Puzzles: An Activity Worth Rediscovery

by blackspanielgallery

Completing a puzzle is a good defense against boredom. And it can have other rewards.

I recall building puzzles as a child. Yes, there are simple puzzles, but then there are those with many pieces. The ones with intricate designs are challenging, more so than some with simpler designs.

In selecting a puzzle think of both the number of pieces and the design. How much of a challenge you would like to have depends on you. Choose wisely. Of course, if you choose a puzzle that is too simple for your taste you can always find another that is at a higher challenge level.

Why Puzzles for Children?

The answer differs according to age. 


A small child might enjoy a simple puzzle, with just a few pieces that set into a board.  These can augment teaching, since the pieces might be different colors, or represent different items such as shirt, shoes, and so or, or different vegetables.  When the child works with such a puzzle a parent might ask for a certain color, or the parent might describe the piece with a word.  This builds vocabulary.  And, these simple puzzles can be completed by placing the pieces in any order since each has its own space.  There is no need to build to a point of being able to place a certain piece.


Later, a larger puzzle helps with recognizing how pieces fit together by examining both the image on the piece and the shape of the piece. 


If a child is building the puzzle it might have favorite characters featured.  Keeping interest up is important.


Another advantage of building puzzles is the activity can be completed by more than one person.  Working together, asking for a certain color piece, and so or is important in developing teamwork.  I admit we had working as a group easier since I had six siblings, so we could set a partially completed puzzle aside and resume later. 

Have a Board

After going past puzzles that have their own board, and getting to larger puzzles that might not be finished in a day, have a board upon which to keep the partially completed puzzle intact. 


One problem here is that the board should be only for puzzles.  When I was a child my puzzle board was my checker board, which then prevented its use for playing checkers while it held a puzzle.

Puzzles for Adults

Adults can use puzzles as a defense against boredom.  Once absorbed into the puzzle building the person has a purpose. 


Another positive is puzzles engage the mind.  They can help keep the mind active.  This is more important as we age.


Adults often undertake larger puzzles, or at least those with many pieces. 


Zazzle offers puzzles with different numbers of pieces.  Some are simple, others more complex.  These are a great source of entertainment, even if you thought you were running out of possibilities from other sources.


This article contains links to affiliate programs and Adsense advertising.  These must use cookies to allow for proper crediting. As a Zazzle, a Viglink, and an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


The introduction image is our own Zazzle product using our own image.

Updated: 05/29/2020, blackspanielgallery
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blackspanielgallery on 11/12/2020

No, it would add to the difficulty.

DerdriuMarriner on 11/12/2020

blackspanielgallery, Thank you for the practicalities and products.
Have you ever done a puzzle whose shape is other than rectangular or square?

blackspanielgallery on 11/04/2020

Zazzle is secondary to my Ebay sales, but I use Zazzle to make things occasionally. I juat wait to see if anything sells, so I do not track how items do there.

Mira on 11/04/2020

I made quite a few puzzles on Zazzle this spring. I sold some, and then they were out of stock. I later read on the Z. website that they had great demand for puzzles but couldn't find another provider to meet that demand (since their contracted provider closed its factories for a few weeks and then produced less due to Covid measures). I am curious whether people will buy puzzles as gifts this holiday season.

blackspanielgallery on 05/12/2020

Making Zazzle products is also a great activity. The bottom cluster of Zazzle puzzles are our own Zazzle products, using our digital images.

blackspanielgallery on 05/12/2020

Thanks. it is important to stay busy.

Veronica on 05/12/2020

A lovely page...we have been playing cards and doing jigsaws, sudokus, ..I have also taken up art which is very therapeutic ….

blackspanielgallery on 05/12/2020

I am familiar with it, there is one in the newspaper daily. They have different challenge levels.

frankbeswick on 05/12/2020

Sudoku is one of my great pleasures.

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