Love at First Sight

by katiem2

Do you believe in love at first sight? Learn the truth about love at first sight.

What is love at first sight? Have you ever wondered if you may have experienced love at first sight or flat out know you have? Love at first site is a moment when a person feels an intense romantic attraction for a stranger at first glance. It's a moment when you glance at another only to find your eyes magnetically drawn back to this person with and intense and penetrating pull into the depths of their soul. This amazing experience is most commonly referred to as love at first sight, but could it really be romantic or physical attraction at first sight?


Is Love at First Sight The Real Thing?

Is there any such thing as love at first sight? What do you think?

This natural phenomenon may or may not launch a great and romantic love affair.  Love at first sight is a built in trigger making you aware of your potential matches. 

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Is love at first sight the love of a life time?

Scientists who've studied our brain activity say that it is very possible to experience love at first sight and yet you’re free to believe what you will.

Many people claim they fall in love at first sight in one quick moment, lifting their head to meet the eyes of the person they instantly know is the one.

Love at First Sight
Love at First Sight

Love at First Sight - The Real Thing

Is love at first sight the type of love that last?

It does however depend on the state of each person at that moment in time. In some cases they won’t even notice those charming eyes warm and inviting them to fall in love. Psychologists say it takes only about 30 seconds to estimate whether a person is right for you and worthy to fall in love with. 

Is This Love at First Sight?

Is love at first sight true love or the real thing, the one?

It’s been said that men fall in love first as men are more visual and quickly determine if they've locked on to the right sort of mate.

How many times have you laid eyes on someone only to feel your heart skip a beat, all the while aware you can’t take your eyes off this person?  Entranced you long to lock eyes in an eternal glance swirling deep into each others souls. This phenomenon, love at first sight, is a powerful glance as if two missing pieces to the puzzle of love have finally been joined.  For those experiencing it, there is nothing like it.  Many happily married couples swear it was love at first sight and to this day live happily ever after.

Yikes, but wait a minute how many times have you been stopped dead in your tracks thinking you’ve just laid eyes on the love of your life, and waited with anticipation for the return deep soulful stare only to find they have little to no reaction to you at all?

Is This Love at First Sight?

Okay so if love at first sight is possible what do we call all those missed attempts and why is it we shake those off?  How many times does this happen in one’s life?  This could be hard proof there is more than one possible love for each of us. This does bring some very interesting questions to light.  It's believed to be an eager reaction to a person anxious to test this theory.  Love at first sight cannot happen at will.  Many times people spot a person they find physically ideal and attempt to enjoy that scientific spark of love at first sight while in fact they are merely trying to rush things along.

There is no mistaking the real thing.  I for one do feel it is possible to experience love at first sight. So if you suddenly fall in love with a stranger you meet in the coffee shop, at the grocery or on the evening train, it could be that Mother Nature has chosen a partner that is genetically right and suits you perfectly.

I feel love at first sight is an instinct within us all pointing out the people that would be suitable and passionate matches. Isn’t it amazing, we have everything we need within us to find the best love for us? Trust your instincts; let go and let love look you dead in the eyes.

Much Love and Happiness, Katie

Updated: 05/25/2013, katiem2
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katiem2 on 01/02/2012

Ethel, Sounds like love at first sight to me Ethel, great to hear you lived happily ever after. <3

ethelsmith on 01/02/2012

Not sure if it is love or infatuation at first sight. Lust at first sight. Hubby and I married after a very brief courtship and almost 40 years on we are still happily married. And no it was not a shotgun marriage :)

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