The razor continues to be the least liked and most unpopular method of hair removal. To add insult to injury the cost of razors continues to rise. In fact the cost is outrageous considering how often disposable razors need to be replaced. The arrival of the convenient and very effective wax strips proves to be the demise of the disposable razor once and for all. The practice of waxing has been around for a long time and while it's famous for being painful and messy it has come a long way. The new wax strips offer a clean and simple hair removal process all in the comfort of your own home and at a fraction of the price salons charge. The wax strip works just like the salon method without the embarrassment of having someone else do it for you.

Leg and Body Wax Strips
by katiem2
After trial and error wax strips prove to be the easiest most long lasting hair removal for women. It leaves skin feeling smooth and silky last weeks longer than shaving.
Do Wax Strips Work
After putting wax strips to the test they prove to deliver on the promise of smooth hair free skin.
Yes wax strips work and the results will have you throwing your razors into the trash with a swift blow.
The drudgery of shaving with razors is an everyday occurrence with hair stubble appearing before the days out. It all seems so useless and a constant circle most all of us would gladly give up in an instant. The newly designed wax strips work really well.
Nad’s all over body wax strips are easy to use anytime and anywhere at home or when traveling away from home.
This waxing method removes hair by the roots. This is how the smooth long lasting results happen. It last for weeks depending on the rate at which your hair grows back. The strips can be used on most any part of the body. Once you have used them regularly body hair begins to grow at slower rate.
How to Use Wax Strips Video
Wax Strips Video Demo
The wax strip video above explains how easy it is to use the strips.
Follow along watching this quick video demonstration from the experts at Nad's. You are going to love how simple this is. Take note as to the size of the wax strips while watching the video. They are larger than I expected and one strip can be used over again. Be sure to get the body wax strips like shown at the beginning of this page. Enjoy beautiful smooth legs without shaving.
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Leg and Body Wax Strips Chat
katiem2, Manicures, pedicures and wax strips are so cheap, effective and popular that women in Rio de Janeiro have them done monthly when they have their manes cut and styled.