This just in; by now you have heard the reports from studies proving intermittent fasting improves health, helps prevent Alzheimer plus a host of other disease and illness. I am thrilled my natural way of eating is now trending as way to insure good health and well being.
If you are one of those people who do not eat nor like the idea of eating breakfast this type of weight loss routine is exactly what you want. Health experts tell us eating a well balanced breakfast is paramount to a healthy weight but are they correct? So how, you may ask, is it possible to skip breakfast and lose weight? It is simple, replace breakfast with an easy to make fatty coffee, sometimes known as fat burning coffee. Break this fatty coffee fast at noon or later in the day with a green smoothie, ending the day with a hearty dinner of protein, vegetables and other healthy fats.
Chat about fasting, fatty coffee and freezing fat
Philip, Thank you I do intend to deliver practical knowledge that actually works and saves we the consumer from paying to much money for something we can do ourselves.
Very practical it makes good sense. We are smarter and more capable than the health and beauty industry gives us credit.
DedriuMarriner, Check out the article link on fatty coffee on this page, it contains some cool tips, hacks and recipes for making fatty coffee. The trick is proper food combining, although drinking only fat burning coffee or bullet proof coffee is considered fasting, it is because the body is only taking in good medium chain triglycerides that the body burns fat and does not store it. For this reason it is important to keep to strict MCT oils, heavy whipping cream included. Enjoy
katiem2, Very interesting! I tend to think of cooler, lower temperatures as fat-forming and warmer, higher temperatures as slimming even though I've noted the metabolic reactions to drinking ice cold water. I really like the fatty coffee information since I'm not a breakfast person.
Tolovaji, Great to hear from you. I love intermittent fasting and fatty coffee as it feels like my natural normal. I learned about the ice packs for fat reduction using ice packs myself for upper back pain. After carefully researching icing my body I learned about how it actually does eliminate fat. It's all a win win for me.
A lot of interesting info, katiem2. I have heard a lot of good things about fasting and intermittent fasting, so it's good to find out more details. Thank you.