First Grade is a Perfect Time to Invest in Your Child's Math Education
Letting your 1st grader in school can be tough & even worse if they are having trouble with certain subjects. Invest in their education to boost their motivation to stay in school!
Should You Look for Additional Resources for Your Child?
First grade can be quite a transition for many young children. Perhaps they were only half day Kindergartners and must adjust to being at school full day or the increased amount of reading and writing instruction leaves them weary at the end of the day. Also, the mathematical content becomes increasingly more rigorous in first grade and students are expected to remain on an individual task for longer periods of time. All of these reasons are why many parents consider investing in supplemental opportunities for their first grade child.
Maybe you've considered exploring the possibility of a private tutor, an enrichment center, or a computer based learning system that would boost your child's mathematical ability. Each of these options has its own benefit but an onsite enrichment center or private tutor often comes with a heftier price tag and limited scheduling options. A computer based math program with online games can be the perfect combination of mathematics enrichment or remediation at a more reasonable price. This investment in your first grader's mathematical knowledge and skills will pay dividends in the future as you are helping to build the foundational math understanding for future success.
Invest in Your Child's Comprehension Skills
Parents are keenly aware that if a learning activity or experience is fun it will hold a child's attention for a much longer period of time. An interactive platform is critical for a child's enjoyment and sustained attention. Online math games for first graders are developed to appeal to young children while simultaneously providing serious math practice. Engaging graphics, sounds, stories, adventures, and rewards all pique children's interest and help them to sustain the stamina necessary for comprehensive practice. First graders love online math games because they often feel like they are simply playing a game and don't always notice the hard work they are putting into the mathematical practice.
Invest in Differentiated Educational Games
Since no two first graders are alike in their needs, strengths, and weaknesses, online math games should provide an individualized learning experience. Students may begin with an assessment piece that helps the program determine which standards the student has mastered, which still need to be practiced, and what progression of skills is ideal for the child. Once the child begins the series of math games and lessons the program will track responses, time spent on each question, the amount of hints utilized, and his overall performance levels. This data is compiled to continue the personalization throughout the student's use of online math games for first graders. This customization and differentiation ensures that the time spent on the program is highly beneficial.
Invest in Games That Correlate with Existing Curriculum
As a parent, you aim to provide additional mathematical learning opportunities for your child but you also want them to be as beneficial as possible. Computer programs with online math games for first graders are designed around the Common Core State Standards and are based on a sequential progression of math skills. Classroom curriculum materials are centered around the same standards, ensuring that what you are providing at home is consistent with what the teachers are using at school.
First grade is an important time for a child's learning. The ability to provide additional mathematical enrichment or remediation is important to families. Online math games are a great way to give your child this experience without the increased expense of a private tutor or enrichment center.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
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