
by lakeerieartists

In the United States, July 4th is Independence Day, celebrated in the entire country. Citizens show their patriotism by flying American flags, and wearing red, white and blue.

One of the vocabulary terms that we learn as students in school growing up is Patriotism. As we learn about national and global history, there are many people who stand out in history as patriots for their country, and for freedom. During the summer months, in the United States of America, several patriotic holidays are celebrated, the most notable, the 4th of July holiday, celebrating U.S. independence.

What is Patriotism?

Pride in one own's country

American flag flyingThe dictionary definition of the word Patriotism is "devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty." (  Yet, in many ways, I believe that patriotism is a word that really can only be defined by the actions of the people that show patriotism.  Patriotism is a very difficult definition to pin down, because patriotism can be acted upon in many ways, and for numerous reasons.

There are the obvious acts of heroism, committed by recognized soldiers in battle, and the incredible sacrifices that ordinary people make to save others, such as the passengers of the United Airlines Flight 93 that went down during 9/11.

Yet, there are minute acts of heroism that are acted upon every day by people going about their daily lives, who take a few minutes out of their day to write a letter to a young soldier, or volunteer their skills to help improve their country.  It is the collection of these patriotic acts, large and small that truly defines what patriotism is.

Where liberty dwells, there is my country.  ~Benjamin Franklin

Patriotism Celebrates Freedom

Click through for more patriotic posters and prints
Patriotic Freedom

Fighting for Freedom

Patriots fight or defend the freedom of their country

Patriotism is often used synonomously with fighting for freedom or defending the freedom of a country.  And most often patriotism is the term assigned to soldiers who commit acts of bravery while fighting to defend or protect a country.

However, it is important to note that patriotism does not have to be fighting in battle, nor does it have to be fighting.  A patriot is a person who stands up for their country, and may be a statesman who influences others to show pride in their country, or a person, who through their own heroic actions, protects their country against disastrous circumstance.

Patriotism is an Emotion

We feel patriotic pride in our country

Patriotism is tied to a real emotion, actually, more than one emotion.  Patriotism is a mixture of pride, and love.  When we sing patriotic songs, wear the colors of our country's' flag, or shoot off fireworks on national holidays, we are feeling patriotic pride.  We honor our country with these actions.

When an American says that he loves his country, he means not only that he loves the New England hills, the prairies glistening in the sun, the wide and rising plains, the great mountains, and the sea.  He means that he loves an inner air, an inner light in which freedom lives and in which a man can draw the breath of self-respect.  ~Adlai Stevenson

Patriotism is Building Our Country

Making our country be strong and healthy

Patriotism is also shown by doing things within your country to make it a stronger and healthier country.  Every time you build a business, create jobs for out of work people, help repair weather damage, or help out survivors of an area of your country that has been devastated through circumstance, you are helping your country survive and grow stronger.  Contributing to the development of economic, scientific, or medical advances helps the people of your country. Helping those people who live in your country help themselves is also an act of patriotism.  Because a country is only as strong as the people who make up the country.

God Bless the U.S.A


And I'm proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
~Lee Greenwood

Showing Our Patriotism

There are hundreds of ways of showing our patriotism

The United States of America is a country that was founded on the striving for freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom to voice opinions that are different from the majority.

Americans show their pride in being American citizens through our patriotism, and celebrating those freedoms during the national patriotic holidays.  Freedoms always come at a hard won price, and we need to remember to honor those who have died to give us those freedoms, as well as celebrate that we have these freedoms they have given to us.

We can show our patriotism through our country's colors, red, white, and blue, by waving the Stars and Stripes, and by attending memorials, and celebrations in honor of our country's patriots.  Even the fact that we take days off such as the 4th of July Holiday is showing patriotism.

Show Your Patriotism on July 4th

Click through for more items
Grunt Style 1776 Flag Men's T-Shirt (...
Grunt Style
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One Nation Under God Flag 4th Of July...
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AIMITAG Summer Tank Tops for Women Am...
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sivlana Women's USA Flag blessed Swea...
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Zaitun Men's American Flag Pattern Dr...
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OUTDOOR SHAPING American Flag Fleece ...
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America the Beautiful (Patriotic Song)

Fireworks are used globally for major holidays and celebrations, and in the United States are used especially to celebrate the Fourth of July.
Updated: 10/01/2014, lakeerieartists
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CountrySunshine on 10/03/2012

I consider myself extremely patriotic! I love the United States of America; I support our troops, and help our veterans. I fly the US flag 365 days a year, along with the POW/MIA flag. How can we not be proud to be Americans? Nice, nice article!

mulberry on 07/09/2011

I'm not much of a flag waver but I tend to be patriotic in the sense that I take my right to vote seriously. I vote and even campaign for candidates I believe in. I try to be active in advocating for causes I believe will help build my country and am not shy about communicating with leaders about problems I see. I want my country to be the best it can be and do feel lucky to live in the country I do.

lakeerieartists on 06/04/2011

@BarbRad Some of us actually get smarter as we get older. :)

BarbRad on 06/04/2011

AS I get older and see some of the changes in my native land, I get teary-eyed when I sing or hear some of our great patriotic songs. The older I get, the less I take my freedom for granted and the more I appreciate what was passed on to me by the founding fathers. Great article.

Jewelsofawe on 06/02/2011

I am a country music fan and they are usually very patriotic so they sing about it and I love a number of songs such as the lines from the one you have here. I love the U.S.A. myself. Born and raised in CA and love my country! Great page!

Michey on 05/30/2011

Yes, I am all for quality patriotism for this beautiful country. You layout very well the idea to fight for freadome using a great presentation.

dustytoes on 05/30/2011

Happy Memorial Day, and God bless the ones who serve and have died to make this country free and great!

Dianne on 05/30/2011

Love this patriotic page. ~Daughter-in-law of a Pearl Harbor survivor, wife of a Vietnam Vet and mother of a US Sailor.

mandeesears on 05/29/2011

Being from a 3 generation military family, I am very patriotic! Very nicely done Paula!

Jimmie on 05/29/2011

I am truly proud to be an American. USA is the land of the free! Let freedom ring!

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