Nautical Theme Wedding Invitations

by mihgasper

Nautical theme is one of the most traditional themes for weddings. Blue and white are also most popular wedding colors. Let's introduce both with themed invites!

When we decide for a themed wedding, we are aiming to set the tone for the whole series of events, from decorating the reception hall to the finest detail as a wedding ring pillow.

Combination of classic white with navy blue is easy on the eyes and gives plenty of opportunities to express your creativity with accessories. It's up to you how far will you go.

You can choose seafood for your wedding party or opt only for embroidered life preservers on the napkins. But in any case everything will start with invitations. All right, with save the dates, actually, but the part with invites is the one where things become really serious. If not before, you have to choose a theme by then and from then on you have to stick with it.

Sending nautical wedding invitations can be great start into magical experience of the biggest day in your life. There are so many emotions involved, you simply can't pay attention to every single detail, but with few general guidelines and enough time for preparation, everything should be running smoothly and every minor disturbance will be likely solved without a hassle.

(image found on Pixabay or used by permission of the respective creators)

Sunset at the sea is among most romantic sceneries

Wedding invitations with a nautical theme are always in fashion

In blue and white as dominating colors

Symbols, typical for nautical (navy) theme

Most popular nautical themes always involve anchors, knots, sailing boats, compasses and similar elements with strong symbolic meanings. If you spend some time to exploring the ideas, you'll soon find the right vibe which suits your personality and create an event of your lifetime.

You can start with one of major moments or items - the wedding vow or bridals bouquet - and develop a major theme with numerous tiny details to express your sense of humor or emphasize the importance of this particular day.

At nautical weddings use a lot of white and blue colors with a pinch of gold, yellow, orange or brown.

Or you can start start with a huge list of ideas, related to the chosen theme (nautical in our case) and than carefully select what you feel could work for you, what is out of question, and what might work, but needs some fine tuning.

The final result will be unique creation reflecting personalities of the newlyweds. It doesn't matter what will dominate, mystical seahorses or colorful maritime flags, optimistic lighthouses or simple white and blue striped motifs, your wedding is your job, your responsibility and of course your joy.

Invitation represents so much more than a simple piece of paper with necessary information, we have to be extremely careful to follow the written and unwritten rules of the etiquette. Invitations, save-the-date cards, RSVP, thank you notes, ... It's easy to make a mistake, but with this comprehensive and to the point guide everything will run much more smoothly.

Knots are closely related to the weddings

How to properly write a wedding invitation

Use the power of knowledge of professionals and make the most of your W-day. Jennifer Cegielski knows everything about classic and contemporary wedding stationary and with this book you can profit from her huge experience. She takes you from sometimes overwhelming process of inviting hundreds of guests step by step without fear to make unnecessary mistakes. So if you start planning the wedding with her book, you are already on the right path.

Did  you know, for instance, there are specific rules for writing for each level of formality? Ultra formal and formal can differ from casual like day and night.

Avoid any possible embarrassment by this superb guide through sometimes unpredictable waves of wedding stationary etiquette!

How about the technical part? Do you know enough about types of paper, inks, formats and so on and on? With this book you'll become an expert in no time.

Few words on addressing etiquette

Navy blue on sandy white works great at navy themed wedding
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Few tips on wording on invitations

Sending an invitation is traditional and formal act, so apply these rules:

  • Addresses on envelopes should be written by hand. If for some reason you can't write them or hire somebody else to do that instead of you, there is printing software to help you address the envelops in functional and aesthetic way.
  • Always use full names and addresses. Apart from obvious practical reason to avoid misunderstandings, it is also a way to be polite and respectful at the same time. There are also few exceptions from this rule, where abbreviations could be used, but this is beyond the goals of this article, so in general - write names and titles in full, including middle names.
  • Wedding invitations are traditionally sent in two envelopes. The outer is fully addressed to the invitee or invitees (Mr. and Mrs. John Smith + full address) and the inner, which is never sealed, the last names only ( Mr. and Mrs. Smith without address, but with the option to add children's names, if necessary).
  • When addressing unmarried couple, living at the same address, you can use the same envelope, but their names should be written separately in alphabetic order. When we address children, they should be ordered by their birth date, older first.
  • If we invite a single person, we can include 'Please, bring a guest' on the inner envelope or send separate invitation, depending on specific situation. If we don't want children or somebody else to be present at the wedding, and this is maybe not clear to the invitee, explain that personally or by phone, not in the official invitation.
  • Never ever, mention wedding repository, if any exists, on official invitation. Spread the word in other ways. By mouth is traditional, through your wedding site is more contemporary (and, by the way, this may be mentioned on your stationary).

Detailed map is often part of wedding invite

Wedding invitations with nautical theme

One great idea can initiate a whole avalanche of events leading to the most unique wedding experience. Watch some of these astonishing creations with algae and shells and let your creative juices flow.

Remember: everything related with the see can be used, you are by no means limited with white and blue, because the ocean hides many treasures of all possible colors. Just keep in mind these two most classic wedding colors should dominate the general appearance.

Elegant and classy feeling achieved with combination of white and blue can be refreshed with carefully chosen details in more energetic colors (red, yellow, orange and brown). The most popular accent is gold.

Think about ribbons on centerpieces, representing sun rays or berries in bouquets, which add life to peaceful, yet always lively sea life.

For more ideas, please visit:

Updated: 05/19/2016, mihgasper
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What is your favorite element in nautical themed wedding?

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mihgasper on 11/19/2023

I dn't think so. Common sense should be enough. And common sense advices against exaggeration.

DerdriuMarriner on 11/18/2023

My leave-time for an errand conflicted with my consideration of nautical-themed postage stamps for wedding-party invitations.

Does any etiquette recommend that all postage stamps be the same?

Or, if it's okay to affix nautical-themed postage stamps, would it suggest that there could be different special stamps for different people?

This following-mentioned stamp, as an example, only would be available, as far as I can tell, in Denmark or such Danish possessions as the Faroe Islands and Greenland. But for instance, someone particularly admiratory of Andreas William Heinesen would appreciate one of the latter's postage stamps or a commemorative stamp in his honor. But perhaps others with other favorites would appreciate other postage-stamp options.

DerdriuMarriner on 11/17/2023

Ragnar jonasson and Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir, in their recently co-authored Reykjavik: A Crime Story, consider among historical figures from the 1950s to 1980s timespan of their characters poet Elias Mar.

The Faroese Island author and postage-stamp artist Andreas William Heinesen figures among those who influenced Elias Mar.

So islands and stamps, Faroese and Icelandic, made me think of your nautical-themed wedding-party components!

Would it be within nautical-themed etiquette to use nautical-themed postage stamps on the wedding-party invitations?

DerdriuMarriner on 11/15/2023

The JimmyGreen website lists as traditional nautical-rope colors blue, white and red.

It mentions white for mainsail halyard, blue or blue and white for headsail sheets and halyard and red or red and white for halyard and spinnaker sheets.

Would there be any wedding-party etiquette regarding integrating such colors?

The colors would seem to me to cooperate with the other colors that you write about -- "At nautical weddings use a lot of white and blue colors with a pinch of gold, yellow, orange or brown" -- under the third paragraph to your first subheading, Symbols, typical for nautical (navy) theme, wouldn't they?

DerdriuMarriner on 11/15/2023

The rope image just above the second subheading, How to properly write a wedding invitation, convinces me of the beautiful teamwork of white rope with other nautical-themed wedding-party colors.

But then I found the JimmyGreen website about color-coding ropes!

Is there any etiquette for rope colors?

DerdriuMarriner on 11/14/2023

This wizzley is timeless in its applicability even as nautical-themed wedding parties easily can be adapted to all last half of the year's holidays, from Memorial Day to July 4 to Labor Day to Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas and to New Year.

So what surfaces here for nautical-themed weddings will work -- with minimal add-ons and adjustments -- just as appealingly, nicely, relevantly, seamlessly, timelessly as any one of the above-mentioned holidays.

Boat themes work with them, even Halloween, as evidenced by the enduring appeal of the film Nosferatu by Werner Herzog, right?

DerdriuMarriner on 11/13/2023

Blue-and-white nautical-themed wedding parties appeal to me.

And yet I also appreciate the supportive colors that can be had with other sea-world colors for background aesthetics.

It can be comforting, predictable or soporific with two colors everywhere one looks.

It might be a little energizing -- not too much ;-{ though, correct? -- to have other sea-world colors such as big-island Hawaii red, Kahoolawe gray, Kauai purple, Lanai orange, Maui pink, Molokai green and Oahu yellow particularly as individual setting and table centerpiece Hawaiian myrtle, beach-heliotrope, green-berry, orange-and-yellow air-plant, pink cottage-rose, and golden-mallow flowers and as Niihau white cowrey-shell invitation and napkin holders.

DerdriuMarriner on 11/13/2023

The Nutrition Advance website convinces me that sea vegetables deserve to be considered among wedding-party fare.

The attractive, healthy native Hawaiian examples persuade me that the Hawaiian islands serve as traditional models for wedding-party happiness and success.

The University of Hawaii Botany Department reveals as additionally attractive, healthy edibles limu palahalaha (Ulva fasciata) in light soups and with fish dishes.

All this user-friendliness on the part of the Hawaiian university system would make it so easy, so fun, so healthy to make a wedding party not only nautical-themed but specifically Hawaiian nautical-themed, right?

DerdriuMarriner on 11/13/2023

Nutrition Advance enters among its 14 sea vegetables the ahi limu species of the Hawaiian islands.

Hawaiian red algae as ahi limu (Gracilaria coronopifolia, Gracilaria parvispora) and as limu kohu ("seaweed pleasing" literally, Asparagopsis taxiformis) feature fresh or as diced appetizers with fish or as diced main dishes with fish in salads, soups and stews.

This type of Hawaiian red algae serves more as condiments than as ingredients or standalones.

Their color really would prettify wedding-party fare and tables, correct?

DerdriuMarriner on 11/13/2023

Irish moss appears among the 14 sea vegetables on the Nutrition Advance website.

The common name (Chondrus crispus) attracts me even as its cultivation areas off Canada, Ireland, Spain, United Kingdom and United States augment my attentiveness even further, even more.

Irish moss counts among red algae. It functions more as a carrageenan-thickening, fibrous, mineral, polyphenol, protein and vitamin source within soups, stews and stocks.

It lends purple redness to its foods. That might be quite an attractive addition to wedding-party tables and quite a delicious rendition to seafood soups, stews and stocks, correct?

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