Information theory is a branch of mathematics that is very useful, yet not particularly well-known. It deals with topics like information, entropy, order vs. disorder, communication channels, and coding.
Because of its relevance to communication channels, it is studied by most electrical engineers, but it also is related to statistics and data analysis, language processing, cryptography, neuroscience, ecology, and other fields as well. Besides being useful, it is a subject that many people find fun and intuitive.
On this page, I give my reviews of several introductory books and textbooks in information theory. These books include a standard, easy-to-read intro text, an unorthodox text deeply rooted in Bayesian statistics and oriented towards self-study, a conceptual, word-based text that does not require any mathematics at all, and an old classic. Whether you're a teacher or student, I hope you find my book reviews helpful.
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