When it's that time of year again (No, not your birthday, Christmas!) chances are that you've got a box of goodies packed away or you have exactly the usual in mind - that is, piles of tinsel, a tree, a few stars and maybe some shiny baubles.
Well this year, why not try something different? If you've kicked the kids out of the house or it's going to be a bachelor or bachelorette's Christmas, why not jazz up your tree with something a little bit different that isn't often thought of in relation to Christmas decorations - something sexy!
And no, that doesn't mean digging out that old Mrs Claus teddy stowed away in a box - it means finding something that can be cute, funny, sexy and fun all at the same time! Whether you're a guy looking for something extra or a girl who wants to show a bit of her wild side, there are plenty of options when it comes to sexy Christmas decorations.

Sexy Christmas Ornaments
by wrylilt
If you're sick of the old tinsel and baubles, maybe try something more risque this christmas!
If you're looking for that little bit of extra spice for your Christmas tree, why not add a bit of bedroom?
A cute underwear set ornament or corset would be just cute enough to get a smile from just about anyone.
And they could make a great gift for that special someone in your life - what better way to hint to someone that you're ready for the next step that to give them a cheeky decoration for their tree?
And for the girls out there who love shoes, what about a set of striking high heeled black or silver boots?
If you're into something a little more humorous, what about a mermaid cowgirl? Now there's a combination you don't get to see every day!
Here are some top tips for mixing and matching your sexy ornaments this Christmas:
♥ A black or white tree is a great setting for some sexy ornaments.
♥ Stick with one base color for a well styled look.
♥Instead of a star, try an upside down miniature boot on the top of your tree!
♥ For a fun adult game, hide some clues in some of the ornaments and watch your partner solve the puzzle for a special Christmas eve surprise - maybe a matching outfit in adult size!
♥ For something extra, try adding small sweet smelling sachets to your tree of sandalwood or lavender.
♥ Offset your sexy ornaments with a range of baubles in matching colors.
♥ If you have kids, consider having a private small Christmas tree in your bedroom just for the pair of you!
♥ Keep the boxes your ornaments came in or wrap them in tissue paper so they're clean and intact for the following Christmas.
♥ For something a little more dark, go with a goth christmas gift.
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