I'll never call someone "a pain in the butt" ever again. Because, .... I have one. I've been quiet lately, but I am mending slowly.
What is the Piriformis?
The Piriformis is a large flat muscle which lies underneath our Gluteus Maximus muscle- our backside, butt whatever we call it. Its function is to assist in rotating out and in so if we rotate our thigh out or cross our legs, the piriformis comes into use.
When the Piriformis is strained or damaged it causes crippling pain similar to sciatica, down the backside, down the leg and causes a numbness in the foot.
In January, suddenly for no apparent reason, the root of the nerves in my spine became inflamed. As if this wasn't bad enough, when the nerves became inflamed, in response my piriformis tightened in spasm. It's nearly July and I am still recovering but I am on the mend.
As you may expect from me... I get on with things and help myself to heal.
How have I got this far? Read on.
I have my medical appointment,in mid September. Hopefully, the therapist will be able to treat my problem.
Doctors aren't very good on backs, in my opinion .
I asked the doctor about my wearing it. She thought that it might do good and would do no harm.
you need physiotherapy before you start wearing something like that. You may be doing more harm than good.
I don't know whether this would work for you, but I have taken to wearing a lumbar support belt.My back is feeling better and it helps my posture.
6 months on and I am still not completely recovered. I used my pain machine this morning but have not had any pain relief medication for weeks now . It takes time but keep at it.
If it is caused by a bulging lower spinal disc, it is easy to diagnose the cause. However, my spine is in perfect condition and there are no problems with it. For some unknown reason, the nerves in my lower spine suddenly became inflamed and this made my Piriformis tighten in response. There is no obvious cause.
5 months later, I am recovering. I am walking for about 25/ 30 minutes now and I am back dancing on a Monday ( tonight ) and I can mange about 40 minutes of the class.
As always thank you for your constant thoughtfulness of everyone in our community.
Veronica, Thank you for sharing practicalities and products. Please accept my meditations and prayers for complete recovery.
Do doctors know why piriformal sciatica expressed itself when it did? Is it the way you were sitting or (despite the fact that the context sounds pleasant of interactions with those you love and who love you) some kind of stress?
Ty for your kind words. Yes stretching is key to good health. I now stretch my Piriformis at least twice daily. The Physio therapist reckoned that at worst, we should stretch our Piriformis 6 or 7 times a day.
Keep stretching.
Veronica I am so sorry to hear of your struggle with this painful condition! What relief that you are getting better... finally. At least the pain of childbirth doesn't last 5 months! It's very kind of you to share your story here to help others. I have never heard of Piriformis either. I try to do yoga type stretches every day to stay limber (as possible as that is in your 60's) because stretching is good for all kinds of things. This just reinforces my thinking.
Good to hear from you. I have missed you at Wizzley. Keep on with that recovery.