Remembering Dad with Father's Day Cards
by sandyspider
Father's Day, dad, gifts for dad, Fathers Day Cards, remembering dad, personalized cards, greeting cards, unique cards, postcards,celebrating, holiday, POD, Zazzle
Dads Are Special People
Giving Dad That Perfect Gift
Give that unique card to dad on Father's Day or any day. Why celebrate with your wonderful dad on just one day of the year?
Dads are special people. Thank him for giving you life. Being there when you needed advice and sharing a hug to lift your spirits. Remember how he made you laugh and made you mad. But for your own good. You know your dad was always looking out for you.
Giving dad that perfect card is only a small part of appreciation. Below are some cards your father would enjoy receiving.
Remember to spend the day with him. Cherish the time you have. There will be a day when your father is with you in spirit only.
The intro photo is a Silhouette of Father and Child Postcard by Sandyspider. The greeting card version of this is shown below. Go to my shop for the postcard.
Fishing with Dad
Give a Peaceful Fishing Card This Year
I was around the age of five. It was the first time I remembered camping in a tent and fishing in the lake.
I remember my father setting the worm on the hook. I stood there on the edge of the lake as he cast the reel. Then he placed the pole in my hands. "Now, when you get a bite, start reeling the fish in."
I waited and waited, standing patiently. I had seen my dad and brother reel in some big trout. But not a bite!
My sister sat near the tent keeping our mother company. How she loathe camping. (Later on, we had a trailer we took camping. That was tolerable.)
It was getting dark. I could hear my father say we had enough trout for dinner and maybe tomorrow would be my day at catching a fish. I felt the disappointment as I started to reel the line in.
Suddenly there was a hard jerk on the pole. Before I knew it, the strong fish pulled so hard for a little girl that I found myself laying face down in the water, still tightly holding onto the fishing pole.
My father dashed into the lake to rescue me. He lifted me out and carried me back to shore. Still with my fishing pole in hand and the trout dangling on the line, I caught my first fish.
Photo is a Fishing at Dusk Print by Sandyspider Gifts on Zazzle. Click on the product below to purchase.
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Father Gifts | Father-in-Law | Memories | Parents | Fockers
Fathers Day Cards and Gift Ideas
Father's Day cards and gifts ideas are just many ways to show how much you care. Sometimes the best give is a family outing, a dad's movie choice or kind words to show your appreciation for everything dad has done for us. But it wasn't until 1966 President Lyndon Johnson proclaimed Father's Day to be on the third Sunday of Jun. Yet it wasn't made an official national holiday until President Nixon made a proclamation in 1972.
Ceramic tile pen holders for dad are different, unique and stylish. Just like your father! He is the best, totally awesome and your dad. He deserves a gift that is as unique and special just like him. Give dad a place to hold his pens, pencils, small paintbrushes for his artwork and a holder for quick to grab tools needed around the house as a screwdriver.
In Case of Fire What Would We Save?
I asked my husband, Tim, who already thinks I'm a "Nut Case", wasting all my time typing away at the computer. His reply to this was the only one that I myself could come up with. The same answer that we have heard when someone's house burns down or is hit by a tornado. "All our photos are gone. They were irreplaceable." A photo is a memory of our past and a piece of our life that can never be replaced.
Fockers Meet the Parents
After my own “meeting of the parents”, I had a strong urge to watch our DVDs of “Meet the Parents” and “Meet the Fockers.” I found both movies just as funny and refreshing as watching them for the first time. If you haven’t seen either of these two movies, you are missing out on a couple of hilariously funny movies.
Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention With Ginkgo Biloba
For years my father-in-law would repeat his stories of the past as if he were saying them for the first time. Yet he had trouble remembering daily events or even who certain people were. My husband’s name was, “That Guy!” My father-in-law was always happy to see That Guy. It was nice of him to sit down and listen to the good old days. Sometimes, That Guy would take his parents out for a ride or dinner. He always enjoyed That Guy’s company.
The copyright to this article is owned by Sandy Mertens (sandyspider). Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on Wizzley to read the remainder of the article.)
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Did you get your dad a Father's Day card?
DerdriuMarriner, We ate the trout. I recall my dad cleaning it out. Then filleting it. Cooking it over a camp fire in a large pan. Course it was so long ago.
sandyspider, Did your family eat the trout? If so, how was it prepared? (The computer let me take the poll against but wouldn't let me vote up the article again ;-(.)
DerdriuMarriner, Oh yeah, the story is good too. Did not want to fish for the longest time afterwards.
sandyspider, I meant to say that I enjoy the Fockers series too! Ben Stiller is such a hilarious comedic treasure.
DerdriuMarriner, That one is one of my favorites too.
sandyspider, Thank you for the nice Fathers Day ideas! I like both the fishing at dusk print and the story behind it.
I'm not very good with cards. I keep trying to do better.
I love the vintage card. Such a nice selection of Father's Day cards.
Nice collection, you started off with my favorite on the page. The Silhouette card is really beautiful.
Loved your fishing card and the little story that went with it. I just had to read that to my husband.