Buy and Grow Pink Lily of the Valley: A Perennial Spring Flower

by happynutritionist

Pink Lily of the Valley is not as common as the white variety, but just as easy to grow with the same wonderful aromatic scent. They are hearty perennials. Learn more here.

Perennial Pink Lily of the Valley blooms in the Spring during the month of May in the Northeast. It then provides a lush green ground cover during the rest of the summer.

This photo, though pretty, doesn't give you the opportunity to smell the blooms, which is the most wonderful thing about this pretty perennial. Each year as far back as I can recall the flowers have bloomed in May, and in my part of the country, the Northeast USA, it seems to happen right around May 10th. At this update for the 2019 growing season, the plants have only been up from the ground for about a week, the leaves are still coiled, but should be opening any day, and there are many new plants this year.

I hope you will enjoy learning more about this easy to grow shade-loving perennial, and you may find some plants to buy if Pink Lily of the Valley isn't available in your area.

Intro Image: Wikipedia Creative Commons
by Claudia Meydrech a/k/a happynutritionist
New on Wizzley May 2015 - Updated 4/25/19

This is the section of my garden where the plants grow

It's hard to tell they are pink, but they are!
My patch of Pink Lily of the Valley
My patch of Pink Lily of the Valley
Photo taken by me

Why I was disappointed when I saw my first Pink Lily of the Valley Blooms

I didn't have to go very far to find my "starter" plants, they were given to me by a neighbor who was re-doing her garden and had too many plants.

Imagine my disappointment when the transplanted Lily of the Valley bloomed, and the flowers were pink. I wanted white Lily of the Valley Flowers! I was so surprised to later find out that pink Lily of the Valley is rare compared to white. It was then that I began selling my extra plants each year on eBay, rather than pull up the excess and throw them away like weeds...oh my, what a terrible thought now that I know better!

I hope you enjoy learning a bit about Lily of the Valley and shopping for some plants, if you are in the market.

Each year, I have extra Pink Lily of the Valley plants for sale from sometime in May through early-to-mid-August, depending upon my supply.

10 Quick Facts about Growing Pink Lily of Valley

They have been in my garden for 20+ years
  • 1. My plants grow in rocky soil and tolerate dry spells very well

  • 2. The plants make a wonderful ground cover

  • 3. The leaves are green right through the spring, summer and part of the fall

  • 4. The plants grow in the shade

  • 5. They bloom in May where I live in the Northeast USA, only once a year, and the flowers last a week or two

  • 6. The pink variety has slightly smaller flowers than the white

  • 7. Both white and pink Lily of the Valley smell equally fragrant

  • 8. The plant spreads by putting out runners underground from which new young shoots sprout, called pips, that become new plants

  • 9. The plants will spread everywhere. I control the spread by selling the extras around the edges each Summer on eBay

  • 10. I rarely feed the plants, maybe once or at most twice a season, but they really don't need much plant food if any.

If I have any plants available, you'll find them by visiting the link below

I am claudias_corner_auctions on eBay


You will find my auction listings by clicking


this link to claudias_corner_auctions.

If I don't have any pink plants available, you can find some here

Great plants to grow in the shade

Plants are usually available in the spring and summer (May - August) here in the Northeast, that is when I offer mine above, but other parts of the country may have them in season.

How to Plant or Transplant Pink Lily of the Valley

Planting Lily of the Valley is so easy, and though it is nice to plant it in good soil, it is tolerant of lesser soils.

My plants are growing in semi- rocky soil and tolerate dry conditions very well. I rarely cultivate it and they come up year after year.

All you do is break up the soil where you plan to put your plants, you may want to add a little mulch or peat moss to give them a good start, then plant.

Until the plants are established, keep the soil moist.

End of Season Berries

A red berries form where flowers were that contain a few seeds
Red berry contains a few Lily of the Valley seeds
Red berry contains a few Lily of the ...
Image taken by me

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How to Pack and Ship Lily of the Valley

These are packing instructions for small shipments

I usually ship the plants I sell in priority mail boxes that are the size that you would fit a book or the now almost obsolete VHS video tapes in. These are provided free by the post office...if your local post office doesn't have them, you can order them from by the box for free.

My simple method of packing is as follows:

1. After digging the plants, shake the excess dirt off the roots.

2. Taking about 5 plants at once, center the roots on a dry paper towel, then gently bring the paper up around the roots.

3. Dampen the paper towel and roots with just enough water so all water is absorbed to prevent leakage during shipping.

4. Put all into a sandwich bag, the kind that doesn't have a zip lock, so that the bag covers the roots and paper they have been wrapped in.

5. Using a rubber band, or a large twist-tie like those that come with trash bags, loosely close and "seal" the bag around the roots above the root "ball". You want to be careful not to damage the stems of the leaves.

6. Gently "roll" the plants within another paper towel, pulling the leaves up so that you have a "tube" shape, then put the wrapped plants into the box. I put crumpled paper towel at one end of the box, and put the ball of roots in the other corner of the bottom of the box. I fill the area above the root ball with another crumpled paper towel or other light packing material, and gently fold the leaves loosely over that packing material.

7. I add my packing slip and paperwork, close the box, seal and label.

This has worked well for me for many years now.

Did you know Lily of the Valley is Poisonous?

Since I simply grow and don't ingest my garden plants, I didn't give this much thought.

But it is good to know if you have little children or pets that like to play near your gardens.


A Romantic Lily of the Valley Secret

Perfume - Muguet des Bois

Okay, here's the little secret. I loved the scent of Lily of the Valley and this perfume so much, that I brought a bottle along with me when my husband and I went on our honeymoon.

Since then, there was never a time in our 38 years of marriage that there hasn't been a bottle close at hand for those romantic evenings. If I didn't buy it, he did. The shape of the bottle has changed over the years, the one pictured to the right is what the last bottle he bought me looks like. He passed away suddenly in August of 2017. A bit of trivia, the last thing we did together before going to sleep that night was laugh at something related to a purchase someone made of my Lily of the Valley...the last sound I heard from him was his laugh. <3

The Scent of Lily of the Valley

Muguet Des Bois By Coty For Women. Cologne Spray 1.8 Oz
Only $195.99
Updated: 04/25/2019, happynutritionist
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happynutritionist on 10/26/2016

@MBC I am so sorry I missed this message...yes, they have a most wonderful scent! I love it. And now have to wait all the way until May to smell it again, unless I just enjoy my perfume.

MBC on 01/08/2016

I find the fragrance of Lily of the Valley just fabulous! Best smell out there.

happynutritionist on 12/02/2015

@Xavier No, I don't sent out of the Country...but I thank you for your visit.

Xavier on 11/17/2015

Hi, Greeting from Singapore. I am looking for 3-5 pink fragrance lily of valley plant. Can you send to Singapore and how much will it cost ? many thanks.

happynutritionist on 07/09/2015

@CruiseReady As did I until my neighbor gave me those plants, I am sitting at my desk looking out at those plants right now.

CruiseReady on 06/27/2015

It's so nice to have learned something first thing this morning! I, too, thought those pretty little lily of the valley flowers only came in white.

happynutritionist on 06/14/2015

It is a wonderful spring smell and my husband still loves, it, @sheilamarie :-) Thank you for visiting.

sheilamarie on 06/14/2015

I used to wear that scent when I was in my late teens/early twenties. It was light and fresh.

happynutritionist on 05/14/2015

@burntchestnut I'm glad you are familiar with this fragrant flower. Wow, it must be even more poisonous than I imagined if the water from a vase that had flowers is all that is needed.

happynutritionist on 05/14/2015

@Mira It has a very sweet and wonderful smell, mine are blooming now, will be finished soon.

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