Fat burning coffee is big news becoming a popular trend that's gone viral and for good reason. Fatty coffee is making home brew famous for its powerful ability to burn fat, increase a steady flow of sustainable energy and mental focus. Fatty coffee is high in anti-oxidants and polyphenols (a term for thousands of plant based molecules with antioxidant properties). While this may lead you to believe fatty coffee is something that will taste like it sounds, weird, maybe even bad it does not. Organic butter, coconut oil and MCT oil are added transforming good coffee into something that taste amazing, even indulgent and curbs hunger. It is as if mankind has cracked the code to this amazing drinks potential. The average coffee we take for granted can be more indulgent than thought possible all while transforming our mind and body into something highly desired. Here you will learn the details and many tips and recipes to make fat burning coffee at home.

Review Fatty Coffee AKA Fat Burning Coffee and Benefits
by katiem2
Fatty coffee burns fat, gives quick sustainable energy, sharpens mental acuity, increases metabolism and taste good, learn to make it a variety of ways and read reviews
The Best Coffee for Fat Burning Coffee
Ingredients for Fat Burning Coffee
Before I explain to you the benefits of fatty coffee, aka bullet proof coffee, I must first advise you to use organic fair trade coffee. Plus, use organic when buying the many other ingredients you may add to fat burning coffee such as cinnamon, cocoa, heavy cream, stevia, coconut milk and cayenne pepper which adds anti-inflammatory benefits while spiking fat burning.
Simply put, good coffee is organic, free of chemicals and mold, fair trade and freshly ground. I know, I know, there are those of you who will not follow this advice and to that I say, any fatty coffee is better than none. Feel free to join the millions who reap the rewards of fatty coffee with no judgment.
NOTE: Fat Burning Coffee is Intended as a Meal Replacement
Sipping on Fatty Coffee Throughout the Day Instead of Eating - Use to Intermittent Fast
This is My Favorite Pre-Packaged Fatty Coffee to Go!
Add to Coffee to Make Fat Burning Coffee
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fatCoffee® - Organic, 100% Grass-Fed Butter to Power Your Coffee - ... |
Reviewing Fat Burning Coffee
My Fatty Coffee Experience
At first blush I thought this to be just another of the many crazy fads our society is famous for, fat in my coffee, YIKES!
The reason I gave it consideration is due to the fact that many of my intelligent and trusted health nut friends had put it to the test and found it to work as stated.
I joined my friends and together we researched the idea of fatty coffee and its pros and cons.I bought the ingredients needed and set out to be a very critical tester offering an honest review.
Instead of eating breakfast or lunch I sip on fat burning coffee and lots of water until 1::00 pm or so, drink lots of water and eat only at dinner. This is known as intermittent fasting, it is healthy, gives the body time to reboot, aids in weight loss and maintenance plus you experience the other fat burning coffee benefits. This is the holy grail for many when it comes to weight loss and management. I personally find it a perfect fit into my life style, I typically do not want to eat until late in the day.
Stop Drinking Coffee Bad for Health
Note: Switching the questionable ingredients you add to your coffee with real grass fed butter, coconut oil, MCT oil, and the others mentioned above replace the bad aspects of your morning brew into those that can make your coffee a health food offering great benefits.
Bottled Coffee Creamer is Bad Fat
Flavored Coffee Creamer Contains Fat, Chemicals, Sugar and Dyes
If you use coffee creamer you are someone who should trade it in for this natural bio-hack blend. The ingredients in flavored powders and liquids include bad fats that do not benefit, but hinder good health. Like me you no doubt feel a twinge of quilt anytime you pour this junk into your coffee knowing it converts it into junk food.
You can have your cake and eat it too with fat burning coffee, get sharp, curb appetite and lose weight. DUH... it is a bit of a no brainer yes?
The Benefits of Coffee to Your Health
Why Drink Coffee
The benefit of good coffee is;
- A decreased risk of type 2 diabetes
- A powerful antioxidant
- Protection from developing Parkinson’s disease
- Decrease risk of depression
- Increase elevated mood
- Protects against cancer of liver and liver disease
Drink in moderation, two cups a day are beneficial, more can make you feel jittery.
Compare Fatty Coffee to Regular Coffee
The Benefits of Coffee Increase with Fatty Coffee
Adding Grass-Fed Butter and MCT Oil
Adding these healthy fats to your coffee ramps up the healthy benefits and offers you the unicorn you have been looking for.
The added benefits of adding fat to your coffee;
- An immediate release of sustained energy
- Improved mental acuity
- Kick starts your metabolism
- Increases fat burning (more on how later)
This should be used in moderation. Two cups a day are optimal to achieve the benefits.
Fatty Coffee to Go
Easy Travel Fatty Coffee for Work and Travel
These little packets of goodness are one of my most prized possessions, I missed enjoying fatty coffee and its benefits when traveling. The very smart people developed this product so we can enjoy the benefits of fatty coffee on the go.
- Our butter comes from cows that are 100% grass- and hay-fed: No grains, ever.
- You can make a cup of butter coffee in about 60 seconds or less, with just a thermos: no blender required
- No refrigeration needed, travels safely in secure packets
- 8 single-serving packets per box
- Three amazing flavors: Vanilla, Mocha and Pumpkin Spice
How to Make Fatty Coffee
Making Basic Fatty Coffee Recipe
Pour a mug of freshly brewed good coffee add one level tablespoon of MCT oil and one level tablespoon of grass-fed butter into a nutra-bullet or use a hand held frother to whip the ingredients together.
Prepare to enjoy your first cup of fatty coffee, it will not be your last and you will be pleasantly surprised.
This basic recipe can be altered to create a wide variety of delicious decadent coffee drinks.
To enjoy the fat burning benefits of this coffee drink without food. Drinking only fat burning coffee for breakfast, practicing intermittent fasting, curbs appetite, wakes you fully, with lots of energy, provides keen focus for work and travel plus causes the body to burn fat storage for energy thus losing fat and weight.
How to Eat and Maximize the Fat Burning Coffee Benefits
Intermittent fasting and eating a paleo diet optimizes fat burning and weight loss
You may eat a lunch with green leafy vegetables and protein for lunch, with a similar dinner. The bulk of food should be eaten late day, I know a dream diet that answers the call of our bodies. The paleo diet pairs with a fatty coffee routine for amazing results.
Fat Burning Diet
At noon, or as late as you like in the day after having only fatty coffee, lots of water, tea without sugar or sweeteners, enjoy a big salad with greens, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, bacon, non breaded chicken, hard boiled eggs and grass fed cheese makes for a decadent lunch that is truly satisfying and contributes to the fat burning coffee's fat burning. I enjoy feta cheese with all the above ingredients everyday.
Avoid ALL sugar, carbs and salad dressings use only olive oil and balsamic vinegar. BUT I find this salad needs NO dressing, try it without you will be pleased.
Fat Burning Cappuccino
Fat Burning Cappuccino
Fat burning coffee cappuccino style
We all love a decadent frothy head on our flavored coffee, it makes us feel pampered and why not? You can enjoy the same indulgent experience with fat burning coffee at home and as if it came from a fancy coffee shop.
How to Make Fatty Cappuccino
- One shot of espresso or strong coffee
- I tablespoon of grass fed butter
- I tablespoon of MCT oil (Coconut Oil)
- ¼ cup of unsweetened almond milk
Add all the ingredients to your nutra-bullet for a crazy frothy good drink or use a hand frother. I like my frother for travel and use my nutra-bullet at home. It is so much like fancy coffee shops, better because it doesn't cost an arm and a leg and is without added sugar and chemicals.
Drink as is or add organic cinnamon or cacao (real chocolate) powder for an added flavor of your choosing. I have added both and found this to be a delightful experience.
Cinnamon and Cacao powder have crazy good health benefits as well making your fat burning coffee super charged.
Fat Burning Fatty Coffee for Beginners
What Can be Added to Fatty Coffee
What I Can Add to Fat Burning Coffee
There are many tasty ingredients that may be added to fat burning coffee without compromising its fat burning properties, the list is as follows.
Enhancing Fatty Coffee
- Organic Coconut Milk
- Organic Cacao Powder
- Organic Cinnamon
- Organic Heavy Whipping Cream
- Food grade extracts for flavor
- Organic MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides),
- Organic Coconut Oil
- Grass Fed Collagen Peptides - Anti Aging Dietary Supplement, good for strong bones, connective tissues and joints, improves skin, and collagen supplies for smoother youthful skin.
Note: this list is rather extensive and includes many more things we can discuss in the chat forum at the bottom of this page.
Recipes for Fat Burning Coffee
Fat Burning Mocha Coffee
What Can be Added to Fatty Coffee
How to Make Delicious Mocha or Minty Mocha
- Two cups french pressed coffee
- One tablespoon MCT Oil
- One tablespoon grass fed butter
- One tablespoon of cacao powder
- One teaspoon peppermint extract or as desired
- One packet raw stevia or birch xylitol
One dollop of organic coconut milk or organic full fat dairy whipping cream
Add all ingredients to nutra-bullet or blender, mix until mixed well and frothy or turns to a creamy color pour into cup and enjoy. The longer you mix this delicious potion the more frothy it will be. top with a sprinkle of cacao powder and enjoy!
My Favorite Fat Burning Coffee Topper
Fatty Coffee Whipped Topping
Coconut Whipped Cream for Fat Burning Coffee
Rich Whipped Topping for Fat Burning Coffee
- One 15 oz. can of full fat organic coconut milk
- One teaspoon of vanilla extract
- a few drops of liquid Stevia (optional)
Place the can of coconut milk upside down in the fridge over night, or until needed.
Flip can upright and open, the cream will now be on the top.
Scoop it into a mixer or nutra-bullet (such a versatile little machine I go no where without)
Add vanilla and stevia if desired mix till whipped into a whipped topping.
Use what you like now and store the rest in the fridge in an air tight container for future use.
Fatty Coffee for Newbies
Tips for New Fatty Coffee Drinkers
- Start your fat burning adventure by using one teaspoon of both grass-fed butter and MCT oil increasing it to tablespoons only after 3 days, this will prevent you from running to the bathroom for the first few days, allow your body to adjust.
- If it is a super creamy style coffee you desire, use a nutra-bullet or blender instead of a hand held frother at full power for a full minute, the degree of rich creaminess will blow your mind.
How Fatty Coffee Burns Fat
This book explains the facts and science behind how fatty coffee burns fat, reduces weight and helps you optimize the benefits.
This book teaches you how to utilize fat burning coffee and eat to maximize the results.
Plus learn the pitfalls to avoid failure.
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Fatty Coffee, Bullet Proof Coffee, Fat Burning Coffee Chat Forum
paperfacets, It is perfect, ideal for people like you who don''t eat before none. It curbs appetite like crazy but gives the body good nutrients to burn calories something we don't get or do when simply fasting till our next meal.
Since I only drink coffee before noon, fatty coffee sounds like an option for my morning routine.
DerdriuMarriner, It is important to practice intermittent fasting when adding fat burning coffee as you cannot eat with it, fatty coffee is a meal replacement tat does not work if combined with food.
katiem2, Thank you for the very nice explanation of fatty coffee! I've never been one to go for big breakfasts so this is wonderful news. Also, I like how I need not do without cappuccino and mocha and what I can add, especially cinnamon and coconut. Does the two-cup maximum have to be before lunch or can one be taken early morning and the other later in the afternoon or evening?
Robin, You are more than welcome, I intend to keep the nutritional news coming, Here's to better health and quality of life.
I am excited about this informative blog with such specific details and recipes. Thanks katiem2 for the 411 on fattyour coffee
iggy, glad you found fat burning coffee, the trick is to drink #fatburningcoffee alone. Do not eat food making this an intermittent fast, the fat in the coffee curbs appetite in a serious way making it easy to stave off desires for food until noon or later it is then you should eat paleo foods free of sugar, starch and or bad carbs... The fat in the coffee jump starts your metabolism and burns fat for energy. You will have more energy without eating drinking only fat burning coffee oh yes you will feel great while loosing weight.
I am an avid coffee drinker that has cut back because of the sugar and creamer. If I can make my coffee help to lose weight instead of gain it, I would be a happy drinker again. Very informative.
Great fatty coffee, I tried it before leaving a comment and you speak the truth. I am a big fan of fat coffee now.
cmoneyspinner, Enjoy your fatty coffee experience. Surprisingly enough adding such fats to coffee give it a very pleasing taste.