If you've always wanted to bring the magical world of Harry Potter home, this is the best opportunity. The Harry Potter Hogwarts Express Train Set is a perfect replica - a functioning replica!
This train set has been influenced by one of the best-selling books - The Harry Potter Series and the amazing Movies brought out by Warner Bros Productions.
These trains, both of them - The G-gauge as well as the O-Gauge are strong and reliable - they last for years! Not as show pieces, but actual moving trains.
Their motors are powerful and don't need any sort of maintenance; after all, these amazing trains are manufactured by Lionel. It's a steam train and puffs smoke as it chugs along. The air whistle is brilliant as well. That's not it, the internal lighting is amazing - A property of Lionel trains.
I love trains as well and these ones are just like the real thing, pretty amazing design
I love both Harry Potter and Trains. This is a great train set reminding me of the train rides back to Hogwarts for the new school year.