The Beatles Are a Natural Party Choice
A party theme should be something easily recognized by the guests. It should also be something the guests can get into easily, and inexpensively, such as by wearing a part of a costume that will be readily recognized. Parties often have food and drink, so finding something to serve on would also be a plus, but if you cannot find Beatles party supplies generic solid color plates, cups, and napkins will work well. But, and this is the real important part of a theme party, decorate with the theme in mind.
One way to get your guests right into the mood is to offer a pair of brightly colored John Lennon glasses as you greet them at the door.
It was on their record label. The name of their label was Green Apple.
blackspanielgallery, Thank you for pictures, practicalities and products.
These are all guest-, host-, hostess-pleasing ideas.
In particular, I like the takeaway colored glasses and guitar picks and the yellow-submarine lights.
What would be the Beatles-related significance of the Green Apples you mention under the subheading Christmas Ornaments Featuring the Beatles?