Online Gaming Cyberbullying: Avoidable Hazards in Playing Video Games

by DerdriuMarriner

Dr. Sameer Hinduja of the Cyberbullying Research Center considers online gaming cyberbullying experiences as preventable hazards of playing video games.

Online Gaming Cyberbullying Arises When Technology Betrays Trust

Trolls are cyber equivalents of traditional bullies who make online gaming cyberbullying experiences when they disrupt video games, according to a two-part article published in April and May 2016 by VIRTUS® Online.

Sameer Hinduja, Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, brings 14 years of research to both articles. He culls data from co-directing the Cyberbullying Research Center, co-publishing articles and books, and co-surveying 14,000-plus youths with Justin Patchin, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Professor.

“Willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices” defines cyber, digital, electronic, Internet, mobile, online and text bullying.

Dr. Hinduja examines teens using game consoles and handheld devices to play cyber-bullyable boxed games, digital downloads, free apps, “free-to-play” games, social networking games and subscriptions.




"Report Cyberbullying" page is "constantly updated."
"Report Cyberbullying" page is "constantly updated."

Online Gaming Cyberbullying Fills Unregulated Video Game-Playing Niches


Dr. Hinduja’s research, conducted in 2015, finds that “76 percent of youth surveyed own a gaming console, and 58 percent of kids play online every day.” The survey generates the statistical conclusions that “almost 39 percent consider themselves a ‘gamer’ and fewer than 23 percent stated, ‘I don’t really play video games.’” It hints that most youths “play video games, they are reasonably proficient and they allow their gaming to make up a meaningful portion of their lives.”

Dr. Hinduja indicates that online gaming can make leisure time enjoyably and practically productive by developing sensitivity to storylines and skills for personal and professional success. Video games jeopardize personal safety and self-esteem at their worst and, at their best, strengthen personal interactions and self-growth by relying upon “focus, determination and creativity.” 


"Wikipe-tan Battling a Troll in the Darknesses of Ignorance"

Engaging in dialogue with a cyber troll is not an effective strategy. Actions such as blocking, ignoring and reporting cyber trolls are effective strategies.
Wikipe-tan, personification of Wikipedia, was created January 2006 by editor then known as Kasuga.
Wikipe-tan, personification of Wikipedia, was created January 2006 by editor then known as Kasuga.

Online Gaming Cyberbullying Keeps Hackers and Trolls Employed


Sites such as keep adults vigilant of online gaming cyberbullying by reviewing apps, books, games, movies, music, TV shows and websites 2- to 18-year-olds access. They let parents identify video games that youths can play with peers and, for bonding over shared interests that sustain families, with their fathers and mothers. makes information, to reinforce and supplement, available for adults to maintain secure internet presences for their businesses, their families, their peers and their students. It notes the importance of promoting Data Privacy Day every January 28th, National Cyber Security Awareness Month every October and World Password Day every May 5th.

Dr. Hinduja observes that youths benefit from gentle reminders of blocking, ignoring and reporting emotional button-pushing trolls and from time limits on video game playing hours. 


"The role of bystanders in cyberbullying" (0:49)

Uploaded July 1, 2009, by cyberbullyresearch to YouTube ~ URL:

Online Gaming Cyberbullying Pesters Unprotected Passwords and Privacy


The second part of the article entitled “Preventing Cyberbullying in Online Gaming” by Dr. Hinduja provides clear information on preventing and suppressing online gaming cyberbullying experiences., site of the Entertainment Software Rating Board, qualifies as a respected source for third party rating systems on age-appropriate categories, content descriptors and interactive elements.

Dr. Hinduja reveals that hackers and trolls can make playing video games unenjoyable and unsafe even when categories and content do not seem age- or subject-inappropriate. He states that parents will be less anxious and youths less vulnerable when cheats, modified content and functions, shortcuts, and text and voice chats are disallowed. 

Video games tend to go safest and smoothest with people already in the players' personal lives, not with hackers, trolls, web-ragers: the Strangers on the Internet. 


"Cyberbullying Summarized" (5:30)

Uploaded July 1, 2009, by cyberbullyresearch to YouTube ~ URL:



My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet. 


Image Credits


Report Cyberbullying" page is "constantly updated.": Cyberbullying Research Center @onlinebullying, via Twitter May 4, 2016, @

"Wikipe-tan Battling a Troll in the Darknesses of Ignorance"
Engaging in dialogue with a cyber troll is not an effective strategy. Actions such as blocking, ignoring and reporting cyber trolls are effective strategies.
Wikipe-tan, personification of Wikipedia, was created January 2006 by editor then known as Kasuga.: Polylerus, CC BY SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons @

"The role of bystanders in cyberbullying" (0:49)
Uploaded July 1, 2009, by cyberbullyresearch to YouTube ~ URL:

"Cyberbullying Summarized" (5:30)
Uploaded July 1, 2009, by cyberbullyresearch to YouTube ~ URL:

"Don't feed the trolls."
The advice to block, ignore and report cyber trolls is often phrased as "Do not feed the trolls." Cyber trolls feed on reactions.
Fløyen, a city mountain in Bergen, southwestern coastal Norway: Alex (VS6507), CC BY SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons @,_Fløyen.jpg


Sources Consulted


“About Us.” Cyberbullying Research Center > Connect.

  • Available @

“ESRB Ratings Guide.” Entertainment Software Rating Board > ESRB Ratings.

  • Available @

Hinduja, Sameer. “Preventing Cyberbullying in Online Gambling, Part 1." VIRTUS® Online > Training > Training Bulletins > Protecting God’s Children for Adults.

  • Available @
  • Also available through The Blue Hills Collaborative @

Hinduja, Sameer. “Preventing Cyberbullying in Online Gaming, Part 2.” VIRTUS® Online > Training > Training Bulletins > Protecting God’s Children for Adults.

  • Available @

"I Want to Stay Safe Online."

  • Available @ 

Patchin, Justin W., and Sameer Hinduja. 2016. Bullying Today: Bullet Points and Best Practices. Thousand Oaks CA: Corwin Press.


  • Available @


"Don't feed the trolls."

The advice to block, ignore and report cyber trolls is often phrased as "Do not feed the trolls." Cyber trolls feed on reactions.
Fløyen, a city mountain in Bergen, southwestern coastal Norway
Fløyen, a city mountain in Bergen, southwestern coastal Norway
the end which is also the beginning
the end which is also the beginning

Bullying Today: Bullet Points and Best Practices by Justin W. Patchin and Sameer Hinduja ~ Available via Amazon

The authors state in their preface: "Like all of our work, 'Bullying Today' is grounded in research and guided by the practical experiences of those who confront bullying on a daily basis."

Me and my purrfectly purrfect Maine coon kittycat, Augusta "Gusty" Sunshine

Gusty and I thank you for reading this article and hope that our product selection interests you; Gusty Gus receives favorite treats from my commissions.
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
Updated: 02/03/2025, DerdriuMarriner
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DerdriuMarriner on 08/09/2023

Thank you for ambling by and cautioning against the addictive aspect of online gaming.

Middle and high school students sometimes get off the school bus at the area public libraries for afternoon hours there instead of at their houses. Their working parents perhaps hesitate about underage children at home alone and perhaps like picking them up at the library before dinner, in the hope that the students are getting their homework done.

That perhaps may not be the case. The students using library computers possibilitizes knowing whether homework is getting done. Their using their own portables possibilitizes online gaming.

WriterArtist on 08/09/2023

There is another aspect of online gaming - it is addictive. Kids and youth do not realise. Once they are into it, homework assignments, school classes take a backseat.

DerdriuMarriner on 09/21/2019

WriterArtist, Thank you for visiting and welcoming Dr. Hinduja's work.
Dr. Hinduja's research is top-notch so it's an honor to write about him and his contributions to making Cyberland people-friendly and people-safe.

WriterArtist on 08/26/2019

Trolling is an ever increasing problem these days. Even social media like Twitter and Facebook are not free of them. There are no laws to stop the hate speeches, threats and condemnation. You brought an important issue facing the Cyber Space.

DerdriuMarriner on 05/23/2019

blackspanielgallery, Thank you for reading about this timely research. It's disappointing to realize that cyberbullying extends to video game-playing since so many elementary-, middle-, high-school students play them.

blackspanielgallery on 05/01/2019

This is something I do not often think of. I suppose it is a real serious problem.

DerdriuMarriner on 04/29/2019

Tolovaj, Thank you for appreciating Dr. Hinduja's and Dr. Patchin's fine researching and writing. Their work is among my favorite on this timely topic since it is so applicable to all bullying, gaming and otherwise, online and otherwise.
In particular, I like your pinpointing how classical, traditional schooling isn't helping just yet and that we must make our own defenses, with as few errors as possible.

Tolovaj on 04/27/2019

Thanks for pointing this problem out. More and more trouble will arise from digital technology, or, more exactly, our lack of awareness how many trouble can cause you even a simple game playing, not even necessarily by a future victim but by a member of his household or relative or friend, ...
We need a lot of education on this subject, but we won't get it from classical school curriculum, which is always a few decades behind the reality. We'll simply have to learn on our own. Hopefully not on mistakes.

DerdriuMarriner on 11/05/2018

katiem2, Thank you for your concern. You say it very well about the problem of putting up with bullies because of fear of their implied or overt threats of "my way or the highway!"

katiem2 on 11/02/2018

This problem continues to escalate. I feel kids, young adults and adults who engage in online gaming groups feel they must ignore the pressures of bullying. Just as off line, people of all ages either don't know where to turn or who to report online gaming bullies. The isolation of playing typically in a bedroom, basement of other room alone and the fear of being banned from the game play a big role in the lack of reporting. It is vital to do so.

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