North Indian Chicken Caesar Salad: Celebrate Julius Caesar's Birthday July 12 or 13

by DerdriuMarriner

North Indian Chicken Caesar Salad, New Delhi's popular variant of the classic Caesar Salad, can serve to celebrate the July birthday of Julius Caesar, whose son visited India.

Caesar Salad receives its name from its creator, Italian immigrant restauranteur Cesare "Caesar" Cardini (Feb. 24, 1896-Nov. 3, 1956). Although Gaius Julius Caesar is not the namesake of Caesar Salad, ancient Rome's legendary general and statesman often has been identified erroneously as the eponym of the North American culinary creation. Nevertheless, the recipe's elegant, healthy simplicity accords with Caesar's reputation for favoring healthy, simple foods and serves as a delicious menu suggestion for celebrating his July 12/13 birthday.

Universally popular Caesar Salad finds appreciation in India, a country indirectly associated with Julius Caesar (July 12/13, 100 BCE-March 15, 44 BCE). The widely travelled Roman did not reach India, although his expected participation in the Roman Republic's planned invasion of the Parthian Empire (modern-day northeastern Iran), which was cancelled by his assassination, would have placed him in the subcontinent's northwestern neighbor. Caesarion (June 23, 47 BCE-late August 30, BCE), his son with Cleopatra VII Philopator (69 BCE-Aug. 10, 30 BCE), however, did travel to the welcoming subcontinent, according to Greek biographer Plutarch (46 BCE-ca. 122 BCE) in Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans (Perrin translation [1920], vol. 9, page 321).

North Indian Chicken Caesar Salad exemplifies North Indian cuisine's accommodation of local, regional, national and international recipes within its outstanding gustatory parameters. North India's cuisine finesses international recipes for successful incorporation within the North Indian culinary context, as evinced in two rankings of best Caesar Salad places in New Delhi, India's national capital.

Nivea Sapra's 2019 list ranked the capital's 10 best Caesar Salad places. Deeksha Sarin narrowed her 2018 ranking to the seven best Caesar Salad places in India's National Capital Region (NCR). Both food writers honor Diggin in Anand Lok Shopping Centre as the best place for Caesar Salad.

Diggin Cafe in New Delhi's Anand Lok Shopping Centre ranks on two lists as the best Caesar Salad place in India's national capital.

Diggin Cafe's name originates in Diggin, nickname of owner Digvijay Bedi.
Diggin Cafe's name originates in Diggin, nickname of owner Digvijay Bedi.

Diggin Cafe's Caesar Salad delights with "copious" Parmesan cheese shavings


Food writer Deeksha Sarin's online evaluation, "7 Best Caesar Salad Places In Delhi NCR," was published, with an April 9, 2018, update, on NDTV Food, a lifestyle subsidiary of NDTV's (New Delhi Television Limited). She awarded first place to Diggin Cafe in New Delhi's Anand Lok Shopping Centre. Sarin noted the "copious" Parmesan cheese shavings that top Diggin's Caesar Salad, which, like the original Caesar Salad, is vegetarian.

Second-place Big Chill Cafe in Khan Market offers classic Caesar Salad, albeit with iceberg rather than romaine lettuce, and Chicken Caesar Salad, with iceberg lettuce and chicken bits. Sarin extolled the dressing's creaminess.

Third-place Cafe Diva in Rama Krishna Puram's Sangam Courtyard characterizes "our version of Caesar's salad" as a "homemade dressing with extra garlic (minus the anchovies)" over romaine leaves. Asparagus, chicken and bacon are available as add-ons. (Note: Cesare Cardini's original recipe does not include anchovies; the salad's Worcestershire sauce contributes the anchovy-like taste.) Sarin emphasized the "subtle garlicky flavour" that will appeal to garlic lovers.


Content strategist Nivea Sapra's "10 Places To Get The Best Caesar Salad In Delhi!," published on Dfor Delhi's website, July 4, 2019, concurred with Sarin's placement of Diggin Cafe as the best Caesar Salad provider in New Delhi. Her list gave locations and hours for each entry but offered no descriptions of the winning Caesar Salads.


Exclusively operating as a home deliverer, Gurugram's Salad Company offers generously portioned Chicken Caesar Salad as a best-selling non-vegetarian variation of internationally favorite Caesar Salad.

Salad Company's Chicken Caesar Salad with homemade dressing and multigrain bread
Salad Company's Chicken Caesar Salad with homemade dressing and multigrain bread


Deeksha Sarin's best Caesar Salad list considered the National Capital Region (NCR). The planning region encompasses the 11 administrative districts of the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi as well as districts in the surrounding northern states of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.

Seventh-place Salad Company's location in Haryana state's Gurugram only offers home delivery. Gurugram lies near the Delhi-Haryana border, at a distance of approximately 19 miles (30 kilometers) southwest of New Delhi.

Sarin notes Chicken Caesar Salad as Salad Company's "best seller." The salad features "generous portions of chicken."


Jill Wilcox, Canadian food writer and owner of London, Ontario's Jill's Table, has created an Indian-styled Chicken Caesar Salad that is flavored with Indian spices and that substitutes naan bites for croutons.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017, photo by Mike Hensen/The London Free Press/Postmedia Network
Wednesday, June 7, 2017, photo by Mike Hensen/The London Free Press/Postmedia Network

My family's North Indian Chicken Caesar Salad recipe


In her travels across India, my sister appreciated the subcontinent's frequently faithful reproduction of Cesare Cardini's classic Caesar Salad. His original recipe called for romaine lettuce, coddled eggs and garlic croutons drizzled with a Worcestershire sauce dressing.

Indian eateries also made pleasing additions to the classic vegetarian recipe. For instance, cherry tomatoes brighten the presentation by contrasting attractively with egg whiteness, crouton browness and romaine greenery.

Non-vegetarian versions of Caesar Salad abound across India. In North India, my sister particularly noted an emphasis on bacon bits, chicken bites or chicken strips.

North Indian Chicken Caesar Salad recipes do not necessarily feature Indian spices. The cooking of the chicken --- whether baked, broiled, grilled, roasted, steamed, tandooried, etc. --- might, or might not, include spices.

Her experiences with airport food on her many travels inspired Jill Wilcox, Canadian food writer and owner of Jill's Table in London, Ontario, to create a Chicken Caesar Salad recipe with a nuanced Indian-styled flavor. Her Indian Chicken Caesar Salad With Naan Croutons first appeared in The Londoner's June 17, 2017, issue and was republished in the June 18, 2019 issue. The recipe flavors grilled chicken with cumin, garam masala or curry powder, ginger and turmeric.


My family's North Indian Chicken Caesar Salad recipe reflects the colorful, tasteful version of the classic Caesar Salad that my sister encountered in North India. We add cherry tomatoes and chicken bites or strips to create our Chicken Caesar Salad from our classic Caesar Salad, which I shared in "Beware the Ides of March Meal: Caesar or Brutus Salad, Cleopatra's Dulcis Coccora, Caesar Cocktail."

Our Indian-spiced variation resembles Jill Wilcox's recipe. Cumin, garam masala and turmeric flavorfully accent the salad. A sprinkling of ginger flavors the chicken bites or strips.

Another variation involves serving classic Caesar Salad as a side dish for golden-baked chicken breasts. Diners have the option of creating their own Chicken Caesar Salad by cutting chicken chunks for topping the salad.

A favorite variation is substituting plant-based grilled chicken strips for chicken strips. This keeps Chicken Caesar Salad as vegetarian as the classic Caesar Salad recipe.


My Family's Recipe for North Indian Chicken Caesar Salad


Prep time 10 minutes -- Total time 20 minutes


Ingredients for four servings: Serves four to six, according to portion size.




1 package Valley Fresh 100% Natural White Chicken Cuts

2 eggs

2 heads of organic romaine lettuce;

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon garam masala (or curry powder)

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

peppercorns, freshly ground

1 lemon, for squeezing over lettuce leaves

   Or: 3 Tablespoons lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1/4 pound Parmesan cheese for fresh grating or shredding (about 1 to 1/4 cups)

2 cups toasted, garlic-seasoned croutons

Ground ginger, for sprinkling



1. Place oil and spices (ground cumin, garam masala, or curry powder, and turmeric in a small bowl. Whisk together. Set aside.

2. Place precooked chicken strips in bowl. Set in refrigerator until serving time.

3. Coddle eggs: bring water to boil in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Use large serving spoon to lower eggs carefully into center of saucepan. Be sure that eggs are completely covered by water.

Boil eggs for one minute.

Remove saucepan from burner. Transfer eggs to bowl of ice for one minute of cooling. Set aside.

4. Place romaine leaves in large serving bowl. Drizzle with half of spiced oil, i.e., 1/4 cup. Gently blend spiced oil into leaves with rolling motion of salad utensils.

5. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and rest of spiced oil, i.e., 1/4 cup. Lightly toss.

6. Squeeze lemon over leaves. Sprinkle Worcestershire sauce. Lightly toss.

7. Break eggs over salad. Lightly toss.

8. Add cheese. Lightly toss.

9. Top with croutons. Lightly blend.


Refrigerate until serving time.


At serving time: Transfer salad to dinner plates. Top with chicken cuts. Lightly sprinkle ground ginger over chicken cuts.


Chicken Caesar Salad: popular non-vegetarian variation of Caesar Salad

Cambridge, Massachusetts; Saturday, January 11, 2020, 12:33
Cambridge, Massachusetts; Saturday, January 11, 2020, 12:33

Julius Caesar's birthday July 12 or July 13: celebrate with a salad that is not named after him or create an imaginative meal, for example, as envisioned by Gus Filgate


Julius Caesar was born in July in the year 100 BCE. The actual date in July is given as the 12th, the 13th or as either the 12th or the 13th.

Roman culture has appeared, across the millennia, as exhibiting excessive consumption of alcohol and food. Contrastingly, Julius Caesar was known for favoring simple food and disfavoring alcohol, as reiterated by Sarah Bond, assistant professor in Classics at the University of Iowa, in her Aug. 16, 2017, post on Forbes, "You Are What You Eat: The Politics of Eating On Campaign From Ancient Rome to Trump." Professor Bond recalled the famous quip by Marcus Porcius Cato (95 BCE-April 46 BCE), known as Cato the Younger, that his political opponent was "the only man who undertook to overthrow the state when sober," as reported by Roman historian Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (ca. 69 CE-after 122 CE) in The Lives of the Twelve Caesars (Rolfe translation [1914], LIII, page 73).

The elegant simplicity of classic Caesar Salad and its non-vegetarian variation, Chicken Caesar Salad, accords with the healthy, simple eating habits that are attributed to ancient Rome's accomplished, aristocratic general and statesman. In fact, romaine, the name of the salad's signature lettuce, reflects its transmission to Europe from ancient Rome, according to food and gastronomy polymath Alan Davidson's (March 30, 1924-Dec. 2, 2003) The Oxford Companion to Food. The leafy vegetable's English name translates from its Italian name, lettuga romana.

An imaginative meal, such as food director and photographer Gus Filgate's meat and seafood platter, serves as an alternative to celebrating Julius Caesar's birthday with Caesar Salad or Chicken Caesar Salad. Filgate filmed Last Suppers with attractively displayed shrimp, mussels and a mutton chop for his vision of Julius Caesar's last meal. Ancient Romans daily accessed the Mediterranean Sea's rich abundance and variety of fish and shellfish, according to Alberto Lunetta's "Dining with Julius Caesar, a Journey Through Roman Diet and Meal Traditions," published in the Sep. 6, 2019, issue of Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella's Signature.


In Last Suppers, food filmmaker Gus Filgate envisioned a colorful platter of shrimp, mussels and a mutton chop for Julius Caesar.

Gus Filgate envisions a non-vegetarian Caesar Salad as Julius Caesar's last supper.
Gus Filgate envisions a non-vegetarian Caesar Salad as Julius Caesar's last supper.



My special thanks to talented photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the Internet.


Image Credits


Diggin Cafe in New Delhi's Anand Lok Shopping Centre ranks on two lists as the best Caesar Salad place in India's national capital.
Diggin Cafe's name originates in Diggin, nickname of owner Digvijay Bedi.: Diggin @diggincafe, via Facebook November 13, 2017, @

Exclusively operating as a home deliverer, Gurugram's Salad Company offers generously portioned Chicken Caesar Salad as a best-selling non-vegetarian variation of internationally favorite Caesar Salad.
Salad Company's Chicken Caesar Salad with homemade dressing and multigrain bread: Salad Company @HealthyLifeWithSaladCompany, via Facebook March 30, 2017, @

Jill Wilcox, Canadian food writer and owner of London, Ontario's Jill's Table, has created an Indian-styled Chicken Caesar Salad that is flavored with Indian spices and that substitutes naan bites for croutons.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017, photo by Mike Hensen/The London Free Press/Postmedia Network: The Londoner @LondonerOnline, via Facebook June 18, 2019, @

Chicken Caesar Salad: popular non-vegetarian variation of Caesar Salad
Cambridge, Massachusetts; Saturday, January 11, 2020, 12:33: Public Domain (CC0 1.0), via Wikimedia Commons @,_MA.jpg

In Last Suppers, food filmmaker Gus Filgate envisioned a colorful platter of shrimp, mussels and a mutton chop for Julius Caesar.
Gus Filgate envisions a non-vegetarian Caesar Salad as Julius Caesar's last supper.: HYPEBEAST @HYPEBEAST, via Twitter April 24, 2015, @


Sources Consulted


Allen, Gary. "Caesar’s Last Salad: The Foods of Ancient Rome." Leite's Culinaria > Writings > Food History and Science. March 15, 2000.

  • Available @

BBC. "Julius Caesar (100BC - 44BC)." BBC > History > Historical Figures.

  • Available @

Bond, Sarah. "You Are What You Eat: The Politics of Eating On Campaign From Ancient Rome to Trump." Forbes. Aug. 17, 2016.

  • Available @

Davidson, Alan. The Oxford Companion to Food. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press, 1999.

DforDelhi @dfordelhi. "We’re sure Brutus also approves of these 10 stellar places. Light, healthy and absolutely delicious, you guys have to try them." Facebook. June 4, 2019.

  • Available @

Diggin @diggincafe. "Are you all set to start your week on a refreshing note, dig into our Caesar salad today! Picture credits: The Tasting Fork #Diggin #DigginDiaries #Cafe #Delhi." Twitter. Nov. 13, 2017.

  • Available @

Fresc Co India @FrescCo_India. "Chicken Caesar salad is a wholesome meal with a refreshing combination of ingredients to satiate your taste buds!" Twitter. July 1, 2016.

  • Available @

Hansley, C. Keith. "The Private Fossils And Antiques Museum In An Island Villa Of Augustus." The Historian's Hut > Did You Know? Sept. 14, 2018.

  • Available @

HYPEBEAST @HYPEBEAST. "Director Gus Filgate presents his take on what would have been Julius Caesar's last supper." Twitter. April 24, 2015.

  • Available @

India Today Web Desk. "Remembering Julius Ceaser, One of the Most Critical Minds Behind the Growth of the Roman Empire." India Today > News > Education Today > GK & Current Affairs > Personalities. July 13, 2017. Updated March 15, 2019.

  • Available @

Kak, Subhash. "The Indian Caesar and the City." PGurus > Lifestyle > Culture. Sep. 3, 2019.

  • Available @

Kaufman, Noah. "A Breathtaking Look at Famous Last Meals." Food & Wine > News. Updated April 23, 2015.

  • Available @

Krueger, Maggie; and Lakshi Bhatia. "Café entrepreneurs out to carve a delicious, non-traditional niche in Delhi." The Hindu > News > Cities > Delhi. July 28, 2014.

  • Available @

The Londoner @LondonerOnline. "Recipe: Indian Chicken Caesar salad with Naan croutons." Facebook. June 18, 2019.

  • Available @

Lunetta, Alberto. "Dining with Julius Caesar, a Journey Through Roman Diet and Meal Traditions." The Signature. Sept. 6, 2019.

  • Available @

Mandal, Dattatreya. "Director Vividly Imagines the Last Meals Consumed by Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte." Hexapolis > History. May 9, 2015.

  • Available @

Martyris, Nina. "The Lavish Roman Banquet: A Calculated Display Of Debauchery And Power."  NPR > Food > The Salt. May 20, 2019.

  • Available @

NDTV Food @NDTVFood. "5 Best Caesar Salad Places in Delhi NCR." Twitter. March 31, 2018.

  • Available @

Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives. With an English Translation by Bernadotte Perrin. In Eleven Volumes. Vol IX: Demetrius and Antony, Pyrrhus and Caius Marius. The Loeb Classical Library. London [UK]: William Heinemann; New York [NY}: The Macmillan Co., MCMXX (1920).

  • Available via HathiTrust @

Salad Company @HealthyLifeWith Salad Company. "Crispy Chicken Caesar Salad." Facebook. March 30, 2017.

  • Available @
  • 4/

Sapra, Nivea. "10 Places To Get The Best Caesar Salad In Delhi!." DforDelhi. July 4, 2019.

  • Available @

Sarin, Deeksha. "7 Best Caesar Salad Places In Delhi NCR." NDTV Food > Food & Drinks. Updated April 9, 2018.

  • Available @

Strauss, Barry. The Death of Caesar: The Story of History's Most Famous Assassination. New York NY: Simon & Schuster, March 3, 2015.

Suetonius [Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus]. The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars. Joseph Gavorse, trans. and ed. The Modern Library. New York NY: Random House, 1931.

  • Available via Internet Archive @

Suetonius [Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus]. The Lives Of The Caesars. With an English Translation by J.C. Rolfe. London [UK]: William Heinemann; New York [NY]: The Macmillan Co., MCMXIV (1914).

  • Available via Internet Archive @
  • Available via University of Chicago @*.html#49

TNN. "Caesar Salad Recipe." Times of India > Times Food > Recipes. Updated Oct. 1, 2016.

  • Available @

Wilcox, Jill. "Indian Style Caesar Salad." Londoner > Live > Food. June 18, 2019.

  • Available @


the end which is also the beginning
the end which is also the beginning

Valley Fresh 100% Natural White Chicken Cuts ~ Already prepared chicken cuts are perfect for Chicken Caesar Salad.

This product is highlighted as Amazon's Choice as a highly rated, well-priced product available to ship immediately.
Valley Fresh 100% Natural White Chicken Cuts Pouch, 7 Ounce (Pack o...

Tyson Grilled Fajita Chicken Breast Strips ~ Already prepared grilled chicken breast strips are perfect for Chicken Caesar Salad.

Tyson Grilled Fajita Chicken Breast Strips - 2 Pack (48 oz Each, 96...

Hungry Planet Plant-Based Grilled Chicken Strips ~ Plant-based grilled chicken strips keep Chicken Caesar Salad deliciously vegetarian.

Hungry Planet Chicken Grilled Chicken Strips, Plant-Based Chicken (...

Caesar Cardini's Original Caesar Dressing:

Caesar Cardini's Original Caesar Dressing is Amazon's Choice, highlighted as a highly rated and well priced product.
Cardini Original Caesar Dressing, Bottles, 20 Fl Oz (Pack of 2)

Alan Davidson's The Oxford Companion to Food explains that romaine lettuce arrived in Europe via Rome and that the lettuce's name in English translates from the Italian name, lettuga romana.

Romaine lettuce is Caesar Salad's signature lettuce.
The Oxford Companion to Food (Oxford Companions) by Alan Davidson (...

Me and my purrfectly purrfect Maine coon kittycat, Augusta "Gusty" Sunshine

Gusty and I thank you for reading this article and hope that our product selection interests you; Gusty Gus receives favorite treats from my commissions.
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
Updated: 02/03/2025, DerdriuMarriner
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Jo_Murphy on 12/29/2023

Ju - lee-us-C- zah

DerdriuMarriner on 12/29/2023

How would Australians say Julius Caesar?

Unitedstatesians would say DJOO-lee-uhss SEE-zuhr!

Jo_Murphy on 12/28/2023

It would be interesting to note how it would be pronounced in Australia

DerdriuMarriner on 12/28/2023

Thank you for stopping by and liking North Indian chicken Caesar salad!

Caesar salad is one of my favorite salads because I still remember as a child -- whose father taught his children languages such as Greek and Latin so that they were multi-lingually fluent by kindergarten -- thinking that it was pronounced the Latin way, not as the Unitedstatesian SEE-zuhr!

Jo_Murphy on 12/28/2023

OK, tomorrow is the big day. I will try this recipe. I am trying to eat more healthily.
Wow you have written a lot of articles, Jo

DerdriuMarriner on 12/06/2023

Alert: rumbling stomach -- ;-D -- in anticipation of a wizzleyed spicy-waffle recipe!

Jo_Murphy on 12/05/2023

Sure. I'll get on to it DerdriuMarriner

DerdriuMarriner on 12/05/2023

Thank you for stopping by and liking the Indian-styled caesar salad.

Spicy waffles sound great! Would you be putting the recipe out as a wizzley?

Jo_Murphy on 12/04/2023

I am travelling to Golden Beach to see my sister and her daughter. I will take my new waffle maker and work out how to make spicy waffles. I can make spicy waffles to accompany an Indian Caesar salad. I will look forward to cooking for about 6 days. I will look back through your articles to see what else you have written. Jo

DerdriuMarriner on 06/12/2023

Thank you for visiting, Tolovaj!

Caesar salad is a family and a personal favorite.

Me too, I like that it serves as a crowd-pleasing complete meal, especially for the imminent hot summer. There may be some who actually do not care for Caesar salad, but I never have met one who already did not like Caesar salad or who loved it once introduced to it.

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