It's Never Too Early to Financially Invest in Your Child's Education
All parents want their children to have a better life-right? Learn why investing in your child's education will help them succeed later in life!
Why Parents Should Invest in Kids' Education
At times Kindergartners may seem little. Many are barely five years old, their coordination doesn't often allow them to tie their own shoes, and they have gaping holes where their teeth should be. But even though they are the youngest students in school they aren't too little for their parents to invest financially in their mathematics education.
The Value of Education
Why Invest in Kindergarten Math Games?
Research proves that critical learning occurs in Kindergarten. The National Research Council in its publication Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics stated, "Learning to read and developing mathematical proficiency both rest on a foundation of concepts and skills that are acquired by many children before they leave Kindergarten." (page 17) Due to the increased mathematical expectations for students in Kindergarten, parents may consider investing in a program that provides Kindergarten math games online.
What Will Your Child Learn From Kindergarten Math Games Online?
When you choose to invest in your Kindergartner's math education through an online program you are providing additional practice on key skills:
- Counting and Comparing - know number names, compare numbers, count to tell the number of objects, and count the sequence.
- Sorting - classify and count objects in categories
- Simple Addition and Subtraction - represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems, understand addition as adding to and putting together, and understand subtraction as taking from or taking apart.
- Geometry - identify, describe, sort, analyze, compare, create, and compose basic 2D and 3D shapes
- Measurement - describe and compare measurable attributes
How Will Kindergarten Math Games Online Adapt To Your Child's Needs?
When you invest in your child financially, such as an online math program, you want to ensure that it isn't targeted toward a generic Kindergartner, but instead adapts to your child's specific needs. An online math program should begin by assessing your child to find out exactly which standards he has mastered and which he/she still needs to work on. This data will pinpoint the exact games and adventures he should start with. Then, as your child progresses through the different games, the online Kindergarten math program will track their responses, success rate, and mastery of concepts. As parents, if you can see your child's progress via the program's reporting system you'll be able to quickly and easily see the impact your financial investment is having on your child's mathematical understanding.
Will Your Child Enjoy Kindergarten Math Games Online?
Yes! As a parent you are acutely aware of your Kindergartner's preferences for engaging content that he finds fun! This generation of students understands and is proficient with a wide variety of technology tools and using Kindergarten math games online is a great way to take advantage of these skills. Some programs allow a child the opportunity to choose a character or avatar to advance through the games. This helps turn the math lessons into larger stories and adventures. The games have engaging graphics, songs, and sounds and will often reward students for their correct answers.
Kindergarten is just the first year of a long educational career for your child. Investing financially in an online math program is a fantastic way to build a strong foundation for your little learner by providing him with the chance to have fun and practice math at the same time!
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