My 5 Favourite League of Legends Champions

by Seelyon

A collection of my favourite champions in League of Legends. Learn more about my favourite champions and why I love playing them.

I love playing League of Legends, it is one of the best online games that I ever played. One of my favourite features is the fact that there are over 100 different champions that you can play, so there is a character for everyone's likes and play style.

I hope you enjoy reading all about my favourite League of Legends champions, please comment and tell me your favourite champion!

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Amumu has always been one of my favourite champions, I'm not sure if its his sad story or his amazing area of effect ultimate that I like the most.

He was one of the first junglers I ever tried (at the time he was very strong) and I never stopped likely his ability to completely turn the tide of battle with a well-timed ultimate.


Learn more about Amumu



Annie always interested me since my first days of League of Legends, back when I played Twisted Treeline. I remember doing really well in my first ever game and just enjoyed playing her ever since then since been my default AP champion. I love her ability to last hit easily with Disintegrate (it gives her mana back), making her a great option for new players. 

I also love her stun mechanic and using her ultimate with combination of her stun on the entire enemy team, her burst is simply not matched by anyother AP in my opinion.

Learn More About Annie


Cho'Gath was probably the champion I played the most, I have at least 200+ games under my belt and loved playing him on my way up to level 30. I originally started playing him after a promotion on the LoL website that gave out a free nightmare Cho'Gath skin.

The feast mechanic of Cho'Gath always interested me, watching him grow bigger as he eats enemies and minions was always entertaining. I also love his multiple are of effect abilities and his sustaining passive.

Learn more about Cho'Gath




I probably had the most fun playing Evelynn of all the champions in League of Legends. Shes one of the few champions in League of Legends that possess stealth, a mechanic that LoL has always had issue with balancing which unfortunately stopped them making more champions.

I used to play her as a jungler and using her stealth and stun was able to setup many early game kills for my team, I always used to enjoy scouting out the enemy end-game and avoiding their Oracle holder. I got many triple kills and some quadras playing her.

Learn more about Evelynn


Teemo has always been another one of my favourite champions, I just love his ability to setup traps on the map and provide massive map control for his team. He also makes for a great AD champion counter with his blind ability.

I love playing Teemo solo top mostly but I am also happy to go bottom lane with a support and battle it out 2v2.

Teemo isn't a very popular champion which makes it so much more fun to play him

Learn more about Teemo


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League of Legends
League of Legends
Updated: 08/30/2019, Seelyon
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Who Is Your Favourite League of Legends Champions?

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Rose on 07/20/2012

I think my fave is Annie!

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