Medical Tourism A Boon That Saves Money and Life

by pateluday

Overseas treatments come along with super benefits including cost benefits and discovering new places. Known as medical tourism it is growing rapidly across the globe...

The prohibitive cost of health treatments is taking a heavy toll on crucial resources perhaps a life-long saving is lost. With lifestyles going askance, stress levels increasing, and contemporary consumption patterns affecting our health we are increasingly seeking medical recourse for minor or major ailments that afflict our mind, body, and soul.

In all countries, the cost of treatment is skyrocketing day by day. The common man is finding it increasingly difficult to match the finances required for treatments. Medical tourism is coming to people's aid and increasing wellness resource accessibility. Medical tourism relates to overseas travel for health concerns. Though the primary focus is on cost difference there could be other factors that make people travel abroad to a chosen destination. And as the name suggests many international patients travel within the chosen destination for sightseeing, exciting wildlife watching, and cultural experience. The world has truly become a global village and increasing air transportation is facilitating visits to foreign countries with greater ease for health solutions that cost less.

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Indian Hospital
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International Health Travel

Reasons & Determinants

The primary reason while the sick and ailing travel abroad is the cost factor. Fortunately, similar treatments and procedures can be availed in different medically advanced countries. While the quality and service do not lack in countries attracting health travelers, it is the cost-benefit that can be the sole determinant. 

Surprisingly, a factor that benefits sufferers with limited resources, but for those with a will to travel, the cost difference is substantial.  The difference could be as much as 90 % in the case of some treatments and procedures, but an average of 50 % cost benefits is tangible.

India, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, Israel, Vietnam, with a well-developed health infrastructure offer low-priced medical treatments. They attract international patients due to cost benefits but other determinants are also favorable.   

Low-cost medical resources do not relate to poor quality and services. The countries mentioned are well known for sound medical outcomes and state of art services. Accredited hospitals, Government recognized specialty clinics encourage overseas wellness-seeking travelers. These countries are now attracting patients from across the globe not only from poor neighborhoods.

Not only high cost, but tough insurance subscription compliance, long waiting lists in National Hospitals, lack of specialists are also factors that impact the country's health care industry. These countries are facing a drain on the revenues as citizens go abroad for solutions.  

Some people seek cheaper treatments when traveling abroad for tourism as their primary goal. They adjust dates with hospitals and clinics in between sightseeing or safari. This should explain the universal term medical tourism to the laymen. 

Favorable Determinants

Increasing Scope of Medical Tourism

In spite of the pandemic, the medical tourism industry is a growing prospect for countries that conform to global standards and quality of services. While the cost is a major determinant, the robust health infrastructure with greater choice of hospitals, clinics, and alternate therapy centers promotes the arrival of international patients to that country.  

Visa availability, cheap and safe inland travel, cultural and religious affinities, internal stability, and proximity are some of the factors that encourage international travel for tourism as well as for seeking low-cost treatments and procedures in accredited hospitals and clinics. 

Medical Tourism generates substantial foreign exchange and boosts the local economy, but it is not within the wherewithal of all countries to cater to it. The leading destinations in this trade are: 

  • Japan
  • India
  • South Korea
  • US
  • Malaysia
  • Taiwan
  • Germany
  • Singapore
  • Thailand 

Governments play a major role in increasing favorable determinants that attract international patients to a country. Besides facilitating travel the dispensations need to focus on health infrastructure in their budgetary planning end encourages local service providers like hospitals, clinics, and hotels the latter meant for accommodation to enhance services and quality.   In short, policies shape a nation, and this is as much applicable to the indigenous health industry.

Progressive research and developments, training of doctors and surgeons have become imperative for developing the necessary skill sets. Highly trained and experienced physicians and surgeons are key factors that boost inbound medical tourism due to favorable outcomes. 

Low-cost medical devices and pharmaceuticals pertaining to quality standards are essential to bringing the cost of treatments down. Cheaper but accurate diagnostics at the labs assist in cheaper treatments.

Medical Tourism in India

Medical Tourism in India

Low Cost Treatments

India is one of the cheapest countries to avail of medical treatments and procedures without sacrificing successful outcomes. The country has many determinants that are favorable for disease treatments at a low cost. 

  • A large number of Accredited Hospitals & Clinics 
  • Specialty Treatments Available at Mid Level Towns
  • Massive Generic Pharma Industry
  • Trained & Experienced Physicians and Surgeons 
  • Wide Spectrum Treatment Availability
  • Cheaper Diagnostics 
  • Cheaper Medicines 
  • Cheaper Medical Devices
  • Cheaper Travel Services and Accommodations
  • Cheaper Inland Travel
  • Safe Country
  • Political Stability 
  • Favorable Government Policies
  • Almost No Wait List in Private Hospitals  

Greater options fortify the country's health infrastructure and are boosting medical tourism at a faster pace.  The CAGR stands at an impressive 30% and is expected to grow higher in the post-pandemic.

Being a large, much-populated country, quality but low-cost medical services are widely available. Two-tier towns with quality health infrastructure offer cheaper surgeries and procedures without sacrificing the outcomes.  When seeking specialized niche treatments look towards India.  

If you are seeking alternative therapy the country is home to Ayurveda and Yoga. These are ideally suited for wellness using an ancient system. 


Updated: 01/11/2022, pateluday
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pateluday on 01/11/2022

Yes, medical tourism is gaining ground in India at a rapid pace. I would love to see Dev Patels films in the future.

DerdriuMarriner on 01/11/2022

pateluday, Thank you for practical information, pretty pictures and product lines.
India does not surprise me for figuring high on medical tourism what with the subcontinent's finessing homeopathic, natural and traditional medicines along with modern medicine.

Have you seen the two best exotic Marigold hotel films in which Dev Patel acts as a hotelkeeper in modern Jaipur? Your article makes me think of them. Dev Patel's character Sunny opens the hotel doors to English men and women who come to India for varying reasons, one of which is health care in terms of Maggie Smith's character.

pateluday on 01/11/2022

Usually, when an ailing person dies in a foreign country the body is sent back with the assistance of the country's embassy or consulate.

blackspanielgallery on 01/10/2022

The one problem with the seriously ill traveling for treatment, and I knew of such a case, is that if the person should die moving a body is not easy to do due to legal difficulties. I am not certain if the same thing applies to India, the case I heard of involved Germany.

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