Jello Shots

by Shaz

How to make Jello Shots. 6 Easy Steps plus the essential Alcohol Ratio Guide.

6 Easy Steps to the perfect Jello Shot.

Jello shots are a favorite with party goers, but there are a few critical steps that you need to know so that they turn out right.

Making the perfect Jello Shots is as simple as following a few easy steps. The secret is to get the vodka to water ratio perfect - there's a handy guide included here to get the ratio just right!

Make sure you follow the Vodka Ratio Guide below to ensure that you and your guests can enjoy the perfect party jello shots every time. Cheers!

Jello Shots

Turn your regular jello shots into a gourmet delight!

6 Steps To The Perfect Jello Shot

Easy jello shot recipe.

This recipe makes up about 32jello shots.

Step One

Firstly you need to gather the following ingredients.

A 6 oz pack of Jello (approximately 17 grams)

A quantity of jello cups or jello syringes

Some fruit segments (optional)

A little less than 3 cups of hot water (720mls)

About 1 cup of alcohol (usually Vodka or Rum) straight from the fridge

Step Two

Make up your base mixture. Mix together some water and alcohol to make up 2 cups in volume – the ratio depends on the proof of the alcohol you are using (see Alcohol Ratio Guide below)

Step Three

Place your base mixture in the fridge to cool and wait til it is really chilled before you take on the next step. It is essential that the mixture is really well chilled because alcohol evaporates at 78.6 degrees Celcius / 173 Fahrenheit. Therefore when you add the hot water jello mixture in step  5, it may reach evaporation point if you are not mixing it in with a well chilled base mixture.

Step Four

Boil some water in a pot or kettle, and add exactly 1 cup of boiling water to your powdered jello. Stir well until it is dissolved. It will look quite clear when it has dissolved. 

Step Five

Pour the hot jello into your base mixture and stir’

Step Six

Pour the combined mixture into your jello cups, place on a tray and chill in the fridge for 3-4 hours. Serve chilled! And that’s all there is to know about how to make jello shots, happy partying!

Amazingly Creative Jello Shots

Turn jello shooters into works of art!
Jelly Shot Test Kitchen: Jell-ing Classic Cocktails-One Drink at a Time

Remember jello shots of days of yore? They're all grown up, and are sporting a sophisticated new look! "Jelly Shots" are classic cocktails reinvented as sassy, gelatin shots- ...

Only $1.84

Jello Shot Cups

Twist'n Shot Jello Shot Cups

Finally, get your Jello shots out of the cup with ease! Simple, yet ingenious twist design. Stop crushing the cup, digging with your finger or slurping like a fool to get your ...

Only $15.99
100 EZ-SqueezeTM Jello Shot Cups with LIDS

NOW WITH LIDS FOR EASY STACKING AND STORAGE! When squeezing the cup, the contents are gently eased upwards to the top of the cup where it can be accessed to your mouth easily ...

Only $18.46
50 Pack EZ-InjectTM Jello Shot Syringes (Medium 1.5oz)

The World Famous EZ-InjectTM Jello Shot Syringes are a great way to serve your 1.5 ounce jello shots! Jello shot syringes are always a "hit" at any nightclub, bar, or home ...

Only $13.95

Alcohol Ratio Guide

It's very important to get the alcohol ratio right or your jello shots won't set firmly.

Your mix will depend on the strength (proof) of Vodka that you will be using. This is critical to make sure the jello will set in the shot glasses.

Imperial measurements.

For 30-50 proof alcohol - Mix 13oz of alcohol with 3oz of water

For 80-100 proof alcohol – Mix 10oz of alcohol with 6oz of water

For 150-200 proof alcohol – Mix 6oz of alcohol with 10oz of water

Metric measurements.

For 30-50 proof alcohol – Mix 390ml of alcohol with 90ml of water

For 80-100 proof alcohol – Mix 300ml of alcohol with 180ml of water

For 150-200 proof alcohol – Mix 180ml of alcohol with 300ml of water

Jello Shots
Jello Shots

Make your Jello Shots Interesting

Use your imagination to create multi-colored jello shots.

The first time we tackle a new task always feels a little strange, but learning how to make jello shots is not really that difficult to master.  In fact the hardest thing to get right is the ratio of vodka to water, to ensure your jello shots set firmly.  

Your imagination and taking a little time to produce your creations will make all the difference, and your friends will certainly appreciate it. Why not make multiple coloured Jello Shots to add to the festivities.

Gourmet Vodka Jello Shots

Jello Shooters With Fruit

It is so easy to turn a mundane (but nonetheless enjoyable) Jello shot into a Gourmet surprise. Imagine a second burst of flavor when you find the surprise center. All you do is add a segment of fruit into the shot 'glass' before it cools and sets hard.

There is one thing to remember though: You don't have to follow this rule, but it makes sense to add a segment of orange to an orange jelly base; a cherry to a cherry flavored mix and so one. 

Just watch the video above to find out more about how it's done properly. Of course if you are a bit of a prankster you might consider disguising a piece of lemon in a dark grape jelly for maximum effect!


The responsible service of alcohol.

Please consider that each shot is roughly equivalent to one standard drink. Be aware that you should limit your consumption and that of your guests, to avoid regretful situations which may occur as a result of too much alcohol. Never drink and drive.

Some Of My Other Articles You Might Be Interested In

Find out the secret to a great Vodka punch. Your guests will want the recipe!
How to produce outstanding home made wines while saving money with wine kits.
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Learn how to make drinks with vodka - here's the 4 most popular recipes.
Updated: 02/12/2015, Shaz
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