Many of us have small and independent businesses. Often we struggle to set up an invoice for a client. Because we are not part of a large corporation, often you are your own administrative assistant, bookkeeper and financial advisor. Microsoft Office does have that capacity to create an invoice. But it is limited and there are more steps to go through that take up your precious time. Invoice Home is the solution that no independent business owner should go without.

Make Invoice Home your home for invoicing
by sandyspider
The ideal place for independent businesses to go to for sending out invoices out to clients is Invoice Home. A small business person will love how easy it is to use.
Many template styles
Easy invoicing
![]() Tons of templates Invoice Home |
How does Invoice Home work?
Better then any software
After a service or product is sold to a client, then you will want to send a bill to that person. Your time is valuable and the last thing that you want to do is to figure out how to buy new software or set up the software to create the billing page to be sent out. For many of us this is not hard to do. But for others they would rather not go through the extra work.
Often with creating your own invoice, it is limited on style. These days' style and adding your own personalize touch is everything. Invoice Home has many templates to choose from and logo symbols to suit your business. Even better is that once you choose the template to use and color style, you can upload your own company logo to that template for the custom look. Your personalize template can be saved there and reused for future billings.
But that is not where Invoice Home ends.
Easy way to get paid
![]() credit card, PayPal or |
Unique smart invoice service
Unlike any website that offers billing templates or personal software, Invoice Home is a service. It is there to serve your needs as a small business owner. It works partly as an administrative assistant and bookkeeper. This takes some of the pressure of making sure payment has been made.
So what does this smart invoice service do that is unique from the rest?
Since we are in the electronic age of technology, if offers many different payment services for your client to pay from. The client can pay with a credit card, PayPal or This will be sent out through email right from the site. There are other options available and you can even print it out for your paper records and mail it out if you wish to do so.
Invoice Home will send you a weekly or monthly report, depending on how you have it set up. Where you can see the sum owed to you by the clients.
Free program software service
Best help for your small business
Yes, you read that right. Invoice Home is a free service for sending out invoices that total up to $1000 a month. They do offer an unlimited invoice billing amount per month of only $5. If you business generates more then the $1000 each month then utilizing this service for a small amount is the best choice for you.
Once you discover how amazing this site is be sure to add the APP from the Google Chrome store. Invoice Home APP
More reading on this subject
Invoice Home makes online invoicing easy
Free commercial invoicing generating tool made simple
(Note: All images and screenshots are used by permission of Invoice Home. I have been asked to give out this information.)
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What do you think of this amazing invoicing site?
DerdriuMarriner, I can be the queen of typos. LOL
As an ex-English teacher I spotted the error, but said nothing. I know a typographical error when I see one! When I check my articles I find errors. So the proper rule is "He who is sinless,let him cast the first stone! "
Frank, I see I had a typo. "There" is the correct one. LOL But you got it.
Thanks, Sandy.
frankbeswick, Good question. When you go into one of the invoice templates, their is a pull down for the type currency, including Euros. It looks as though every type, or near every type is included to exchange for the different countries.
DerdriuMarriner, I have no idea what their profit margin is. The unlimited cost is so inexpensive, think it would be on the volume of clients using the service. I have used the free one and it work nice. Though for me, I do not send out many involces.
Does this system invoice only in dollars, or could I use it in British pounds or Euros?
sandyspider, That's a very convenient combination of invoicing along with administrative assistant and bookkeeping capabilities! It's great that they offer a free trial. Do you know how nice of a profit margin they have?
Nancycarol, Angel and RuthCox Trying something that is beneficial for free is always a good deal. Pretty good invoicing program.
This sounds like a great invoicing program for those of us who work at home, for invoicing as well as receiving payment for products and services rendered.