I'm Chad Stiles, but my gaming friends may call me Ashton, or Ashton Blaze (that's a long story, if you get to know me, I might tell you). I'm in my early 30s and I like playing games. I call myself an addict, but my friend Steady keeps trying to kick me out of that club. Ever since 2007, I think we have both tried every new MMO that has come out with varying success. We even have guilds, clans, or supergroups in most of them. We've had fun for several years, and I'm no closer to any 12-step program to quit gaming (not that I would want to be). I'm married and I have two children. I do not neglect my responsibilities in order to play games. I have a full-time job that puts dinner on my family's table and I spend a lot of quality time with my family. I just happen to love games as well. Yes, I think some people overdo it and need some help; however, I think the anti-game activists have taken it way too far and fail to realize that video games are a work of art and people can learn an amazing amount of things from them.
I'm the author of the Game Addictz blog over at http://gamingwithdrawal.blogspot.com and I even write a magazine dedicated to MMOs called MMO Addictz (You can find that one by going to LuLu.com and searching for MMO Addictz). I also write articles about games on here as well as Squidoo. Although I do make money from affiliate links on both sites (full disclosure here: any link you click on in my articles or blog probably earns me some sort of commission), the advertising fees have not replaced my full time job (at least, not yet!).
I also like playing guitar and do have a side project band that me and my cousin are trying to start up. We're still looking for a drummer and vocalist, but have practiced for nearly a year and a half now. I don't watch as much television as I used to; however, I am a professional wrestling fan and watch WWE and TNA whenever I can, and if I get really bored, I watch "That 70s Show" and "Friends" re-runs. My wife used to be an Addict with me; however, she has been kicked out of the club (lol, just kidding). Anyways, hopefully you enjoy reading the stuff I write as much as I enjoy writing it!
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