What's the beauty of Christmas without the beautiful large decorations of Reindeers?
Obviously wooden reindeers look terrific on Christmas but they could rot in the heavy downpours, high quality plastic reindeers composed of marine grade cannot rot or deteriorate.
Large lawn reindeers with straight and curved antlers gazing through the meadows are a beautiful sight. You can use Christmas large decorations with yard reindeer which are a low maintenance, lighted or non-lit decorations that look perfect. Whether it is broad day light or dense darkness of night, fiber optic reindeers bring vibrant, dazzling colours and all-weather friendly festive cheer to your lawns and backyards.
Image from Amazon.com
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Do you like reindeers in the yard?
In particular, I appreciate the inflatable-reindeer sets as attractive decorations for Christmas yards. Additionally, I like all the lighted reindeer sets as well as the throw pillows.
What kind of special care would ensure that all of the above can be used year after year, even year-round in the case of the last hanging tapestry?
Rudolf reindeer is a favourite for Christmas decoration. It is so cute.
I love that solar-powered Rudolph sculpture. That is my kind of Christmas decoration. It could be left out all year.
@ologsinquito - I think large reindeer require larger lawns; however they are a beautiful sight.
I do. But a lot of other people must like them as well. They are very difficult to find in the stores around here.