Learn Algebra and Trigonometry with Rap Videos

by katiem2

Learn the hard to grasp Algebra and Trigonometry basics from inspiring math teachers who use rap videos to engage and teach students math confidence in basic concepts.

I am so very proud of local teachers at our beloved Westerville South High School here in the heart of Westerville Ohio. This school is one of America's best high schools and for good reason. The teachers do what it takes to reach the students.

Teacher David Schultz was searching for new way to hold his students attention as they attempted to grasp quadratic factoring in Algebra after careful thought and much concentrated communication with the kids he had a brainstorm. He got co-worker and math teacher Mr. Winner on board and a few great videos were created that worked like magic, not only for the students but parents as well.

The first video is bringing home the ease of factoring as many students get stuck on factoring. Once this barrier is taken down the kids are enlightened and continue on their path to a successful math education!

The Fun Concepts Kids Get

These learning techniques are taking math education by storm as teens are getting the basic principles of Algebra and Trigonometry once and for all.

As a country we've been told we are lacking in math scores. There are a group of young opened minded teachers determined to get across to every student making sure they get math concepts in an effective and creative way.  Students love taking math at their school, follow along to see why.

Our teachers here at Westerville South High are doing their part to break the trend and increase, most importantly, the kids honest and clear understanding of both Algebra and Trigonometry.

Today I share with you the first two ground breaking vidoes that are getting through to kids and making them happy, proud and highly successful in math.

Spread these awesome videos around to all the students you know because you never know if they really get it or not!


  1. Teach Me How To Factor - To the beat of "Teach Me How to Dougie"
  2. Gettin Triggy Wit It - To the beat of "Get Jiggy Wit It"
  3. Wildcat State of Mind - Takes you inside the heart and soul of this fine school, it's many establishments and vision.

Teach Me How to Factor Video

Getting Triggy Wit It

Where This School Resides?

The Value of Education

This is one school that's getting it right embracing the diversity and talents of all the student, teachers and volunteers making Dub Town a family.

It's been a great honor to walk the halls of this fine school, getting to know the teaching staff, coaches and leaders who are both inspired by the students and inspire them. Education is the life's blood of our society.  I'd like to remind each of us as to the vital gift our young people bring to us each and everyday.  Please do anything and everything you can to support and encourage your local schools and youth.  It's amazing the things they can and will accomplish once they are uplifted and guided by caring role models, mentors and a supportive community. What's going on in the halls of your local schools?

Updated: 08/29/2012, katiem2
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katiem2 on 01/31/2014

Thank you glad you found it and enjoyed it, these kids and teachers are amazing!

AnnyIngram on 01/29/2014

This is so informative knowledge

katiem2 on 07/31/2012

That makes two of us!!!

katiem2 on 07/22/2012

Brenda, I am very proud of the creative and caring teaching staff we have they really do go the extra mile to interest and reach kids. I remember being bored in school, some teachers are just that boring and that does exactly what you said. Thanks for giving your teachers perspective.

BrendaReeves on 07/22/2012

This is absolutely brilliant! As a former teacher, I can tell you that where education is going wrong is in their methods. They're still teaching like they did in the Middle Ages. We are boring kids to death. No wonder there are such behavior problems in our schools and such a high drop-out rate. We are boring kids to death. What we teach them is meaningless unless it's connected to something they can relate to. Katie, this should be on the National News and Bill O'reilly.

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