How To Write A Money Making Article

by katiem2

Learn how to write the best article with the greatest money making potential and advertising power. Write marketing articles sending traffic to your products.

Keep it honest and you will write interesting quality articles that earn money and build your reputation all while directing traffic to your sites, pages and blogs that promote your product. Buyers do not click on search titles that are fluff and today's internet user can spot fluff or a con a mile away.

You may get but one chance to impress an Internet browser and if you do not they will pass you by instantly. The first rule of thumb is always make a good first impression offering common sense content that is helpful to the reader. You want visitors to be happy they came.


1. Making a Good First Impression

Knowing your reader and meeting their needs is the first thing to consider.

You never know what article may be a person first impression of you and it is for this reason each and every article you write should meet the standards of any good first impression.  

Your article must grab the writer in the first sentence, don't beat around the bush trying to sound all flowery, enlightened or as if some expert or guru, write as if your having a conversation with a friend, be real and get to the core of the information your reader seeks.  You must always start out strong and finish strong never wavering between.


Always be prepared to write when the ideas strike


2. How to Write Interesting Quality Content

Create your standard of quality and stick to it so each and every time someone reads your work they can depend on the very level of quality.

Don't be a politician going on and on before you get to the point you should have meaty details about the topic and every word must relate to that information, no fillers. The visitors reading your work will think of you as snake oil salesman if you don't create a sense of value.

People search information because they want information, they've grown savvy and easily spot misinformation when they see it quickly moving on.  

They will put you on their mental list of black balled authors and avoid you anytime they cross your path.  It is for this very fundamental reason you must take your time perfecting your work and keeping it under raps until it's ready for the world to read.  


Always back up your work and be able to take it with you anywhere


3. The Writers Anonymity

Here at Wizzley you can request other authors review your work, before you release it to the world, giving you their advice making it the best. Take all input as what it is intended constructive criticisms from authors who have this sites best interest at heart.  They will tell you what it takes to make quality content pages making Wizzley all it can be and a great source of income for every writer who maintains our standards.  

The anonymity, many writers assume, of an internet writer is actually a fantasy.  You can't hide from the fact of authorship.  Make a vow to yourself to only write what you can feel proud of by imaging your best friends, family and co-workers reading it as they set across the table from you awaiting their review.  In short never ever writer anything with hopes of anonymity and the goal of earning a quick buck. This will only build a reputation you can't earn or run from.  Integrity must always be in the forefront of your mind each and every time you write an article.  It is when you keep this in mind you do your best work, grow and improve becoming a better writer each time you write.  


4. The Best Money Making Tips

When it comes to writing product sales pages the same rules apply, join great content and information with a product of value.

Good Rule of Thumb - If you feel your cutting corners, rushing it, thinking of numbers, competition, running with another writers idea's, or wouldn't want the most important person in your life to read an article you've just wrote, listen to that voice, your gut, don't do it.  Save it and come back to it another day read it as if you didn't write it and edit it as if your own mother will read it.

There is no anonymity when you're writing articles everything you write lives on and is evidence of the writer you are or are not.

Carefully plan your articles, pages and wizzes to deliver quality content related to any products you may highlight.  Once you pick the product be careful to provide product information.  Help the reader with helpful tips on using the product and a review of the product as per research and your own use of the product.  Don't ever toss up a quick sales page without putting some time into it. There is competition and it is steep.  Look around this community and notice the best sales pages and those you yourself would buy products from.  You get the picture and the main message don't write anything you wouldn't take home to Mom!

Much Success, Katie

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Updated: 05/16/2017, katiem2
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katiem2 on 02/07/2013

TonfaGuy, My pleasure, glad you found it as well.

TonfaGuy on 02/07/2013

Interesting article, glad I found it, thanks

katiem2 on 01/29/2012

Hea, Mike go to the can I get some feedback portion of the forum and request others come to your page and take a look. The forums are the place to go for help. You will want to check the changing topics for help as reading through the questions others have asked in the past often answers questions you have on other concerns.

Angel, It's obvious you're a careful author, I agree on the cheesy comment.

teddletonmr on 01/28/2012

Katie I always enjoy reading what you write. After reading your tips on this page I now understand why. You are a trusted source of information, thanks for the heads-up.
How is the best way to go about having a pro review others work and help them to see the error of their writing ways?
Make it a great day. Mike

Angel on 01/28/2012

Great advice Katie. I question every article I write and review it over and over to make sure it is worthy of hitting that publish button. Especially since I am new to this. Especially with sales pages. They can come off so cheesy sometimes if the proper research is not done to explain the items and review them when appropriate. As always.. good job.

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