The January 2013 issue of genre magazine KZine contains stories by M Bennardo, Joe Jablonski, Donald McCarthy, Gregory Marlow, Paul Miller, Daniel Davis, Michael Haynes and Stephen Heuser. There is a good mix of science-fiction and fantasy stories, plus a crime story and some vivid horror.
The Kindle magazine is published three times a year and this is issue five.
KZine Issue Five: Review of January 2013 Issue
Issue five of genre magazine KZine contains eight short stories ranging from crime to science fiction to horror and fantasy.
KZine is a science-fiction, fantasy, crime and horror magazine for the Kindle. Published three times a year, it aims to provide original genre fiction for the mobile reader. This issue (Issue Five, January 2013) contains eight stories with “Sunnydale Drive” by Daniel Davis and “Things Best Left Alone” by Stephen Heuser standing out.
“All the Things you Should Have Said” by M Bennardo
Where are phone apps going? Will they become addictive? Are they already? What happens if they become too clever? This little tale has just three characters yet vividly paints a scary near future.
“Into the Depths” by Joe Jablonski
A repair crew sent to fix a broken generator realise they are expendable, and so they have to escape. That’s it really. No proper twists, just a linear plot, well told but linear nonetheless.
“It’s All Part of the Experience” by Donald McCarthy
Chris wakes up in a hotel cum restaurant. He’s been drugged and is not sure why he is there. Mike, the leading salesman of a rival company, is also there. This is a nice mixture of mystery and the macabre with some nude dancers thrown in for good measure.
“My First Day” by Gregory Marlow
This is a very odd story. The government is paying for a guy to dress up as Bigfoot and be seen by people in the woods. The plan comes unstuck when prepubescent children decide to hunt him down. The costume, though, has some tricks up its sleeve, literally.
“Scaarak Storm” by Paul Miller
When an evil man commits murder, his son decides to be punished in his place, and that punishment is to spend a night outside the city gates at the mercy of the scaaraks. Only one person has ever survived such a fate, and he lost his mind. A straightforward tale told well, and the world building was remarkably vivid for such a short length.
“Sunnydale Drive” by Daniel Davis
This is excellent. Something, not someone, has happened on a remote stretch of road though a forest, something that has frightened the bravest of men. Told in the first person, this is the story of the policeman who leads a team down the darkening road. With a Blair Witch feel, everything is told through his eyes and his fear. Maybe it is time to be scared of the dark.
“Taking Chances” by Michael Haynes
Arlene is preparing to dig a grave. But for whom? The story retraces her steps in the days leading up to this secret act leaving the reader to work out the identity of the victim. This clever tale finishes with a nice twist.
“Things Best Left Alone” by Stephen Heuser
When Scott finds an old book, he thinks it will be the perfect present for his neighbour witch friend Amber. But when Amber, his best mate Mitch and he act out a ritual in the book, the result is not what they expected. This spooky little tale draws you in and then horrifies you. Delightful.
Also in Issue 5
Not a lot to be honest – a brief editorial and short biographies of the contributors. This is a shame because the high quality of the fiction deserves a little better in the way of extras to make this magazine more rounded – maybe some book reviews or interviews with an author or two. I just feel it needs a little bit more. But that’s a minor gripe, the zine is worth it for the fiction.
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SteveRogerson, Thank you for practical information, pretty pictures and product lines.
In particular, All the Things You Should Have Said, Into the Depths, My First Day, Scaarak Storm, Sunnydale Drive and Things Best Left Alone hold my interest.
Was the three-character count for All the Things You Should Have Said including the photo apps? Would they happen to be the bad-intending versions of fifth-generation computers?