Introducing Egyyptological Magazine and Journal
Learn about the new free online magazine and journal with great articles about Ancient Egypt and Egyptology
What is Egyptological?
Egyptological was launched in spring 2011 by the founders, Andrea Byrnes and Kate Phizackerley. So many writers find it hard to get published if they don't have an established publication record. Egyptological bridges the gap. The founders and their editorial team can help inexperience writers to polish their material and see it published. For readers, this means great articles on a wide variety of Egyptological topics.
Writers can start of gently with comments or by joining in on one of the discussion topics. Novice writers might wish to submit short articles for the In Brief section. Moving up, the Egyptlogical Magazine section offers the sort of articles found in popular magazines - relaxed and slightly informal but well researched and full of useful information and pictures. At the top end the Egyptological Journal is for academic and research materials, or longer reviews of books and exhibitions.
What About Pictures
We love pictures! The articles are illustrated with relevant pictures. We also feature photo albums of reader photos and are developing an Eyptological Photo Library
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs
.. and the Hieropaedia
Kate Phizackerley created a special WordPress plugin which can display hieroglyphs online. It can manage single hieroglyphs right up to parsing complex "Manuel de Codage" to display cartouches, serekhs and damaged or rotated hieroglyphs.
The intention is to release the plugin for public download as soon as development is complete.
Uniquely Egyptological allows readers to display hieroglyphs within comments - just by using the sort of BBCode markup familiar from forums. So that [hieroglyphs]anx[/hieroglyphs] will display and Ankhh hieroglyph.
The Hieropaedia section, or the World of Hieroglyphs, is dedicated to hieroglyphs. It already has the full Gardiner sign set of hieroglyphs but more material will be added over the coming years and months!
About the Founders of Egyptological
Andrea Byrnes and Kate Phiazakerley
This article is by Kate Phizackerley, who founded Egyptological with Andrea Byrnes.
Kate is well-known for her material on Ancient Egypt. She runs the very popular News from the Valley of the Kings blog which concentrates mainly on Upper Egypt (including Abydos, Luxor, Aswan and Sudanese Nubia) and the New Kingdom. Articles about Amarna always seem to generate considerable discussion. She is also the author of a number of Squidoo lenses about Ancient Egypt including lenses about King Tutankhamun and his wife Queen Ankhesenamun.
Andrea Byrnes is another very well known writers with a number of blogs about Ancient Egypt. She runs the massively popular Egyptology News, which for many people is the single most important source of news about Ancient Egypt and Egyptology.
You can learn more about the Founders, Andrea and Kate, in the Founders section of Egyptological where you can also see the latest articles on their other Ancient Egypt blogs.
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