Perfumes and Fragrances

by suranee69

Read about the history of perfumes and tips on how to apply and make the fragrance lasts longer on your skin.

The word perfume is said to have evolved from the Latin word ‘per fumus.’

Perfumes can be traced back to the Egyptians who are credited for being one of the first civilizations to be involved in perfume making. The temples and palaces in Egypt would be filled with the fragrance of herbs and spices.

Rhododendron Flower Petal Perfume Plant Rose

Perfume Making in Ancient Egypt

The Egyptians were famous for making fragrant incenses which they would burn during prayer time.They would also burn incense when performing burial rites and place pots and containers filled with scented oils and perfumes in the tombs of the dead. These pots and containers would usually be made in alabaster, ebony and porcelain with beautiful designs.

With the invention of glass the Egyptians went a step further and made exquisite glass perfume bottles which are sought after even to this day by perfume collectors.

Perfume Making in Rome and Greece

The Greeks and Romans learnt the secrets of perfume making from the Egyptians and developed it further. They begin making perfumes by mixing olive oil and almond oil with flowers, anise and orris root to produce floral fragrant perfumes which they would even use in their baths.

Perfume Making in Cyprus

The discovery of a perfumery unearthed by a group of Italian archaeologists in Cyprus in the year 2004 gave the world proof that perfume industries existed in ancient times. The perfume plant is said to have been around 4000 years old.

Perfume Making in France

It wasn't until the 17th century perfumes made its way into France. The French called it ‘Parfum.’

It was in the French town 'Grasse' France’s perfume industry took its roots and became a success helping the country to be known internationally as a nation which produces some of the best and most expensive perfumes in the world. The town ‘Grasse’ is referred by many in the perfume industry as ‘the perfume capital of the world.’

Difference between perfume and cologne

  • Perfumes are made up of many fragrances and can be divided into 3 groups called notes: Top notes, middle notes (also known as heart notes) and base notes whereas colognes are made up of fewer fragrances.
  • Perfumes give out a sweet smelling floral, fruity and musky fragrance and is considered a feminine scent which is worn by women.
  • Colognes give out a strong fragrance and are considered a masculine scent worn by men.
  • Perfumes are made with a higher concentration of essential and fragrant oils but with less alcohol. Colognes are made with a much higher content of alcohol than perfumes but less fragrant oils.
  • The fragrance given out by colognes does not last as long as that of perfumes since colognes have fewer amounts of fragrant oils in it then perfumes.


Why is Alcohol Used in Perfumes and Colognes?

Alcohol is an ingredient necessary in making perfumes and colognes because it helps to dissolve and blend the fragrant oils properly which ensures the scent smells from the perfume/cologne will be emitted out effectively.

How To Apply Perfume Correctly

Perfume is applied to the pulse points in certain parts of the body. Only dab or spray the perfume on the pulse points and never rub it into the skin as this ‘crushes’ the smell.

The ideal places to apply perfume are at the pulse points of the following areas:

  • Wrist
  • Neck
  • Cleavage
  • Back of Knees
  • Crook of the Elbow


How To Apply Perfume

Why Should Perfume Be Applied On The Pulse Points?

If you place your finger at a pulse point you will feel a tiny pumping sensation. This pulse beat imparts heat and when perfume is applied on these areas it helps to release the scents into the air more effectively.

What is Spritzing Perfume?

Spritzing is a technique used by some women when applying perfume sprays. One thing to keep in mind if you choose this method a lot of the perfume will be wasted when its sprayed into the air.

Spritzing is done by spraying the perfume into the air and then walking into it.

How To Make A Perfume Last Longer On The Skin

Some say when perfume is applied on dry skin the fragrance will not last long. Apply perfume on skin which has been moisturized preferable with the same brand of moisturizer as the perfume.

Some women apply petroleum jelly on the skin and then dab/spray the perfume over it. The petroleum jelly traps the perfume droplets preventing it from sinking into the pores. This ensures the perfume lasts longer and minimizes the number of times the fragrance has to be applied on the skin.


What is Perfume Layering?

Perfume layering is another method used to ensure perfume lasts longer on the body. Layering is using 3 different products (body wash, body lotion and perfume) of the same brand to seal in the fragrance.

For example, when bathing a certain brand of body wash/body gel is applied on the skin. Soon after a body lotion of the same brand is used to moisturize the skin and finally a perfume of the same brand is applied on the body.

Updated: 12/23/2012, suranee69
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WriterArtist on 07/12/2013

Such an enlightening article on perfume making. Though I am using perfumes for a long time, it did help clarify my knowledge.

suranee69 on 01/31/2013

Thank you CMoneySpinner. I would not mind at all if you shared it with others in your circles.

cmoneyspinner on 01/31/2013

This lens is beautiful. I would like to share it in my circles. Would you mind?

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