Review of Hunt's Simply Pasta Sauce

by StevenHelmer

I purchased a can of this sauce while shopping last night. What did I think of it?

Product Description: Pasta sauce from the Hunt's brand made with all-natural ingredients. I purchased two cans of this pasta sauce at one of our local grocery stores yesterday afternoon after work for $1.89 per can. I ended up using one of the cans last night, when I made spaghetti as our family dinner.


My wife wasn't feeling the greatest yesterday (she had a really bad headache) so I told her I would take care of dinner when I got home from work. I asked if she had any preference and she mentioned she was in the mood for spaghetti. So, after work, I stopped off at the store to pick up some sauce.

I didn't go into the sauce aisle with any particular brand in mind. So, when I saw Hunt's Simply Pasta Sauce on the shelf, I decided to give it a try. This was both because of the advertised all-natural ingredients and because, at $1.89 per can, it was less expensive than most of the other brands I had to choose from. After having it last night, I think it was worth my money.

Hunt's Simply Pasta Sauce
Hunt's Simply Pasta Sauce
Photo by Steven Helmer

To tell you the truth, when I first tasted this product (right after I opened the can), I wasn't really sure what to think of it. It tasted a bit more tomato-like than some of the other sauces I've had and, while this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it was definitely something that did require some adjustment from my taste buds.

However, once that adjustment happened, I found I had no complaints about this sauce. It added quite a bit of flavor to our spaghetti dinner and proved to be a really good complement to the organic spaghetti pasta I used (we found a really good deal on that at Costco about a month ago).

One thing I also noticed about this sauce is I was able to have two servings without it upsetting my stomach. That is something that normally happens whenever I have canned/jarred pasta sauces and I always assumed it was related to something the sauce companies were using. the fact it didn't happen when I had this "all-natural" brand does support that theory.

Spaghetti Dinner Bundle: Barilla Spaghetti, Parmesan Cheese, Pasta Sauce

Two (2) 16oz boxes of Barilla Spaghetti, one (1) 24oz can of Hunt's Simply Pasta Sauce, and one (1) 8oz shaker of WinCo Grated Parmesan Cheese.

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It's an all-natural product that has a good taste to it and is actually less expensive than many of the other brands on the shelf. I don't think I have any other choice but to say it is worth purchasing if you have an opportunity to.

My Grade: A

Updated: 08/23/2016, StevenHelmer
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DerdriuMarriner on 03/10/2022

StevenHelmer, Thank you for practical information, pretty pictures and product lines.
As I tend to say regarding your other wizzleys about boxed, canned, frozen, jarred products, I appreciate knowing what works and what doesn't. That way I can have on hand what can extend what I make when the number of guests or the number of re-serving requests -- "Tastes like more!" -- goes beyond what I calculated and prepared.

Would you happen to know of any packaged rolls that make fresh-like garlic bread to go with spaghetti and sauce?

judy on 08/12/2016

Thanks for the review, will have to try this.

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