When artificial Christmas trees became popular people in south Louisiana began redecorating them as Mardi Gras trees. A Mardi Gras tree is simply a Christmas tree with Mardi Gras decorations.
Before artificial trees the problem of having a Christmas tree last part the Christmas season was unheard of. Now, the problem of a Christmas tree drying out is no longer a problem.
Mardi Gras season starts with the Feast of the Epiphany, which also ends the Christmas season. So, transitioning from one set of decorations to another is easy, the tree will not be displayed between seasons.
Mardi Gras is too far after Christmas to reuse a real tree, but artificial trees work quite well. Now, with the internet, finding decorations in the appropriate colors and designs is possible everywhere, and not restricted to areas where Mardi Gras s celebrated.
I love the shimmering, glistening colours of Mardi Gras decor. I definitely like the idea of recycling Christmas tree for Mardi Gras. I do the same thing many a times. The string of lights , Deepa / Kandil and lanterns are put for more than one festivals. This ensures that they remain in working condition as well.
It could be. The Fleur de Lis is French, and a symbol of the City of New Orleans.
blackspanielgallery, Thank you for the practicalities and products.
Does the hat on the Santa ornament look as deliberately fleur de lis-like to you as it does to me?
Online sources such as Mardi Gras and The Fleur de Lis on Rouxbrands and The Fleur-de-Lis and the Bee by Andrew Gough Sept. 27, 2014, find associations between bees and fleurs de lis. Is that connection acknowledged nowadays for Mardi Gras?