My Experience with the Trial Hair Removal Laser

by theluke55

This article is a personal experience that I've had with hair removal technology.

My Past Experience with Hair Removal Products

I've been through many different programs and used a variety of hair removal products for various areas on my body.  Waxing is an effective way to get good results but the procedure is rather invasive.  There are particular instances where I wasn't able to walk for a couple of days after a waxing session.  However, the results where much better than shaving.  The waxing lasted much longer and I didn't have to worry about hair for weeks.  Of course shaving is a fool proof way to get rid of unwanted hair.  I have trouble with dry skin and shaving sometimes is a bit cumbersome.  I have to invest in a lot of different lotions so that my skin stays soft after shaving.  When it comes to hair removal I've tried almost anything.  I even tried unique yoga poses that help get rid of hair naturally.  It's a tricky thing but I'm always keeping a lookout for new products.  

I'm currently trying laser hair removal.  I think that as the technology gets better, this will be the future of hair removal.  Laser technology is less invasive than something like waxing, and today there is good technology that gives safe products.  That being said, there is nothing wrong with shaving which is the oldest form of hair removal.  Shaving is effective, but it is tedious and doesn't perform as other technologies in certain areas of the body.        


Moon Goddess
Moon Goddess

My Experience with Laser Removal

I've currently been using the TRIA hair removal laser as my hair removal product.  So far it has worked out really nicely.  I don't have to worry about shaving cream, shavers, and the pain of waxing.  The laser is easy to use and different power levels can give different degrees of usefulness for me.  The head of the laser is a bit bulky but I manage just fine while using it.  I hope that the future series of this product implement a smaller head so that I have more accuracy with my hair care.  Batteries are the one thing that you have to worry about when using a laser.  Waxing and shaving doesn't require this necessities.  The TRIA is expensive at first but it is much better than going to a spa to get it done.  

I frequently used to visit the spa and get my laser treatment there.  However, the TRIA hair removal laser works just as effectively as some of their lasers and hence I've switched to the TRIA.  I plan on using laser treatment on almost all areas of my body.  Some areas that are tougher to reach I will use a shaver but I'm loving this new technology.  I'm excited for the future of this product and will keep using laser treatment.  I've had great results and with smooth skin and long lasting hair removal.  

Future Technology and Beauty

Full On Beauty
Full On Beauty
Updated: 01/26/2012, theluke55
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