I Should Have Stayed at Home Today

by Carolyn2011

Sometimes when we make plans, life has other things for us to do.

A day can start out full of promise, yet end in misery. You think you have everything under control, and it will go as planned. Yet, nothing is ever the way we want it. Here's one perspective of a person who set out to enjoy the world, only to be sucked up in the unexpected. One learns that a sense of humor is necessary to get through the day.

A Day in a Life

      It was a nice day outside, and my arthritic knee felt good. So I decided to go out, get some sun, some money, and do some shopping and errands. I knew it would only take me about an hour to do what I had to do before my knee would go out of its socket. I planned my road trip carefully. I took an ibuprofen for the pain. I chose to take the shortest routes between each errand for maximum results.

      The night before, I had loaned my car to one of my young nieces. When I opened the door, I couldn't get in. The seat was pushed forward, almost into the steering wheel. I had to sit sideways on the edge of the seat, start the car, then move the electric seat back so I could get in, adjust the mirrors, etc.

      Next, I couldn't find the seat belt extension that I needed for the drivers seat. After looking everywhere in the car, I could tell I was getting frustrated. So I wrapped the seat belt around my neck and drove off.

      The minute I turned the corner off my street, I remembered I left my wallet and drivers license at the house. I drove back home to get them.

      I walked back upstairs, irritated and in pain. Despite taking the ibuprofen, my arthritic knee was hurting more than a little as I went inside. I found my wallet, sat down and caught my breath for the trip to start over again. I took a small face cloth and put it in my purse because already I was perspiring from the humidity outside and my inner aggravation.

      I sat down on the side of my bed to get some perspective on what had already happened to me. The trip I was looking forward to having didn’t seem so inviting to me anymore. Hot, bothered and in pain, I decided to stay home and instead, do some work on my laptop computer.

      My laptop was on my bed, and I used it Carrie Bradshaw of Sex in the City style. When I opened the cover, I noticed some crumbs on the keyboard. I picked up my small Dirt Devil to vacuum them off. The Dirt Devil promptly sucked up the shift button on the left side. 

      I turned off the machine, dismantled the vacuum, rummaged through the dirt and dust and picked out the shift button. After cleaning it off, I tried to put it back the best I could. The button was useless. Now I couldn't capitalize unless I pressed really hard on the button, which slides off at will.

      I now need a computer geek to fix it along with the up button arrow on the right side of the laptop that doesn't work. It decided to stick no matter how hard I pushed it.

Guess what I'm going to do now?


Why? Because I should have stayed home today.

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Updated: 01/18/2013, Carolyn2011
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Carolyn2011 on 07/08/2011

Thank you both for your kind comments. This is my first article on Wizzley. I didn't know how it would received, and your positive comments have encouraged me to continue with this site.

sheilamarie on 07/08/2011

Humor is the only thing that can conquer that type of gremlin. I hope your day improved.

kajohu on 07/08/2011

Sounds like a most frustrating day! I'd have taken a nap after that too.

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