I’m a freelance writer who’s forever observing my surroundings with a writer’s eye. Where there’s a story to be told, I tell it like it is.
My occupation allows me the freedom to determine my own schedule. One of the many things I add to my calendar is driving my two daughters everywhere. I take them to school mornings and pick them up afternoon, plus to and fro after school activities. I observe some very interesting behavior in terms of public displays of affection at both my daughter’s middle and high schools.
Your thoughts on PDA or Hugging in Schools
cazort, Very well said, thanks for summing up the sentiment of this article so well. I agree whole heartedly.
I really like this article. I often hear people talk about PDA in school as if it were a bad thing, and I personally agree with you that touch and affection is really important. I've heard of schools that are like, really controlling about PDA, like banning or prohibiting it, especially between the opposite sex, and I think this can have detrimental effects.
When I was young I think I was pretty cautious or sometimes even squeamish about public displays of affection, but deep down I actually wanted more touch. I like hugs and when I am fully comfortable, I tend to be a really affectionate person. I think that allowing and encouraging a certain degree of PDA is a good and healthy thing.