How To Repair A Sewing Machine

by MaryF

Repairing a sewing machine is not difficult with a bit of know-how and a few basic tools. Many crafters love the older, mechanical sewing machines, so repair skills are in demand.

Learning to Repair Sewing Machines can Save You Money or Even Make You Money!

Its a well-known fact that your sewing machine will only ever need a repair when you are already behind on your sewing project - and probably in the middle of a holiday weekend. Learning how to repair a sewing machine can save your sanity and a lot of money. 

But you can even take it a step further - I have you ever thought about building a small business on the basis of your knowledge about how to repair sewing machines? The current economic crises means the that sewing is back in fashion, and lots of sewing machines which have been in the back cupboard for years are suddenly being dusted off and set up again.

Repair Your Sewing Machine Save Your Money

Most sewing machines are built to last but any mechanical device needs servicing and repair from time-to-time. However its not always easy to get your machine to repairer - they are not to be found in every neighborhood and sewing machines can be heavy and awkard to get into the car and out again at the other end. And then you are without the machine for a number of days.

Most repairers will also require a deposit before they start work and will ask for a minimum fee of $50 or more. Sometimes you are paying them that for 5 minutes works and a squirt of oil...

Learn How to Repair a Sewing Machine

Fix Your Own Machine or Start A Sewing Machine Repair Business
Fix a sewing machine offers several valuable courses to teach sewing machine repair for the do it yourselfer and for those interested in starting their own business.

Sewing Machine Repair Course
Sewing Machin...

It's Easy To Fix A Sewing Machine

Have you ever thought about running a part-time business from home? If you are good with your hands why not consider offering to fix sewing machines for friends, family and contacts? Its not a business that requires a huge initial outlay in tools and equipment. You don't need to pay thousands for an expensive course on how sewing machine repair either. In fact you don't have to leave home to learn how to both fix your own machine and start a part-time income for yourself: check out this study course on how to repair sewing machines

The good news is that repairing sewing machines is neither a difficult nor dirty job. Its not like repairing your car!

In fact you probably own most of the sewing machine repairers kit: tweezers, sewing machine oil, screwdriver, small brush, flashlight and hand-held vacuum.

Even the parts are easy to obtain: many items such as bobbins and drive belts are cheaply available online and available from third-party suppliers.

Sewing Machine as a Paying Hobby

If you are a bit handy, and enjoy making thing work, then setting yourself up as a part-time sewing machine repair person is more than possible. The outlay in tools is minimal, and if you are good, then word-of-mouth advertising will get you plenty of customers for next-to-no advertising! 

The Complete Handbook of Sewing Machine Repair

Only $173.89
The Sewing Machine Guide: Tips on Choosing, Buying, and Refurbishing

Anyone who has ever shopped for a sewing machine knows that it can be as difficult as buying a used car and just as expensive. Now you can go into the process knowing what to ...

$7.25  $13.95
Updated: 11/27/2011, MaryF
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