Laundry Tips for Keeping Brights Bright and Whites White

by WebWriter

Laundry tips for keeping bright clothes bright and white clothes white. Tips for removing stains too.

How To Keep Whites White and Brights Bright

Bright clothes can fade easily and white clothes can turn dull and grey if you don't wash them properly. Follow these simple laundry tips for keeping your brights bright and whites white.

Laundry Tips for Bright Clothes

  • Separate - Separate your laundry. Make 2 piles for bright clothes. Make one pile of light bright clothes, the other pile dark bright clothes. Wash them separately. Never wash bright clothes with white clothes.
  • Turn Inside Out - Turn your bright clothes inside out before you wash them. Doing this will help to retain the brightness of the clothes.
  • Wash Cycles - Wash your brights on the shortest cycle. Only use longer cycles for heavily soiled brights.
  • Bleeding - If you have new clothes that are likely to bleed, wash them a couple times before mixing them with your other brights. If your clothes do bleed onto other clothing, don’t dry them. The heat from the dryer will set the dye and make the discolorations permanent. If your clothes bleed, wash them again separately. The color should come out as long as you don’t apply heat.
  • Avoid Drying - Avoid the dryer whenever possible. Your clothes will retain their color longer is you hang dry them. If you do dry your bright clothes, dry on the lowest temperature, and don't over dry them.

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Laundry Tips for White Clothes

  • Separate - Don't wash your white clothes with colored clothes.
  • Detergent - Wash your white clothes with a detergent with a bleach alternative.
  • Bleach -  Don’t use chlorine bleach on your whites. Using chlorine bleach and combining it with hot water and an iron can yellow your white clothes. Add an oxygen bleach another type of booster, such as borax, to the wash cycle.
  • Heavily Soiled Whites - Soak heavily soiled whites in an enzyme detergent or oxygen bleach before washing.
  • Stains - Tackle stains when they occur. The sooner you wash the stain, the better chance you have of removing it. Use cold water to remove the stain. Hot water will set the stain.
  • Perspiration Stains - To remove perspiration stains, pre-treat your white clothes with a dishwashing liquid or colorless shampoo. Use a toothbrush to rub the liquid into the fabric.

Laundry Sorters From Amazon

Honey-Can-Do Heavy-Duty Triple Laundr...
$43.99  $42.23
Household Essentials ML-6445 Woven-Se...
Household Essentials
Household Essentials 6782 Double X-Fr...
Household Essentials

Laundry Tips

More Laundry Tips: 

Blood Stains -  To remove blood stains, pour hydrogen peroxide on the blood stain and then rinse with cold water. Repeat if needed.

Bras - To avoid damaging your bras in the wash, place them in a bra ball before washing.

Coffee Stains - To remove coffee stains, mix 1 quart cold water and 1 tsp. white vinegar. sponge on stain and then wash.

Gum Stains - To remove gum stains, brush egg whites onto the stain and scrub with a toothbrush. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash. 

Lint - To avoid your clothes coming out of the dryer with lint, don't wash your clothes with towels. Towels should always be washed separately.  

Updated: 06/04/2011, WebWriter
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Amanda on 12/19/2011

My friend and I started a wash and fold laundry service from our homes. We found Borax (which is actually pretty cheap) is an age old trick to brighten whites. Good tips...very straightforward!

WebWriter on 06/09/2011

Oh boutiqueshops a household book is a great idea. You've given me something to think about. I think I will start a household book today. Thanks.

boutiqueshops on 06/07/2011

Excellent information! This info would be great to keep in my household notebook

CherylsArt on 06/05/2011

Separating laundry by colors is a big plus. I love the net laundry sorters. The air gets to circulate more.

WebWriter on 06/05/2011

Yes, it was much easier when mom did my laundry :)

SidewalkPhilosopher on 06/04/2011

This is always great information for those of us who live in Florida with hard water!

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