Kids Craft Idea: Grass Head

by Christene

A fun nature craft for kids.

Grassy Head

aka Mr. Grassias

My daughter had to present a how-to demonstration to her 3rd grade class. She found the idea for Mr. Grassias (as she named him) in the book I Can Make That!: Fantastic Crafts for Kids by Mary Wallace.

The Grassy Head is an easy and green craft project for an elementary aged child. You'll probably have most of the items needed already, and it's an opportunity to reuse and repurpose old socks.

It's an ongoing project, so it doesn't end after the glue dries. My daughter loved watching it everyday. First to see when it would start sprouting and then to see how high it would get. She was also eager to water it every day.

Fantastic Crafts For Kids
I Can Make That!: Fantastic Crafts for Kids
Maple Tree Press
$6.59  $2.62

Items You'll Need

  • An old sock
  • Potting soil
  • 1 twist tie
  • Rubber bands
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • A spoonful of grass seed
  • A small bowl
  • Water
Grassias SuppliesGrassias Soil

Step 1:

Fill the end of your sock with potting soil. Leave plenty of room at the top to be able to close it later.

Grassias Fill with Soil

Step 2:

Form the soil filled sock into a round head shape.

Step 3:

Gather sections of soil on either side to make ears and wrap rubber bands around them.

Grassias EarGrassias Ears

Step 4:

Gather a section in the front to make a nose and wrap a rubber band around it.

Grassias Nose

Step 5:

Add grass seed at the top of the head, and then close it with the twist tie.

Grassias Seed

Step 6:

Trim off the top of the sock.

Grassias Trim

Step 7:

Glue on googly eyes and wait until it dries.

Grassias Eyes

Step 8:

Soak the stocking head in water for a few minutes.

Step 9:

Place the head in a small bowl and leave it in a sunny spot.

Step 10

Add water every day and watch for the grass to grow. Trim it however you want or leave it long.

Grassias GrowingGrassias Grown


  • If it were my little guy I'd have added a mouth. Either drawn on with a marker, or had the sock positioned so the seam would be the mouth. I might also have used a sock made of thinner thread and maybe another color.
  • I noticed the Grass Head pictured in the book had the gathered/tied portion more towards the back, not centered on top of the head.
  • The one in the book also had glasses made from 4 twist ties.

More Craft Ideas

I Can Make That!: Fantastic Crafts for Kids is filled with creative craft ideas that kids will love. There are sections focusing on costumes, puppets, toys, games, and more nature crafts. I particularly love the Enchanted Castle, Stone Statues, Bunny Buddy, and Eensy Weensy People.

Additional Craft Books for Kids

Recycled Crafts Box
Storey Publishing, LLC
$8.05  $30.99
Green Crafts for Children: 35 Step-by...
Cima Books
$6.9  $6.25
Updated: 07/12/2015, Christene
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Mira on 08/10/2013

Great idea, Christene. They sell grass heads. I never thought about kids making their own. It's a great project for them, as Angel says, and you article is very useful for mommies :)

Angel on 12/30/2011

This is such a great project for kids. I have four of them and this will definately be on the list of project to do. Thanks for sharing.

Pastiche on 06/22/2011

This hilarious grass head sock doll is truly a fun, green craft for kids! I'd love to make these with my grandchildren. Saving this idea for sure. Cool!

Jimmie on 06/14/2011

Mr. Grassias has so much personality. I love him. And your tutorial is crystal clear.

sandyspider on 06/14/2011

Great craft ideas.Love the grass head.

chefkeem on 06/13/2011

Can I make one? Please! This grass head is too cute and I do have the occasional old sock available. I might even age one, extra for this project.
Hmmm...can you do this with chives? Or curly parsley?

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