Outdoor Easter Holiday Decorations For Your Home
by CEdward
As winter draws to a close and spring time comes nearer, we know the Easter holiday is soon to follow. Here are some Easter decoration ideas for the outdoor spaces of your home.
Easter is a joyful spring season holiday celebrating the redemption of mankind through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In more ways than one, Easter represents the emergence of new life after the cold winter season. You can share your enjoyment of the Easter holiday by adorning the outdoors of your home with festive Easter decorations.
Much like with outdoor Christmas decoration displays, you can set up an outdoor Easter display. Easter decorations can be classified into two main categories: faith based and spring season / whimsical decorations. Whether you decide to make your outdoor display all faith based, all spring / whimsical, or some combination thereof, you have plenty of choices to choose from. The Easter holiday, just like Christmas is a celebration that at its very meaning is about Jesus Christ and God’s love for humanity and so it would right to at least in some way acknowledge this in your display.
When deciding from the different types of Easter decorations to include in your display, you can look in a wide range of places including: physical and electronic retail stores, specialty craft shops, flea markets, antique shops, online auction websites, or even your own attic or basement, etc. As winter begins to wind down and spring draws near, Easter is soon approaching and you will begin to find these types of Easter decorations (and a lot of candy) in many retail stores. The different kinds of faith based and spring / whimsical Easter decorations are listed below.
Perhaps the most popular and widely seen faith based Easter decoration, both for indoors and outdoors, is the cross. During the Easter season, many crosses can be seen on display in front lawn areas of churches, private residences, and some commercial businesses. These crosses are often times very large and constructed of lumber. Sometimes the crosses are displayed in threes representing Jesus and the two criminals being crucified along beside him. The crosses may also be displayed with white drapes or sashes across them, and you could also place a crown of thorns on the center of the cross to symbolize the crown placed on Jesus’ head. If you decide to use crosses in your Easter display, you can set a spot light to shine on them for night time illumination. There are also lighted wire frame crosses you may use in your display.
Spring season and whimsical type outdoor Easter decorations include the commonly depicted bunnies and rabbits, colorful Easter eggs, string light strands, and staked Easter sign greetings and flags. These bunny and rabbit figures can be found as blow molds (hard plastic illuminated figures), airblowns, plastic framed lighted shapes, etc. Easter egg figures can also be purchased in a wide range of colors as blow molds, lighted framed shapes, and of course the smaller hard plastic eggs often used in Easter egg hunts. String light strands can also be used for decorating just as with Christmas, and may actually be certain colors of Christmas lights or may be newly purchased Easter lights in the characteristic Easter colors. There are also many different types of Easter messages, signs, and flags that are both faith based and whimsical that can be staked right into the ground.
Below are links to some online retailers that sell these types of Easter decorations.
Easter Decoration Merchant Resources:
AmericanSale, Physical and Online Retail Store
Website: http://www.americansale.com/Departments/Holidays/Easter.aspx
Miles Kimball, Online Retail Store
Website: http://www.mileskimball.com/MilesKimball/default.aspx
This article has been published on http://wizzley.com/, and its author, CEdward, does not permit it to be republished elsewhere. Links are appreciated, but please no copying.
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