Salvador Dali Beating Heart

by candy47

Salvador Dali's ruby and gold Royal Heart brooch. It beats just like a human heart.

It was 1965 or 1966 and I was doing what I normally did on my lunch hour from working at the bank, I was shopping at the local department store probably looking for the latest chemise dress or pillbox hat. I got off the elevator and saw a sign pointing to a temporary art exhibit the store was hosting, so I gave it some thought and decided that a little culture on my lunch hour would be a nice change of pace, the Junior Miss department would have to wait until tomorrow. It was a small exhibit, I would have enough time to see everything and get back to work on time.
Lovely paintings and sculptures lined the walls of the two small rooms but there, in the center of one room, was a glass case with small works of art and some jewelry. My eyes were drawn and then fixed on a gold heart brooch with rubies in the center, and the rubies were beating, pulsating like a human heart. The card next to it read: Salvador Dali - The Royal Heart.
That was my first encounter with the work of a genius. I visited that Dali exhibit every day during my lunch hour until it was discontinued, always stopping at The Royal Heart.

Salvador Dali

Surrealist. Genius.

The word 'Surrealism' coined by French poet Guillaume Apollinaire in the 1920's in Paris, France, became Salvador Dali's obsession. Surrealism is meant to shock the viewer with dreams that come to life. Highly imaginative, creative and bizarre depictions of thoughts on canvas, in sculptures, writings and even jewelry. Salvador Dali was a master of the surrealist culture movement.

Intro photo:  chocolatecruasan YouTube channel

Salvador Dali's Beating Heart

How Does It Beat?

The moving mechanism which makes the heart beat is a synchron motor normally used for clocks.

Information source:  Salvador Dali Foundation

The Royal Heart

It's history

The Royal Heart was the first of many of Dali’s moving works of art, it was created in 1953 to commemorate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. The heart is topped with a crown, the rubies are the Queen, whose heart beats for the people, and the gold represents the people, protecting their Queen. The crown is comprised of sapphires, emeralds, aquamarines, peridots, garnets, amethysts, diamonds and pearls.

The Lighter Side of Dali

On What's My Line

See all Salvador Dali's paintings in one book!

Dalí: The Paintings
$18.29  $108.87

Salvador Dali Quotes

A man with confidence
  • "The only difference between me and a madman is, I'm not mad."
  • "Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure...that of being Salvador Dali."


Updated: 08/21/2016, candy47
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candy47 on 06/04/2015

No DerdriuMariner I have not seen Spellbound. It's now on my list! Thank you so much for your kind comment.

DerdriuMarriner on 06/04/2015

Candy47, Thank you for the images and writing on a particularly innovative aspect of Salvador Dalí's art. Have you seen "Spellbound," the film with the Dalian dream sequence?

CruiseReady on 05/29/2015

Never knew about Dali's beating heart before, Fantastic! I must say, I really liked this quote you included: "The only difference between me and a madman is, I'm not mad." hmmm

candy47 on 05/05/2015

Thank you so much cmoneyspinner

cmoneyspinner on 05/05/2015

How lovely. Great Wizzle. I especially like the quotes. :)

candy47 on 09/09/2014

Oh, when I saw it in person, I was mesmerized. It was...surreal!

Mira on 09/08/2014

He did think outside the box. A beating jewelry heart might not seem like a big deal but I don't think it was done before, and it works nicely with all the sparkling gems. It's a big statement, all shiny and rich, but I guess fitting for a queen :)

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