Summer Reading Activities for Kids

by Natasha

These cool summer reading activities for kids will encourage your child to continue reading even during the summer vacation.

While the summer months should be a time of rest and relaxation for your kids, it should also be a time when they continue learning. Requiring your kids to read during the summer months will not only help them learn more, it will improve their reading skills and help them get ready for the next grade in school. Listed below are a few summer reading activities for kids that will ensure that your child continues to improve throughout the summer.

Checking Out Books at the Library

Books at Library

Encourage a love of reading in your child by making frequent visits to the local library. Not only will he be able to check out his favorite books, he can also take part in the summer reading program that is offered at the library. This free program will be centered on encouraging kids to read.  It is free and will be something that your child looks forward to each week. 

Reading Club

If there is a reading club for kids in your area, allow your child to join.  A reading club is nothing more than gathering each week to discuss the latest book.  If there is not a reading club, encourage your child to create one! Many kids love to read and will be happy to join. To help in the effort, bake fresh cookies for the meeting each week. A little encouragement from you can go a long way. 

Read to Grow Your Mind

Surrounding your kids with books as much as possible is the key to getting him or her to read.  Take your child to the book store and allow him to sit down and flip through a book of his choice.  The environment will encourage him to read.  Buy a series of books that he can focus on reading throughout the summer.

Parents Reading to Kids

If your child is older, he or she may enjoy going to a local daycare and reading out loud to smaller children. This will not only encourage him to read, it will create a love for books in the lives of the young children as well. 

Family Playing Board Game

Another great summer reading activity is to play games with your child that will help improve his reading skills.  These games can be as simple or complex as you would like them to be.  Buy a board game or create a game of your own. Set a time aside each day to enjoy reading with your child and also spending much needed time together.  This is a great way to get your child interested in reading without him even knowing it.

There are many ways to you can encourage your kids to read during the summer. Use the list of summer reading activities for kids listed above to help you get started. Remember, the more your child reads, the more improvement he will make during the summer months.  What reading activities will your child take part in this summer? 

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Updated: 04/02/2012, Natasha
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sheilamarie on 06/04/2015

It's a great idea to keep kids reading throughout the summer. Otherwise their reading skills do plunge between grades and they will need more review time in the autumn. Besides when reading become a part of their everyday lives, reading is done for pleasure instead of simply because they have to.

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