Omron HJ112 Pedometer

by MuminBusiness

Walking with the Omron HJ112 Pedometer is definitely not the same as simply walking. It is walking with purpose!

The Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer

Not just a pretty machine

Who doesn't know how necessary it is to exercise in today's ever increasing waist-size life?  The problem for most of us is figuring out how to fit it into our hectic lives!

Walking is one definitive answer to this problem.  Most of us walk at least once every day. We just need to measure and maybe increase our steps each day.  If we can measure how much walking we do at present then we can immediately see how much more we need or how we can increase the intensity in order to improve our results without changing our lives too much.

This is where the Omron HJ 112 digital pocket Pedometer comes into the equation.

Some Stats and the Possibilities of Walking for exercise.

Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans are obese and about 2 in every 3 Americans are overweight!  Do you fall in that category?  I did, until very recently.  I managed to walk and DVD my way out of it ( Well barely!)

It is horrid being a statistic and I wanted out.

You can get out by doing just 10000 steps a day.  Did you know that?

I know that sounds like a lot but think of it this way.

1000steps can be done in 10 minutes!  Just ten minutes.  

So do that ten times a day and there you have it, you have improved your health, your bones are healthier for it, you have burnt at least 300 calories and you feel like a winner.

Amazing, eh?

If you are a runner, well you could cut that time right down even further and give your heart even more of a workout.  All without paying a dime towards gym membership.

All you need to keep things measured is the Omron HJ112 Pedometer.  You might not even want that if you are unconcerned about measuring.

However, human beings do have a penchant for self-deception.  Of course, not YOU! :-)

The Omron HJ-112 Pedometer

This little pocket machine is pretty great at keeping track of your steps.  It is amazingly accurate so you know the number it gives it the truth.  Place it on your pants or skirt just to get used to it and you will probably be pleasantly surprised to see how much walking you already do without thinking too much about it. 

Do that once and now imagine how much better it will get when you actually try.

The other side of that is you will never be able to deceive yourself into slowing down your exercise little by little, the Omron HJ112 will record any reduction as well as gain in steps.

It stores the information for 7 days so you can keep a record of your improvement over time.

It is just like a little ring of encouragement as you will want to beat your records time and time again.

As Omron says,

When you know your numbers, You'll grow your numbers!

 Very True! Knowledge is Power!

The Omron HJ112 pedometer comes with a nifty belt which secures it to your jogging bottoms or wherever you choose to clip it. If there is any doubt of the safety of the clip, you can also get a leash for it from Amazon to further secure it to your person.

It has six modes of tracking as it can track your normal steps (and separate them into normal and brisk steps), steps when doing aerobics, how much fat burnt off, how much time it took, the distance traveled and the calories burnt.

It resets every midnight so you do not have to remember to restart the Pedometer.

All in all it is a mighty powerful machine for a pretty small price.

So are you ready to get rid of all your excuses for not losing weight?  Then start simply with the Omron HJ-112 Pedometer, it will definitely not steer you wrong.

Updated: 01/10/2012, MuminBusiness
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