will find your perfect match.
The different types of relationships are;
Long-term committed
Short-term romance
Healthy friendship
What is My Love Type
People Do Not Change
The biggest mistake any woman or man can make it settling for a person they feel needs a few changes and hopes they occur. We can never expect a person to change into the type of love we need. People cannot change who they are, it never works, it's all about individual brain composition, we are who we are end of story.
What you can do is learn clearly who people are and work within the group of people who are a good match for you. Embrace who you are, the understanding of others and enjoy love!
Six Types of Love
Eros Love Loves Falling in Love
1) Eros Love is a romantic love primarily involving physical attraction embodied in the rush of new love and the intensity it creates. Eros love types are attracted to the physical appearance and attributes of others combined with an unrealistic expectation for anything long term.
The physical appearance of others is the Eros lovers primary desire for another basing the check list of their perfect match on the best looking person they can find.
The Eros relationship is best known for one of lust and intensity with a burning passion hard to maintain and therefore fizzles out quickly. An Eros lover craves the rush of the first burst of romantic chemistry with little to no focus on the emotional needs and aspects of love.
The Eros love type is basically addicted to the rush of an amazingly handsome or beautiful catch. This love type consist of those who are typically known as players, cheaters, and those who divorce many times if they ever marry at all. Many Eros love types are narcissist, vain and self absorb with their own good looks and reputation.
Pragma Love is Practical and Rational
Picks Person Based on Personal Needs
2) Pragma Love is rational and practical. The pragma type seeks a lover based on requirements that meet their needs or more to the point their weaknesses. Pragma lovers choose partners through a checklist of qualities in the areas of; education, income, social status, parenting gene potential, and the possessions they’ve acquired.
The pragma does not focus on the emotional aspects of love in their relationships they think and plan as to who will work the best to fulfill their long term goals. There is little evidence of intense passion in this type of relationship.
Common sense tells us this type of lover is less concerned with what they can do for themselves rather than what a partner can do for them. The pragma lover typically lacks ambition and self confidence otherwise why would they not expect these important aspect from themselves.
How to spot a pragmatic lover - they will have a check list of questions for you from the beginning. The pragmatic lover is best suited with a person who puts the needs of others before their own.
Warning they tend to be takers not givers.
Friendship Based Love
The Friend Who Loves You
3) Storage Love is one of friendship. This type of love is confusing beginning with a strong friendship that develops into feelings of love and romantic notions with a heavy dose of doubt.
Anytime we begin to wonder about the possibilities of a friend becoming our lover we doubt the doubt the idea writing it off as our own silly fantasy that will never take root. The fine line between a strong loving bond with a friend can easily cross the line. The area of sex is less important to the storage lover with a higher regard for common interest, caring, compassion and a tight bond they feel will stand the test of time. A storage approach to love is less about romance, if at all, and more about the bond of a time tested friendship. Sexual needs are basic with little expectation of a intense sensual realtionship with a storage love type.
The Type to Settle Down
Agape Love is the Perfect Spouse Family Man or Woman
4) Agape Love is one of a selfless person with a strong family bond. It is also known as “divine love” it is a love that is self sacrificing and altruistic love.
As per the dictionary - Altruism is selfless concern for the welfare of others, meaning this person puts other before themselves.
Agape love or the altruistic love is a traditional virtue in many cultures, and a core aspect of various religious traditions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Sikhism, and many others.
Agape love is best suited for the love of God, Martyrs and Saints. Thinking of agape love in terms of a healthy romantic love, most desire a more give and take where as Agape love is based fully on giving and is based on duty. This type of lover will be faithful, dependable, practical and regimented. This will not be a thrilling, spontaneous or excited type of love but a solid relationship based on sound principles.
Lovers Who Never Seem Serious
Ludus Love or Immature Happy Go Lucky Love
5) Ludus Love is one filled with a ever flowing source of fun and games with ludus love type. Ludus lovers crave excitement and the rush of adrenaline. A ludus love is more about the high attained when first forming a relationship. The ludus lover easily grows bored when it comes to the building and nurturing of a long term relationship. They love the thrill of the chase and that of a new conquest, not long term relationship material. To remain in a relationship with a ludus love type you would be required to do daring things. You can imagine the risky behavior needed to maintain the rush a ludus love craves.
Fatal Attraction is Real
Type Six is Mania Love
6) Mania Love is one of the fatal attraction scenario. This type of lover offers one wild and crazy ride. The mania lover comes out of the gate appearing as an intensely romantic. This phase is often used to insure the manic lover gets their mate. A change often soon follows leaving you with a, who is this person type of wonderment. A manic lover is possessive, jealous, controlling and dependent all at once. These characteristics point to an addictive relationship not a healthy romantic love. The mania love type most often seems over whelmed with turmoil, exhibiting extreme over reactions, obsession, and control issues all of which can lead to stalking, threats and or even worse.
Finding My Perfect Match
Once you line up your love needs and abilities with a compatible match true love will be yours.
What a wake up call to realize the differences in ones ability to love. Now that you've read and learned about the different types of love you will easily identify others ability to love and to what degree. This eliminates so much pain and suffering.
We often dig our heals in, convincing ourselves we love someone we actually may not. It's more about rejection, feeling as if someone is rejecting your love and adoration drives us to succeed denying failure and working the mismatched relationship into the ground.
The truth of the matter is not that you have failed at love, in reality you have been barking up the wrong tree. This person is not rejecting you, they are doing only what their sociological make-up allows them, all the while not understanding or clicking with yours.
We are all different, not everyone can love just anyone! There is a lot of love in the world and this writer believes it can strike often. Do like the most successful people of the world, give it a go, admit when it's not working and move on the the next adventure. You'll know it without a doubt when it's the one and be so glad you held out for true love.
The best relationships grow from honest feelings of love and attraction. Attraction is simply one person enjoying the character, personality and individual qualities both physical and mental of another fitting into their personal desires.
Love a Basic Emotion
Love is a basic emotion we all experience and all the more reason you should learn to expect love in return.
As you read on you realize many issues holding you back are in large due to you questioning your own lovable factor. Most of us experience a lot of self doubt in the area of love. Once you realize what love type you are the confidence you gain is huge and frees you of self doubt.
Love is a basic and simple emotion all healthy people experience, need and crave, knowing the types of love is a good place to start when it come to understanding your possible connection to another.
What you really need to know is if the object of your affection is capable of giving you what you desire.
To do this you must understand the type of love you naturally seek and need determining if the person in question is a compatible match for you.
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What Love Type are You and What Type of Love do You Need.
Celia, So happy you found the different ways people love romantically, the varying types and abilities to love are vital to understand.
Very enlightening I had no idea about the unique ability to love others by type. This was my light bulb moment. As i read i thought of many who fit into each love type. It is a bit like horoscopes.
Tina, Glad you found this enlightening, I feel it's amazing and great insights into the perfect match for you.
This is very cool and such a light bulb moment for you. It makes good sense. I'm happy I stumbled upon your work today. I don't even remember what brought me to you I've been lost in your work for hours now.